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Thread: Ciddies - Episode VIII: Two Episodes Better than the Star Wars Series

  1. #1
    Get me some wine. Recognized Member Queen Award, First of Her Name's Avatar
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    The Red Keep

    Default Ciddies - Episode VIII: Two Episodes Better than the Star Wars Series

    The Ciddies Return!

    Lalala, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Well, after a long time touring the world checking out your sisters, I've finally headed back to the house o' BoB to annex his computer and give you guys all a good time. So. Last time around, we broke every record open to us and edged closer to getting 100 voters - maybe this time, eh? Here's hoping. We've made a few changes to the lineup - we haven't introduced any new main awards, I'll admit, but we've taken five of them away as well as a few of the MLT's and have seven all-new Ciddies down at the bottom in the first ever 35/15 split between main awards and MLT's. Also we see the return of the God & Satan MLT's for the first time since mid-2002. Let's see how much things might have changed since then! Anyway, read over the rules - please read over rule #11 in particular, I know over half of you seem to have trouble with that one - and send in your votes via PM! Cheers guys, now get cracking! And break that 2000 nominations milestone this time.

    And the Ciddies are...

    1) Best Member
    2) Best Male
    3) Best Female
    4) Best Admin (no nominations)
    5) Best Cid's Knight (no nominations)
    6) Best Site Staff (no nominations)
    7) Best Recognized Member/Former Staff (see rules) (list)
    8) Best Veteran (see rules)
    9) Best Regular (see rules)
    10) Best Newbie (see rules)
    11) Nicest Member
    12) Evilest Member
    13) Sexiest Male
    14) Sexiest Female
    15) Cutest Male
    16) Cutest Female
    17) Best Custom Rank
    18) Best Avatar
    19) Best Signature
    20) Best Artist
    21) Best Graphic Designer
    22) Best Writer
    23) Best Poet
    24) Best Poster
    25) Best Spammer
    26) Best Chatter
    27) Funniest Member
    28) Weirdest Member
    29) Horniest Member
    30) Most Underrated Member
    31) Most Missed Member
    32) Most Helpful Gamer
    33) Most Helpful Techy
    34) Most Helpful Member
    35) Cutest Couple

    Most Likely To...
    36) Become a Cid's Knight
    37) Get Banned
    38) Be God
    39) Be Satan
    40) Be Cid's Illegitimate Child
    41) Win a Ciddie for the very first time (see rule #13) (past Ciddies winners)
    42) Murder someone for winning the Ciddie they wanted
    43) Be a modwhore and get torn apart by an angry mob of pictchfork-wielding members for being a damned filthy modwhore because nobody likes a modwhore
    44) Spend the rest of their life playing FFXI
    45) Get Hit By A Bus
    46) Be Driving The Bus
    47) Spend hours searching for the lyrics to The Cosby Show Theme Song
    48) Be Fighter
    49) Be Black Mage
    50) Get Together

    And now for the fine print.

    Rule #1 - You can nominate yourself for no more than two awards, excluding Cutest Couple.
    Rule #2 - You can nominate any one member for no more than five awards, excluding Cutest Couple.
    Rule #3 - Do not post your nominations - PM them.
    Rule #4 - PM nominations to Award Guy, not Loony BoB.

    Rule #5 - PM your nominations by the closing date.
    Rule #6 - Do not spam up the Ciddies Thread with self-advertising.
    Rule #7 - You can not nominate more than one person per award. If you do, I'll take the first one you've nominated.
    Rule #8 - You can't be nominated for avatar, custom rank and/or sig if you do not have an avatar, custom rank and/or sig - unless you remove them at some time during the Ciddies.
    Rule #9 - You can change your avatar, custom rank and/or sig during nominations and finals. This shouldn't cause any major issues, as you can only earn what awards you recieve, be the votes late or early, that's your problem.
    Rule #10 - Changes can be made once, and additions can be made however often you like. Please title any PM's with Changes as 'Nomination Changes' or 'Vote Changes', and the same for additions (only 'Additions' should replace 'Changes' in the title. Duh).
    Rule #11 - You can only be nominated/voted for one of the 'rank-categorized-awards'. Best Admin, Cid's Knight and Site Staff have automatic entry for all of the obvious included members. Recognized Members AND Former Staff will require nominations - these will be in the same group. All other people with custom ranks are considered veterans, and all other members are either regulars or newbies. Regular Members are those who have joined EoFF (for the first time) after the date of 27th October 2004 before the date of 28th February 2005. Newbies are those who have joined (for the first time) from 28th of February 2005 onwards.
    Rule #12 You can't nominate a male for any Ciddie with the word "female" in it, and you can't nominate a female for any Ciddie with the word 'male' in it. If it doesn't have 'male' or 'female' in it, you can nominate a member of either gender.
    Rule #13 Nominations for Ciddie #41 must NOT be past Ciddies winners.

    *deep breath*

    Also - You don't have to make nominations for every award.
    Also - When nominating, please think not of overall, but purely of the last six months. In other words, if someone was really helpful one year ago, and they don't help much now, they shouldn't get that award. This is purely for the occurances of the last six months!
    Also - The Cutest Couple award does not count into the five nominations for another member of your choice, or your self-nominations.
    Also - All nominations are strictly confidential - the only person with access to the Award Guy account is Loony BoB.
    In addition to that - You can not post your nominations or votes until after the final voting has occurred - a thread can be made for them a bit after the results are shown.
    Also - To be nominated into the second round for an award, a member must obtain two nominations in that award. However, should eight members all recieve three nominations, then the cut-off will be raised to three nominations, and the same for eight members recieving four nominations each, and so on.
    Also - People who are currently couples shouldn't be voted as Most Likely To Get Together - this is for people who are NOT already couples. By 'Get Together', I mean 'Become A Couple'.
    Also - People who are NOT currently couples shouldn't be voted as Cutest Couple - this is for people who ARE already couples.
    Also - I hold the right to reject any votes for any reason, most often this is that the member hasn't been active in the forums or chatroom in the past six months.
    Also - The only Ciddies a banned member can be nominated for are Most Missed and Best Chatter.
    Also - For a list of Recognized Members and Former Staff, click here.
    Also - For a list of past Ciddies winners, click here.
    Also - Let's keep it fun GO! Nominate!

    Nominations will close 12pm next Saturday (4th June 2004) GMT, or sometime around then when I feel like it (I like to keep it open if I know I can break a records - see below for those ). Or if I'm not there then, it'll be when I next arrive.

    Remember, I am 100% responsible for your satisfaction as a bootcamp participant.

    Past Total Nominations
    November 2001: 1632 nominations
    June 2002: 1591 nominations from 61 members
    November 2002: 1635 nominations from 59 members
    June 2003: 1651 nominations from 55 members
    November 2003: 1837 nominations from 66 members
    June 2004: 1693 nominations from 60 members
    December 2004: 1973 nominations from 71 members - a record amount of nominations from a record amount of nominators!

    Past Total Votes
    November 2001: 2817 votes
    June 2002: 2753 votes from 64 members
    November 2002: 2163 votes from 49 members
    June 2003: 3453 votes from 77 members
    November 2003: 3466 votes from 87 members
    June 2004: 3267 votes from 75 members
    December 2004: 3666 votes from 93 members - a record amount of votes from a record amount of voters!

    The Ciddies are sponsored by Eyes on Final Fantasy, The Ciddies Committee, the Cookie Monster smiley and A Picture Of A Turkey Hitting A Dog.

    Last edited by Queen Award, First of Her Name; 05-28-2005 at 03:54 PM.

  2. #2
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    Ah, it's that time again.

  3. #3
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Aug 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Award Guy
    43) Be a modwhore and get torn apart by an angry mob of pictchfork-wielding members for being a damned filthy modwhore because nobody likes a modwhore
    Brilliance. :laugh:

  4. #4
    Strapping young lad KuRt's Avatar
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    Finland :(


    Be ready, award guy, soon to get my votes!!
    btw, i just cheked what awards i have a little possibility to win (hopedamnfully)
    12, 13, 15, 19, 29, 39, 41, 42 and 49..


  5. #5
    It just bit me, is all. Little Miss Awesome's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    Oooh! The first time I've been here for the Ciddies!
    I really want to win something, even though I probably won't
    I'm hoping to get;
    47) Spend hours searching for the lyrics to The Cosby Show Theme Song

  6. #6
    wat? Misfit's Avatar
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    Ella Cinder (Sargatanas)
    Eww the Ciddies. ^_^ I suppose I should play and vote for people and stuff, it kind of gets exciting.

  7. #7
    Get me some wine. Recognized Member Queen Award, First of Her Name's Avatar
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    The Red Keep


    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    Quote Originally Posted by Award Guy
    43) Be a modwhore and get torn apart by an angry mob of pictchfork-wielding members for being a damned filthy modwhore because nobody likes a modwhore
    Brilliance. :laugh:
    Credit to Nikkei for that one. It used to also have "you modwhoring modwhore" at the end of it, too.

  8. #8
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Oooh! My first Ciddies. That makes me a Newbie... *hint hint*

  9. #9
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    I really like the MLTs this year.

  10. #10


    I wonder if I'll win a ciddie this year;]

  11. #11
    Recognized Member Xander's Avatar
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    *only just notices this* Wheee nomination time *goes to nominate* And yeah that modwhore award really does rock xD

  12. #12
    Northern String Twanger Shoden's Avatar
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    This is my 1st Ciddies
    ill try not to kill someone ok notice the word TRY

    doesnt mean i wont 100% lol

    some of these awards rock


  13. #13
    Banned Sepho's Avatar
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  14. #14
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    *Happy Happy. Joy Joy.*

  15. #15
    BeLIEve me! My name is...something..?'s Avatar
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    This is my first ciddies.
    I suppose I can give them a shot.
    *goes to nominate*
    The itching sensation is a good thing.

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