Final Fantasy IX Hangman
Inspired by FF8 Hangman, which was supposedly inspired from somewhere else.
I assume you know the basic rules of hangman.
If you get a letter right, that is 1 point for you.
If you get the solution right, that is 10 points - number of correctly guessed letters (with a minimum of 2 points).
Each player may only post one letter or solution between each update from me.
To make things a little more varied, I'll split it in rounds. After 10 guessed solutions, one round is over and the person who gathered the most points won. That person will be listed in this first post, and the champion (the one who gathered most points throughout all games) as well.
I'll allow 15 players per round. And also, you may only join every second round. For example, if you joined round A you can not join round B, but you can join round C. This is to give new players a chance.
Joining a round is done simply by making a guess for a letter or solution, it doesn't matter whether you get it right or not.
Keep in mind that I will start off with easy phrases, but towards the end of the round they'll be more difficult.
Round 1 - phrase 1
_ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ / _ / _ _ _ _ _ _
High scores
Champion: abrojtm with 43 points
Winner of Round 1: Flying Mullet with 41 points
Winner of Round 2: abrojtm with 43 points