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Thread: Broken Bones

  1. #1

    Default Broken Bones

    Since I've been laying around for the past 6 months doing nothing I want to hear your stories on broken bones mayabe I will feel better lol.

    About six months ago after a high school baseball game I decided to see how much air I could get on my trick bike. I have this dirt ramp comeing of the road and goes into the woods which is about 4 feet tall. So I went to the end of my street and pedaled as fast as I could all the way into the ramp. I think i was going about 30 miles per hour if i were to estimate. I did a front flip on my bike and came crashing down to the ground head first smashing my shoulder into a dry stump then if that wasn't enough the bike came down and slamed into my shoulder also. Now my collar bone is about healed but since i didn't get surgery on it i have a giant bone sticking out of my shoulder......

    About 2 and a half months after I snapped my collar bone in half I stayed the night at my friends house even though My collar bone wasn't healed we were being jack asses the whole night. The next morning We were raceing these awsome mopeds and of course I was winning but I didn't want to slowdown. I went to go around a sharp corner at 50 miles an hour the bike lost control and sent me flying over 80 feet head first. I stuck my arms out in the air and when I hit the ground I shatterd my right wrist on impact and Broke my left one. I also had a good amount of road rash on my back. Still have alot of scars. Now I have 3 titaniaum plates in my wrist and 5 titanium pins. In about a month i will be able to start weight lifting. But my wrist will never be the same. I've lost about 20 pounds of muscle and have a giant scar from where i had surgery. Im such a dumbass.

    Well now lets hear your storys.

  2. #2
    it's not fun, don't do it Moon Rabbits's Avatar
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    I was in a moshpit and one person's head hit my jaw and then literally two seconds later a fist hit the same spot. It didn't break my jaw, but it popped it out a good one.

  3. #3
    The Nerd Who Knows Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World's Avatar
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    I jumped off of a fence and over another one at my school and broke my foot. My friends didn't think it was broken because I wasn't crying. They told me to tough it out and quit being a pussy. I told them to smurf off and went to the health room. My dad picked me up, I had fun in a wheel chair at the hospital. It was broken. I got Vikoden. Me=Happy. My summer sucked though because I had done it 4 days before school got out.

    <PaperStar> live fast, die young, bad plefs do it well

  4. #4


    Geez, Chocobreeder! Do yourself a favor and take it easy on the weights when you get to them...also consider holding off on the Knievel (sp?) trip...

    I've only ever broken one bone:

    I was in grade school on the playground. I swung from a metal bar trying to see how far I could jump and came straight down on a locked right elbow. There wasn't a great deal of pain until I tried to straighten my arm. I got casted up, and my parents treated me like I had just endured a double amputation- waited on me hand and foot! (bad pun?). So it wasn't all bad.

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  5. #5

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    Wow. I'm pretty lucky with no broken bones as of yet. Go me

  6. #6
    toothpaste kisses Resha's Avatar
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    I've never had any broken bones. When I was little I used to feel abnormal because of this, but I still have some life left to me yet, so one day I will break a bone. I hope I break my left arm.
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  7. #7
    Mandle candle Spiffing Cheese's Avatar
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    I broke my left arm a while ago. I fell over my own foot ice-skating.

  8. #8


    Wow those were some funny stories. Oh and thanks farplaner I've been taking it easy and it is soooo boreing. As for me when I came home after 2 hours with my wrist I showed my mom and said I think its broken she flipped out and about punched me in the face. I am still grounded untill I pay for the rest of the hospital bill. Lucky insurance payed for about 30,000 of it. I really never broke bones untill this year I broke three. Always thought I was invincible also...... Hint Hint I was wrong....... lol

    Well I want to hear more story's heres another one of mine.

    I live in Ohio and there is a camping ground and lake called eastfork. This past october a couple buddies and I went camping and all the leaves were starting to fall. A couple of girls were with us and we decided to be funny and slide down these giant hills. They were very steep and we ran full out sprint and would slide down the hill and see how fast we could go without hitting trees etc.. We were doing it for awhile and I just wanted to go faster and faster. So I ran as fast as I could a little longer and slid down I hit a root sticking out of the ground and went flying into the creek bed and hit a big rouck with my left kneee cap. I had a pretty nice gash in my knee not to big but deep. It didn't hurt much at first but kept geting worse. After about an hour I couldnt walk and it was pretty swollen. It hurt more than my last two injuries and yet i didn't break a bone. Well I never went to the doctor for it but still. I can run and do everything fine but now my left knee is extra sensetive. I think I got lucky on that one really.

  9. #9
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    I was playing football in my aunt's back yard with her dog when I was fifteen. Jumped over the garden and turned at the same time, snapping my leg bone just above my ankle. Made a cool sound.

    I went inside and told my grandma I hurt myself. Two days later the swelling hadn't gone down so we went to the doctor and I got a cast, which I promptly wore a hole in by walking on it. It was blue.

  10. #10


    Broke my collarbone when I landed on it wrong when I was wrestling with my cousin when I was like 6. It was on Easter.

  11. #11
    Original Gamer fantasyjunkie's Avatar
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    I broke my collar bone in high school while playing smear.(you have about 20-30 dudes tackling the poor guy that just just happens to be holding the football. no touchdowns, just running away from a bunch of guys)

  12. #12
    星の声 starseeker's Avatar
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    I haven't broken any bones yet. I'm too cautious.
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  13. #13
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    No broken bones! Although, I'm surprised haven't broken anything, I'm so clumsy. xD

  14. #14
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    The only bone that I've broken was my little toe. It was a hot summer day and me and some of my friends where running around in my garden soaking each other with water, when I suddenly smashed my foot into a big rock (we have many rocks in our garden... it's a decorating thing I guess?) and a very nasty crack-ish sound was heard. I looked down and saw a lot of blood coming out from my toe, but it didn't hurt. It was weird because I have never seen so much blood come out from my own body, but still I laughed about it... maybe it was adrenaline or something. Anysnouch, my dad rushed me to the doc and he said that my toe had split open from just underneath the nail and down to the root of the nail, which was very obvious really because if you wanted to you could push the tip of my toe back and look down into my toe and see the bone... a strange sight.

  15. #15


    I've never broken any bones, but I've been pretty darn close I believe. Let's just say I front flipped off a trampoline.

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