So yesterday yet another member got Banned for, what in my eyes, was pretty much nothing Jimmy Dark Aeons Slayer got Banned for posting a You Tube of a deformed guy with enlarged testicles which was also once shown in a documentary on the Discovery Channel that was neither pornographic or offensive. It was just Bizarre. That means in the past 7 days alone, Decessus, Genji, Reine and Jimmy Dark Aeons Slayer have all been booted outta here. All good members in their strange, wierd little way.

So this got me thinking. How 'Safe' do you actually feel on this Forum?

Do you ever worry that something you might Post will get you an instant-Ban as it has with so many others?

Do you think about what you type before you Post? Do you think 'Oh, I wanna post this, but the Staff will Ban me in a second so I better change it?'

Devil Man doesn't bother. But thats because Devil Man is Devil Man. If he gets Banned, too bad. Thats tough. At least Devil Man has the e-mail addresses of all His Good Friends on here so he can keep in touch with them one way or another.

But how safe do you feel? Do you ever worry about being Banned for somethng you say?

Bear in mind, Staff Decisions on who to Ban vary from person to person. While some staff are happy to let things go (some as in probably just one), others will warn you or Ban you one split second later.

Remember people: If you wanna stay here forever, Think before you type! (And, ya, Devil Man don't follow his own advice)