I'm happy to say I was wrong, my art does get better! Here's a bunch of stuff I did over the past few years.

Drawn from imagination (occasionally using some references for parts):

'Time' theme

'Flow' theme

'Dystopian Pets' theme

Animal merge draw-along

Animal merge draw-along

'Evil versions of heroes' theme, I think? Something like that.

I forget the theme but I called this a 'Rain Dragon' or something.

Darren the Dragon. Dabbin'.

'Dragon in a Jar' theme.

You need both sunshine and rain to make something grow. Won't grow with one alone.

Another animal merging draw-along.

Drawn directly from reference, or heavy referencing:


A friend's cat

Sarah & Nan

Red-tailed Black Cockatoo

I think this might also have been a 'Time' theme.


'Spirit Animal' theme
(the above is heavily adapted as the original pic was a 'normal' jaguar while I wanted to get a spirit animal vibe, not exactly a direct reference but very heavy)

I forget this theme. Emotions? Maybe.
(referenced pic from google, colouring mine)

Don't dull the sparkle in your eyes! Eye practice.

Drawn directly from reference, with varying time limits (draw-along thing):