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Thread: FF9- Best FF? or Worst?

  1. #31
    Mandle candle Spiffing Cheese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wuglendei
    I enjoyed this game so much. Though i jus got on the 3rd disk im having a blast with this game. The chars are pretty deep and the story is old school good. But I want opinions from other people on this game. Do you think this game is better then FF8 or 7? OR any other FF
    Umm..... FF9:
    Better than FF8.
    Worse than FF1, FF2, FF5, FF7, FF10 and FF102

    I haven't played 3, 4, or the online one.

    For me, it's neither best nor worst. But, I have to say, it's like... 6th on my list of seven FFs. You do the math.
    Last edited by Spiffing Cheese; 04-02-2005 at 09:04 PM.

  2. #32
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omecle
    I'm in love with FFIX.
    Head over heels in love here. =D

  3. #33
    Northern String Twanger Shoden's Avatar
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    each Final Fantasy is best in its own way

    IX is not the worst but still pretty bad for addictiveness sheez i put the game down every 2 hours thinking it waws boring but eventually i had to finish it some time


  4. #34
    Banned Destai's Avatar
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    FFIX is probably my third favourite. I think it was part of the series at its best. Zidane was a nice break from the angst fest and knife wielding thiefs are cool

  5. #35


    There's no cannibalism involved in Quina's actions. As long as Quina doesn't eat another Qu, then all he's doing is cooking up a bunch of monsters. So I think Quina as a growing gourmet chef experimenting with other animals. FFIX was a good game. Each FF has it's great points, and it's bad points. It's a matter of how much you view it. Personally, I think almost all FFs are great, I've played almost all FF out there that I could get my hands on ever since days when I started Atari, then half a year later, there was the NES, and that fueled my gaming more. In my 17 years of gaming, I still am amazed at how much graphics have improved.

  6. #36
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    This one is my favorite after VI, VII and IV. So it's up there.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  7. #37
    Pesudo-Newbie PearlRose's Avatar
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    I just got the game yesterday, and well, I'm already on disk 2. ;

    I'm enjoying it so much already, and I'm looking forward to playing some more realatively soon.

    I've played VI, VII, IV, and V so far, and IX is near the top for me through one disk. We'll see how it fairs once I get into Disk 2 and stuff.

    Oh, and Quina's not *that* bad. ^^
    Smile. ^_^

  8. #38
    No More, Little Girl Jack's Avatar
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    It is the Worst FF I have played.It felt like a re-hash of classic FF dressed up.

    But at least it kept my Mum happy after the FF8 fiasco. *shudders*

    "I think you'd make any (nice) woman happy... & I think you really deserve for someone to make you happy too for a change"

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Rinen
    There's no cannibalism involved in Quina's actions. As long as Quina doesn't eat another Qu, then all he's doing is cooking up a bunch of monsters.
    That was just a joke. One of my friends didn't like him because he thought he was a cannibal, so I'e made the joke ever since. Seriously though, Quina was my fav. Character in the game. And I've changed my mind, this is the third best FF (I tie it the Tactics).

  10. #40


    This is my favorite final fantasy, right next to FFT and then after that it get's fuzzy.

    My 'third place' favorite changes between a bunch of them. I've had FFIV, FFV, FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, and FFI all in my third place at some point.

    FFIX is simply my favorite, for a lot of reasons. Unique characters, tons of references to the older games, moogles, kuja... those are some great elements. Plus, the excalibur 2 challenge is my favorite FF challenge. Ozma is a great challenge. Great lighthearted environment. Tons and tons of side quests scattered through the game. Tetra mester.

    It's just easily the most replayable game in the series for me (except for maybe FFIV, which I seem to replay regularly every 5 or so months).

  11. #41


    Final Fantasy IX was the game I grew up on, so it is my favorite by far. I loved the plot. FF9 was what brought me into FF. It was the first game to introduce good 3D graphics. I loved Kuja, even though some people thought he was weird. His motivation for more power was what really drew me into his character. Warning don't read any further for spoilers if u have'nt beaten the game. I thought Kuja was kinda easy though in the end. The movie video of when he explained about how he took power off of the souls of the living to become tranced. I thought that was the coolest part of the game when he started blowing up Terra. It made him seem like a bad a** to me. Some of the people that really bugged me in the game were Queen Brahne (ooohhhhh I couldn't stand her). She was all like ohh get that parchment from my daughter and kill her if u have to. She thought she was a bad a**. I loved the soundtrack. But FF9 would have to be the best one out of the FF series. I think.

  12. #42


    ff9 was the first ff i bought....and i think it is the 2nd best,cause ff7 is no1

  13. #43


    FFIX is second best in my opinion but it doesn't get to VIII.

  14. #44


    I love the story and characters. Zidane has to be one of my favorite characters in FF history (perverts anyone?). I think it has a lot of humor in the beginning but then he starts dieing off and getting (god forbid) serious! For me, it probably ties 7.

  15. #45


    Beaten only by VI, bearly, IX is my favorite Final Fantasy =3.

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