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Thread: End of Year Ciddies 2005 - Winner Revelations Thread

  1. #1621
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mo-Nercy
    I know Psy's NOT going to win.

  2. #1622
    toothpaste kisses Resha's Avatar
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    Who knows?


    It'd be fantastic if Neel won :o
    This subliminal message could be meant for YOU. But it's probably not. Move along ;D

  3. #1623
    Ironing Board Raven Nox's Avatar
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    Away, probably.


    Go Neel or Bob or someone! xD *lazy*

  4. #1624
    Get me some wine. Recognized Member Queen Award, First of Her Name's Avatar
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    What does it take, exactly, to be the Best Member of Eyes on Final Fantasy? There are a lot of things, I suppose, that you could point to. Kindness. Contributions. Quality of posts, possibly spelling and grammar. Humour and wit - nobody likes to be bored endlessly. The ability to interest and intrigue the rest of the community. Charisma. Maybe even the odd dosage of idiocy and foolishness. Good looks? Maybe. Mystery? Could be. Intelligence? Well, that's always a beneficial point. Friendship. The beauty of this community and the people inside it. Drama! The ability to draw you in with controversy or tension. So many things.

    The qualities of the below members and the qualities they bring to Eyes on Final Fantasy include all of the above, and more. Some of them are stronger in different areas, some of them are all rounders, some of them you may not even immediately notice until they're suddenly your best friend. Whatever they've done, they've clearly done something right. These are the people that you, as their friends, their online family - or hey, maybe just some guy who posted below them at some point - have nominated to be in the final for the Best Member Ciddie. And without further ado, the nominees are...

    Roughly a year and a half ago, Del Murder the 5th member to be voted as the outright winner of the Best Member award. A year before that, he won Best Male. Inbetween those, he won Best Recognized Member. Twice he's won Best Veteran. Tony by no means is a stranger to the big time - but in the past year, despite winning a couple of Best Avatar Ciddies and a MLT Get Together (with, one might say, himself), he's not been able to be top of the top. That's not to say he's not been in the running, mind you - he's always been on that list of big names pushing for victory, and doing it even once is something that only five members have managed to do in eight Ciddies events and four EoFF Awards events. To discount Del Murder would be a foolish thing to do. Does EoFF's Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer have what it takes to reclaim the title of EoFF's Best Member, as voted by the people? Well, we'll soon find out. In the meantime, here's a bit of food for thought: Last Ciddies, Loony BoB won Best Member. But BoB consistently votes for Del Murder.

    But who does Del Murder vote for? Well, earlier these Ciddies, he was fast to state that he firmly believes eestlinc should be the sixth to take the big Ciddie. Having settled unsurprisingly fast into the role as Cid's Knight, eestlinc has taken his opportunity to show EoFF just what he's made of and he's done it with with, charm, grace and of course the style of a classic EoFF lower case username beginning with 'e', which can never really put you wrong. Earlier this year, eestlinc wasn't in the Best Member category, nor the Best Male, but his rise in fame combined with his charismatic posts have allowed him to boost himself right up there. But how far can one go, how fast? eestlinc has been around for a long time - long enough to win every one of the four Ciddies for Best Poet - but he's new to this area. Will eest have the backing of more than just Del Murder? Wait and see...

    From one lower case username to another - this time not beginning with 'e' but we'll let her get away with it - we now come to kikimm. The newest Cid's Knight to reach the Best Member stage, she's going for the big one having missed out on Best Female to another of the latest and greatest Knights, rubah. But rubah didn't make it this far, and kikimm did. Chris has belief that she'll pull it off, while most people say she's an outside chance, some even saying she has no chance at all - but it wouldn't be the first time she's raised a few eyebrows. Not many people expected her to become a Cid's Knight, certainly not so early, but she's managed it and she's done the staff proud in every way. You guys have no idea just how much I'm struggling not to use the already well known pun when it comes to how she would beat her opponents - but she's made it this far, I certainly would not discount her from making it a bit further. She's a Knight, she's one of the 'big five' usernote posters and I'm sure she'd be more than happy to become the first female Best Member of EoFF.

    But then, some people just seem a bit too new for such a thing. Alright - rewind. It's nearing the end of the year 2000, I believe, when a guy called Majin-Squall enters the fray at EoFF. Or was it Majin_Squall? Actually, I think he just made two accounts. You know, he may just have done that. I mean, how can someone be so awesome with both oldbies and newbies, in both serious and, er, not-so-serious situations? Both tough and cuddly, always ready for a laugh and more than happy to lend a shoulder for his mates, Kyono is twice as marvellous as most people that I've been able to get to know. If you don't recognise him immediately, Kyono has gone by a few other names, including Majin-Squall, Majin, Loki, something like Random Hero and, uh, Buzzcracker. Dan's probably been on his best form at EoFF and the nominations he got for Best Member were well deserved. Still, after such an on-and-off life at EoFF, not to mention all those name changes, has he really been able to establish himself enough to get the number one spot? Hey - he came second in Best Veteran, not a simple task for a Ciddie covering such a large group of established members. Time shall tell! No matter if he wins or not, he'll always be 'mink'. Inhabit, yo.

    Three times he's won it, but not consecutively - one time inbetween he didn't even manage to make the cut for the final! Loony BoB has certainly 'been there, done that' at EoFF, but having said that, he never really does quite seem like he really is done. He's certainly not dusted, although people have in recent times mentioned that you could say he's rusted. Is time getting on for the eternal newbie? Well, he's already shown that he's still got fuel for the fire, with four Ciddies in the bag tonight, including Best Male. Or is that going to be more of a problem than a benefit? Look at the history of Best Member, and you'll find that on seven out of the nine occasions these awards have been up for grabs and you'll find Best Member and Best Male have only been clinched by the same person on two occasions (Unne and BoB, in the years of 2002/2003). Del Murder stated that BoB's time is over, and eest's time has now come. With so much competition from such a variety of members, that fuel on the fire may be nothing in comparison to the heat he's feeling from the fires around him. Online and offline life have taken their toll, with BoB even de-ranking himself for a week recently just so he could get his head back on solid ground. Has BoB lost it? Er, the Ciddie, not his mind. ...well, maybe his mind, too...

    The member formerly known as princeofdarknez seemingly has no interest in finding it, that's for sure. Neel With A Hat was instead gunning on establishing himself as the oldest regular poster at EoFF to never receive a Ciddie. Well, he certainly won't be managing that this time, pushing aside members who have been around even longer than he has to reluctantly pick up the Ciddie for Best RM/FS. Now that his plans have shattered, will he pick up on goldlust, hungering for more? Could he be the first Best Member With A Hat? So far he's the only one of the four to have picked up a Ciddie, so why not a second? He's got the controversy, he's got the style, he's got the looks, he's earned his RM title, he's earned your nominations. It could soon be revealed that he's earned your votes, too. It's kind of like this whole thing is just the Best Member Ciddie having a go at Neel's creation, the second Which EoFFer Are You? online quiz that got him his little gold title and, because of that, his Best RM/FS Ciddie. Maybe more.

    "18 nominations!" they all cried. "18!" Some members, such as Neel, take so long before they pick up a Ciddie that they start thinking about never getting one - even planning on it. Primus Inter Pares is not one of these members. PiP is an impact member, much like Kishi and Linus were back earlier years. Kishi would become Admin. Linus would become a regular appearance on the Most Missed Member finalists list. PiP certainly isn't going to be an Admin anytime soon. The winner of the Most Likely To Get Banned Ciddie is not just controversy, though, and he's earned the love of a large portion of EoFF, enough to pull off one of the biggest wins these Ciddies with the Best Regular award, almost tripling the votes of the next member down. In the past six months, PiP has become one of the most well known members in the EoFF community - both in the chatroom and forums. Never far from some kind of drama (and I wasn't even at the wedding), our Norwegian friend has had his breakfast, lunch and dinner with the Ciddies and is undoubtedly looking towards dessert, having come third in Best Male, just two votes shy of the winner. "18 nominations!" they all cried. One might just wonder on whether or not this PiPSqueak thinks that 18 is really enough... he's won the Ciddies he was most likely to win. Is this just another for such a relatively new member?

    Best Poster. Best Spammer. Funniest Member. Best Veteran. Boy, Psychotic is on a strong run tonight. The tie-breakers not voting in his favour meant he narrowly missed out on picking up the Best Male Ciddie he's had his name engraved into on for the past year, but when you're dealing with forums, being able to win those other four awards says big things about your chances up top - and hey, when Psy wins Best Male, BoB seems to win Best Member. So when BoB wins Best Male... oh, wait, he did that before and Murder won Best Member. Never mind. The point is, we all know that Psy is no stranger to winning. He's beaten BoB back before, and I'm quite sure he'd be more than happy to do it again - in fact, I'd go as far as to say it's just a matter of time. Is that time ending now? The leader of the W-Boats who never calls himself a leader, he can be at times surprisingly modest and humble. He did, after all, put that whole "18 nominations!" thing to shame, but never made a huge deal at all about it. Psychotic is a member that I personally would say has gone a long way in recent months. In a good way. He may still be Best Spammer, but that's more of an extension on his Funniest Member Ciddie than a bunch of useless posts full of crap. It's the maturity that has shined through recently, though to earn enough of my respect to say he's gone a long way... and enough of EoFF's respect to earn the Ciddie for Best Poster, a Ciddie previously held by The Captain. It's already established that Psy is one of the most well known members at EoFF, being noted by eestlinc as "Absolutely the most famous non-titled member of the boards." He could be EoFF's biggest "people's person" at EoFF. Why, he could even be EoFF's Best Member. With so many people saying that his name on this Ciddie is inevitable...

    Administrator, IRCop, Senior Site Staff and even webmaster at one point, Roogle is no stranger to representing Eyes on Final Fantasy. Still, he's always managed to keep himself out of the spotlight, and never really shows much intention to bring himself into it, which means something he is a stranger to is a Ciddie. Our foreign-language-singing, ScreenName Competition contending admin who sounds like moogle once jokes about being the "Worst Admin", but the jokes are over now and he's pushing for a strong showing in order to get to his first Ciddie (and boy, he's going for the big one!). He's got the following of the chatroom and the FFXI players behind him, not to mention Site Staff... this is a guy who's got a name for himself in areas of EoFF, and if he's playing his cards right, he just might be singing a Japanese song at his own victory party.

    There is only one staff member who has been on staff just a day or two (maybe even just hours) less than Cid, and that's RSL. In two days from now, it'll be exactly one year since the glorious RSL Day, when we basked in fun. I think it must have been one of the most happy days of EoFF history. Why? Because, quite simply, everyone loves RSL. How can you NOT love RSL!? He's so cuddly. And don't even start me on the beard... or that pic with him with Eeyore on his head... I mean, geez, can a guy be any more loveable? I don't think so. Not at EoFF, that's for sure. I want to hug him now. As in, NOW. He's just great. I could go on forever about how cuddly and great he is but I think I'd just be repeating myself eventually... it's just what he is. If there was a teddy bear sold at an EoFF store, it would be called RSL. He reminds me of Pookie from the Garfield comic strips. And he must be one of the kindest people I've ever known. I don't think I can remember a time when he was angry or abusive or anything of the sort, at least not when I've been around. I'm sure he's been angry, obviously. I bet he's cute when he's angry. Okay, I've been distracted by how nice and cute and everything RSL is and I've completely forgotten about the Best Member Ciddie. See, that's what RSL can do - he can make everything in the world just float away! What a guy. All these reasons and more are undoubtedly included in Marick's reasoning for predicting him to win Best Member. But predictions are just that - predictions. Can RSL's cuddliness defeat all else and overcome to bring EoFF into one big bucket of joy, just in time for the 6th EoFF Anniversary? Find out soon!

    You don't really realise just how much theundeadhero contributes to EoFF until you take a step back and make an effort to look into it. The amount of work he does for Site Staff, the amount of posts he makes throughout the forums and lately there's also the murder mysteries he's brought in. Not only is he taking part in voluntary groups such as SS, he's creating his own groups by getting people involved in the community and giving us interactive storylines to investigate, roles to play and more. He's also in chat a lot, too. All this between his activity in Iraq or wherever the US army decides to send him. He really puts a lot of effot into EoFF and the result is beneficial to all - he helps the frontsite generate traffic for the forums and he gets the people in the forums talking with each other, making something out of nothing. And you don't even realise it until you take the step back and make an effort to look into it, like I have in the past two weeks. I have to say, I've been impressed. However, this isn't the Ciddie for "Best Murder Mystery" thread nor "Best Bringer-Togetherer". This is Best Member, and it's no easy task to come out on top. If theundeadhero has made the silent impact on enough members, he may well just pull this one off and if he does, it will be much deserved.

    June, 2005. SNOOZER has topped the nominations and he, along with Lenna, Caspian and faster skating penguin, make up the predicted winner of the Best Newbie award for the mid-year Ciddies. yuna_elena is predicted by not a single member of the 13-member Prediction Party. Undeterred, she goes on to win with a four vote lead and over quarter of the votes. She was in the lead the entire way through. Nobody saw it coming, but pretty much everyone was happy with the result. Oh, how far you've come now, Shauna. Best Member! It's pretty late and I don't think I have time to check, but I don't ever recall a Best Newbie winner being a finalist for Best Member in the following Ciddies. Incredible, but at the same time, well deserved. The real question is, can she win? I mean, look at the odds stacked against her... BoB, Murd, eest and Psy are widely regarded as the front-runners for the Best Member award for the end-of-year Ciddies. yuna_elena is only predicted by Old Manus, who seems to have gone for members he sees as least likely to win rather than most likely. Undeterred, all she needs is the backing of those people who saw what a great person she was just six months ago, and then, just mabye... well, we'll never know until we find out.

    Altogether, we have here the winners of Best Male, Best Admin, Best RM/FS, Best Veteran, Best Regular, Sexiest Male, Best Poet, Best Poster, Best Spammer, Funniest Member, Most Helpful Member, MLT Get Banned, MLT Be Santa, MLT Win a Ciddie for the First Time, MLT Be Mr. Burns and one half of MLT Get Together. We have members old and new. We have members with more Ciddies than they can count on their fingers, members who have won their first Ciddie tonight and members who have never won a Ciddie at all. Winners of positive and negative Ciddies. They're all in there. They're all here. At Eyes on Final Fantasy, taking part in this community, and these are the members that you as a community have nominated for an opportunity to be classed the Best Member.

    And there will only be one winner.

  5. #1625
    Resident Fire Emblem Fan Elite Lord Sigma's Avatar
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    I have a strong feeling either Loony BoB, RSL, or Primus Inter Pares will win, in that order.

  6. #1626
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Argh! The suspence!

  7. #1627
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    I don't think he is going to, but he certainly should win. I'd have voted for him myself, but I forgot to vote this time.

  8. #1628
    ..a Russian mountain cat. Yamaneko's Avatar
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    Is AG going to do the member by member thing with Best Member that takes like two hours to do and then everyone's like "wtf"?

  9. #1629
    Get me some wine. Recognized Member Queen Award, First of Her Name's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yamaneko
    Is AG going to do the member by member thing with Best Member that takes like two hours to do and then everyone's like "wtf"?
    Damned straight I am!

  10. #1630
    Resident Fire Emblem Fan Elite Lord Sigma's Avatar
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    Yams probably isn't too happy about the fact that in everything he got nominated for he came in at dead last.

  11. #1631
    ..a Russian mountain cat. Yamaneko's Avatar
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    I'm not happy with past precedent?

  12. #1632


    The suspense is killing me again!!!! AAAAAAAAA

  13. #1633
    Ironing Board Raven Nox's Avatar
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    That... is one long speech. xD Well, good luck everyone!

  14. #1634
    toothpaste kisses Resha's Avatar
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    Who knows?


    Holy smurf. That was gorgeous, BoB.
    This subliminal message could be meant for YOU. But it's probably not. Move along ;D

  15. #1635


    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    And don't praise me for the alliekin/foabi-wan thing, it's their own in-joke. Although rubah made me Emperor Paulpatine, which still makes me proud!
    Lando Neelrissian extends his congratulations.

    And by the way, while I appreciate the nominations for Best Member, and Award Guy's commentary, there really is no reason I should be the Best Member here. There are so many other people on that list who are so much more deserving than I am. And although we've all been around to know that who deserves what hardly dictates what actually happens in this world, I think we've also all been around to know I'm not winning it.

    Consolations to Psychotic on not winning Best Male. I always thought that award was his because he'd always lose to BoB for Best Member. Maybe Psy will win Best Member this time?

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