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Thread: A Full Final Fantasy Fmarathon (Community Edition)

  1. #1
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Default A Full Final Fantasy Fmarathon (Community Edition)

    It seems like it's exciting to be an FF fan again. FFVII Remake, regardless of how controversial it was, has definitely reinvigorated the community we have here, as traffic really hasn't slowed down to the point it was before ever since the release. And now, after several dozen years of stewing in Fabula Nova Crystallis games (and knowing the VII remake was coming), we can finally leave that moment of series history behind with the announcement of an - apparently pretty far into development - FFXVI.

    But do you know what has changed about FF for me personally in recent times? I've finally been able to play FFXV. As many of you have been made aware through my gushing over here and on Discord, I absolutely loved every minute of the game. To the point that it made me realize how much I love this series that I'd become slightly disillusioned with in recent years. Even though it's been a while since I've beaten it, the feeling lingers, so I've decided to do an FF marathon to really get some happy hormones out of that!

    "But Fynn," you might say, "you've only just had an FF marathon not that long ago!" While that may be true (but it isn't, since it feels like long ago, to me), there are a couple of things that I feel I need to do differently this time!

    First of all, the last time I was a bit limited in what games I could play at that moment, so I only played the mainline games from I to X. Now that I have them accessible on platforms I have on hand, I can play pretty much every single game that's come out at this point.

    Second of all, I want to see all the stuff I've missed. Last time I kinda rushed the marathon in order to just get the games over with, but this time, I will be making my sweet time and doing all of the available optional content (with a few exceptions - see list later, plus I can decide later if I want to just move on or not), while also incorporating all the games I haven't had the oppotrunity to play yet - so yes, that includes the XIII sequels, as well as the MMO titles! Exciting! Oh yeah, on that note - I'll be playing most of the sequels to the main games as well, as well as one game that's not technically a numbered game, but I want to count it for reasons.

    Third of all, and most importantly, I'd like this time to be more of a community experience. That means that, if you have the time, I would like to invite any and all of you to do this with me! Now, you don't need to do all of the games that I list, and you don't even need to do it in the same order. But if this thread inspires you to replay any FF in any number, get in the thread and let's exchange experiences! If the last marathon has taught me anything, it's that your opinion on an FF can change drastically if you replay it years later. You might just notice some things you've never noticed before - and that's kinda neat if you ask me!

    I feel this community aspect would be the most interesting while playing the MMOs, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there I guess!

    So, without further ado, my personal FF marathon list is as follows:

    Final Fantasy (PSP)
    Final Fantasy II (PSP)
    Final Fantasy III (NES)
    Final Fantasy IV (PSP)
    Final Fantasy IV -Interlude- (PSP)
    Final Fantasy IV: The After Years (PSP)
    Final Fantasy V (GBA)
    Final Fantasy VI (GBA)
    Final Fantasy VII (PC)
    Final Fantasy VIII (PC*)
    Final Fantasy IX (PC*)
    Final Fantasy X (Vita)
    Final Fantasy X-2** (Vita)
    Final Fantasy XI*** (PC)
    Final Fantasy XII (PC)
    Final Fantasy XIII (PC)
    Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PC)
    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII*** (PC)
    Final Fantasy XIV*** (PC)
    Final Fantasy Type-0** (PC)
    Final Fantasy XV

    Yes, I'm playing IV on PSP this time despite the DS version being the best. That's really because 1) I'm in the mood for the Lunar Ruins and 2) snce I'm doing the sequels, I want to keep things consistent. What do those asterisks mean? It's no big deal, really.
    *For FFVIII and IX I plan to play them on Steam, as I want the Remaster and Moguri Mod versions respectively, since I'm not too happy with the PSN versions, but I don't know if I'll be able to get them in time - if that happens to be the case I'll just be switching to the PSN versions.
    **X-2 and Type-0 are games where I'll be doing New Game+. For X-2 it's because I 100%ed it fairly recently, and I honestly think it's a much crappier game than many people think, so I'll be attempting to blaze through it. For Type-0, I am obviously doing NG+ so I can get the rest of the story.
    ***I don't own XI and Lightning Returns, and I'll have to buy Shadowbringers to get the full current XIV story experience. So I'll need to wait for sales to get those, as is the case with VIII and IX. With the MMOs, an additional note I'd like to make is that I'll be trying to focus on plot there - if I apply my philosophy of doing all optional stuff there I'll be here for a decade.

    There are three other game's I've been considering adding, but there are a few issues. Crisis Core is the most palatable of the Compilation of FFVII, but I wouldn't really know when to play it, plus I worry I'd just burn out on it. FFXII: Revenant Wings is a Toriyama game, which is an automatic yuck, but it's also just really different in terms of gameplay from anything else in the series. And then there's Final Fantasy Dimensions, which is a neat little throwback to the older titles, but somehow no place on the list feels like it's appropriate for it. I'd also happily add World of FF to my list, but I don't know where to add it, again, plus I just plain haven't bought it yet.

    So with all that out of the way, time to jump into FFI! The warrior Leo, white mage Clara and black mage Dmitri are all back from my previous game, but this time they're joined by the Monk Kiba! Since I'll be braving the Soul of Chaos and Chronodia dungeons this time, I figured I'd need the raw extra damage.

    Now whether you're joining me or not, let me know in the thread: what's your most memorable FFI moment? What's your favorite party setup? When did you first play FFI?

  2. #2


    A marathon ! Sounds fun !

  3. #3
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Ok, so last time I only had a little bit of time to play but I still managed to reach Pravoka and beat up Bikke. So I’ll be going to Melmond soon, I guess, but not until I buy all the level2 spells - which will take a while since everything here is privy. It is legit funny to me how the monk is much more better off naked now since all any armor does is lower his evasion. But it still looks like nunchucks are better than nothing for now

  4. #4
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    My fave team is the one you're playing as. I did have a blast going through the original NES version for Operation Rainfall way back and using a team of Knight, Monk, Red Mage, and Black Mage which really changed up the way I saw the classes. I find it the most fun to play the classic FFs without a dedicated healer. The big thing I walked away from was how I saw the Black Mage class. Your instincts tell you to conserve their magic in dungeons for the boss fights, but frankly, most of the bosses have high magic defense so they do crap for damage. Instead use all those spells to clear through random battles easier and conserve your healing magic.

    As for where to put some of the other games, I would throw them onto the very end for the most part. This is going to be a daunting task so no points in burning yourself out especially with mediocre fodder like Revenant Wings and Crisis Core.

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    Yeah, I’m wondering if I even want to put those there at all. The only ones I’d actually be happy to play are Dimensions and WoFF, and as you’ve mentioned, it makes sense to put them at the end since they’re mostly throwback titles.

    I’ve noticed that about Black Mages as well! This was another reason I decided against the Red Mage: magic just isn’t that viable end-game and I’ll do much better with a more physical-oriented party. All the higher level spells are group spells so it really does make them great at clearing larger groups of enemies quickly.

    Anyway, I’ve actually finally decided to try the Peninsula of Power and got the money I needed in just one battle so that was great! But then I realized that Elfheim is a thing that happens before Melmond, and that’s usually another spot I have to stop and grind for cash, so instead I’ll just take advantage of the Peninsula, just to make the early game a little smoother.

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    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    I have never actually played FFI. Is this a good time to jump in? But... I have so many other games on the go that I'm simply not playing...

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    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    It’s fine, Shauna. I’ve put some other things on the back burner for now as well. If you haven’t played it yet, this might just be the best opportunity! What version do you have available?

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    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    I can have any available version.

    Actually I think I have the Dawn of Souls cart about somewhere... Not that i have any reasonable means to actually play it. But I am pretty sure I own the PSP version on one of the many things that can play it. I'd probably boot up that one.

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    Either is great tbh. The PSP has the slight edge with a new dungeon, higher res graphics, and the optional bosses from future FFs actually having their respective boss themes.

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    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    So i dug around, and i do own digital copies of the PSP versions. And a PSP somewhere. But that is not my preferred way to game. I am a couch and TV sort of girl.

    Anyway I got copies of the PSP version and am playing it super stretched out on my 52" TV.

    I did not name the characters myself because I am lazy.

    So we got Sasuun the Warrior, Arvis the Monk, Sarina the White Mage and Delila the Black Mage, off on a whirlwind adventure to fix a bridge.

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    Awesome, Shauna! Hope the team works out for you as it has been for me

    Meanwhile, I’ve reached the cavern of earth. Thanks to the peninsula of power trivializing money farming, this has so far been my fastest playthrough of this game yet

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    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Update for the day: so I got the job upgrades and have brought back one crystal, so I’ll be going after Marilith tomorrow and possibly taking on Earthgift Shrine before the water crystal? Who knows!

  13. #13
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't sequence break Marilith.

  14. #14


    Can we join in this marathon too ? Might need to download FFVII, FFIX and FFXIII via Steam if we can.

  15. #15
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Of course! This is exactly what this marathon is for!

    As for the sequence breaking: idk I just like to get the prestige classes ASAP, especially when I’m doing Soul of Chaos.

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