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Thread: I am working on a FFI PC Remake...

  1. #31


    ...Just finished making stats corrections for each character class!

    Next, I'll be importing weapons graphics for each weapon in the game, and map out every dungeon, complete with monsters and treasures.

  2. #32
    Italian Spiderman Xalioniaf's Avatar
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    Are you gonna use the default RM2K3 menu, or use a CSS?

  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Xalioniaf
    Are you gonna use the default RM2K3 menu, or use a CSS?
    I haven't really decided how I'm going to do the menu yet. Seeing as how I will need to include a method of viewing one's current experience points, and the default menu will not be sufficient, I will probably at least use a supplemental menu of some sort. Whether that menu will be the only menu in the game remains to be determined. First, I am going to focus on making sure the game runs properly and offers relatively the same degree of challenge as the original. Afterwards, I will go back and make 'cosmetic' changes such as new menus, better shop graphics, and even my additional dungeons and sidequests. I will, however, make sure that all of the information available to the player in the original FF1 menu is available in my remake as well.

  4. #34
    Dragonfire's Avatar
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    how you gonna do the battle system, looks wise? you gonna use the default or you gonna make it look like the original?

    as for the NES script, I'm sure I could find it. I remember seeing it on the internet awhile back.

    EDIT: found it!!!!!

    hope ya remember me when ya write the credits

    wow this project makes me want to continue my old FFIII remake as stated in a previous post. not to take away attention from this thread, but if anyone with rm2k/2k3 experience thats interested in the project, plz e-mail me at

    Edit by Kishi: Don't double-post.
    Last edited by Dragonfire; 03-18-2005 at 01:42 AM.

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfire
    hope ya remember me when ya write the credits

    That I surely will! Thank you. This is a great help, and it means that I will be able to get this finished a lot sooner than I had originally expected... No release date yet, but it is coming along! Here's what I've finished recently:

    *Finished the Marsh Cave (monsters, treasures, and all!)
    *Mapped Coneria (town & castle), Elfland (town & castle), Temple of Fiends, Matoya's cave, and part of Dwarf cave.
    *Fixed all of the weapons graphics... Exactly like the original. ;]

    I will continue working on the maps, and when I've finished all of them, the game will be near completion. This one's gonna rock, folks! I am quite proud of it.

  6. #36

    Default Should I use all CAPS for certain items?

    One of the things about the first Final Fantasy that I never quite understood was that certain key items and references throughout the game are in all CAPS (ie, 'Warriors, revive the power of the ORBS,' or 'This door is locked with the Mystic KEY'). Should I leave these items in all caps, or should I make them lowercase so that the dialogue flows more smoothly?

    What do you think?

  7. #37


    It's up to you really. Personaly, I didn't get the caps thing.

    Can I get in the credits for that? Special design team advisor? Or something? :P
    Anyone can rule the world if they give it the ol' college try.

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by DaremihC
    It's up to you really. Personaly, I didn't get the caps thing.

    Can I get in the credits for that? Special design team advisor? Or something? :P
    Well, I will be sure to thank 'everyone' who made suggestions and comments on this board, but I asked that question in lieu of putting up some kind of a poll (I hate those because they are so easily corrupted--people vote two and three times, etc). I was hoping I would get several responses to the CAPS question. But right now, I'm leaving 'em lowercase!

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfire
    wow this project makes me want to continue my old FFIII remake as stated in a previous post. not to take away attention from this thread, but if anyone with rm2k/2k3 experience thats interested in the project, plz e-mail me...
    hey man that doesn't take attention away at all... I actually I had plans to remake Legacy of the Ancients (formerly by Quest Software/Electronic Arts--1987) after this. However, I might be able to work with you on the FFIII remake-- you ARE talking about the NES FF3j game, aren't you? There seems to be quite an interest in it, and it is quite similar in its construction to the original FF1.

    In other words, it won't be too difficult to make once I have this one finished. As stated earlier, I worked beyond the limitations of RPG maker to make the following elements of the game work:

    *Canoe--works perfectly
    *Ship--only docks at ports (and rivers, w/canoe), as it is supposed to!
    *Airship--no longer lands on edges of grass--only where it is supposed to!
    *Tents/Cabins/Houses--only able to use these outside on world map. Inside, they turn to grey in the menu
    *Menu Music--works perfectly
    *Spells--limits on how many spells (3) allowed for each person to purchase, per level.
    *WARP and EXIT spells work perfectly in dungeons, except that I decided to charge the player MP if these are used on the world map--I could have not done this, but if you're foolish enough to use them on the world map, you deserve some kind of a penalty!

    These things are new (so far):
    *Magic system--Unfortunately, RPGM2k3 does not allow you to have 8 different types of MP--I considered making MPs an ITEM, but then the party would share them. I also decided that making LV1 spells 1 MP, Lv2 spells 2MP, etc.. was not sufficient either. So... you will actually have quite a bit LESS MP in my remake than in the original, making it quite a bit harder.

    Here's how the Magic system is now laid out:
    Each person's total MP will be calculated by the formula:
    ...where variables a-h represent the total number of spells allowed in the respective magic levels at that point in the game...

    However, the COST of casting will get much higher as the spells become more advanced...
    LV1 spells - cost 1 MP
    LV2 spells - cost 3 MP
    LV3 spells - cost 5 MP
    LV4 spells - cost 8 MP
    LV5 spells - cost 12 MP
    LV6 spells - cost 15 MP
    LV7 spells - cost 20 MP
    LV8 spells - cost 24 MP!!

    Note that LV8 magic will cost you 3x as much as the MP allocated for it. In other words, if you cast a bunch of LV8 magic, your MP for the other levels will drain rapidly.

    *SAVE function added to main menu--I thought of many different ways to attach saves to Inns, Cabins, Tents, and Houses. In the end, I realized that one of the most annoying features of FF1 was that you couldn't just save anywhere on the world map whenever you wanted to. I decided there was no point in preserving one of the game's major flaws. So... Now you can save anywhere on the world map!
    Last edited by mihalis; 03-18-2005 at 07:30 PM.

  10. #40
    Italian Spiderman Xalioniaf's Avatar
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    If you open up FF1 ROM with FF Hackster, you could find out the MP totals for each Lv. I.E. At Lv4, A BM would get 1 Point in Lv. 1, 1 Point in Lv. 2, etc. I could do it for you if you'd like me to. I'll get all the other info as well(HP at each lv., defense at each lv. etc).

    EDIT: I just realised that you've already been using it, but if you don't have the numbers yet because you're working on other things, I'd be happy to get them for you. On a side note, if this is gonna be "for purists only", you might wanna leave the caps lock on all the event items.
    Last edited by Xalioniaf; 03-20-2005 at 03:26 AM.

  11. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by mihalis
    One of the things about the first Final Fantasy that I never quite understood was that certain key items and references throughout the game are in all CAPS (ie, 'Warriors, revive the power of the ORBS,' or 'This door is locked with the Mystic KEY'). Should I leave these items in all caps, or should I make them lowercase so that the dialogue flows more smoothly?

    What do you think?
    I think you should type it like this: "Xxxxxx Xxxx" Except for 'ORBS.' I just have an OCD about typing and everything just has to perfect.
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  12. #42
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    mihalis: Please don't make multiple posts in a row. Use the edit/delete button under you rpost to add more.

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  13. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Xalioniaf
    If you open up FF1 ROM with FF Hackster, you could find out the MP totals for each Lv. I.E. At Lv4, A BM would get 1 Point in Lv. 1, 1 Point in Lv. 2, etc. I could do it for you if you'd like me to. I'll get all the other info as well(HP at each lv., defense at each lv. etc).

    EDIT: I just realised that you've already been using it, but if you don't have the numbers yet because you're working on other things, I'd be happy to get them for you. On a side note, if this is gonna be "for purists only", you might wanna leave the caps lock on all the event items.
    I have already got the numbers--and believe me, it was quite time consuming, even with FFHackster! The numbers are all in the game already, and I just finished mapping out all of the towns, complete with sprites & shops. Now, I just have to do the remaining dungeons & the dialogue. After that, well... it will be 'done'. Then I will go back and add my bonus dungeons, secret classes, bosses, etc...

    My Spring Break just ended, so progress will be much slower than it has been. Assuming I have time to work on it, I expect this project to be finished (or at least in the final stages) by the end of April. As soon as it's done, I will post here. This will be probably be my last post until then. Take care, and thank you (everyone) for your help!

  14. #44

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    Good job so far! Love what you're doing here. Can't wait to try it out.
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  15. #45
    Dragonfire's Avatar
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    you ARE talking about the NES FF3j game, aren't you?
    yeah... once i retreive it from my old computer, i could start it again. It would piss me off severely if they dont let me get it. It's everything coded from the beginning upto owen tower. plus the leviathan and bahamut fights. also all the maps are made but everything after the floating continent isn't coded yet.

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