To me this Final Fantasy just doesn't feel like one to me. It's good, well really great, but it still doesn't feel like a FF to me. Here are my reasons.
1. None of the summons are the ones used in previous FFs, Shiva, Ifrit, Atomos, and Leviathan are all airships and I don't recall seeing Bahamut in any form.
2. Where's Biggs and Wedge? I always loved this comedial duo, the lack of them is is sad.
3. Spells. Some of the spells from other FFs have changed like Life is now Raise and there seems to be a lot of unnecessary ga's.
4. Cactuars. I might not just be far enough in the game, but I haven't seen a single Catuar yet and Cactite doesn't cut for it for me. I hope that they will have Tonberries
5. The story stands out a lot compared to all the other FFs. I'm not complaing though i like it.
This wasn't really a list of complaints except for reasons 1 and 2. I just don't think it really feels like an FF to me, although Balthier reminds me of Wakka and Zell.