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Thread: Deer and Snowballs

  1. #1
    I have one of these now Nominus Experse's Avatar
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    Default Deer and Snowballs

    So perhaps you have some humorous stories concerning what you have done to wild or domesticated animals?
    Last edited by Nominus Experse; 02-20-2013 at 04:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Martyr's Avatar
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    I saw a wild pig once. I wasn't hunting, but I happened to have my rifle with me anyway (We hilljacks carry rifles everywhere we go. Except court.)

    So I blew it away and ate pork that night.

    (SPOILER)Well, not that night. I ain't that quick a butcher. We ate pork about 4 days later

  4. #4
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    In year 7 or 8 something like that I was going out with this girl and we'd gone over to her boyfriends house so she could dump his sorry ass for two timing on her (yeah I wasn't much better neither was she since she hadn't dumped him before starting to date me but it was a kiddy relationship, one of the last few I had) Well we we're in his lounge and he said "oh stay here I just wanna go shop" and went out his parents were at work and stuff so we waited and well after like 40 minutes (the shop was 2 minutes from his house) we we're really bored of just sitting there with music tv on and kissing and stuff and wanted to go. So we looked for him out of his window since he hadn't taken his keys and noticed he was kissing this girl who he had been cheating on my girl with. Well we didn't know that the girl was one of her close friends and so my girlfriend was severely pissed off with him for it.

    I know get to the point will you? that's what you're thinking you're thinking what the heck does this have to do with wild or domestic animals? Well here goes.

    Severely pissed off with the guy my then girlfriend goes in to his room and picks up his pet hamster who he apparently really loved, put it in his microwave on full power for 10 minutes (alive) and pressed go, I was so shocked I didn't think to press the wall socket to off and so 2 and a half minutes later this hamster EXPLODES no lies just like the movies it was hillarious, I couldn't believe it, immediately after the hamster blew up my then girlfriend grabbed our coats and led me away from this guys house thus leaving his microwave to cook the remains of his hamster for another 7.5 minutes on full power and locking the guy out so he'd have to wait untill his mom came home.

    I learnt to be very careful of that girl.

    Another funny story or quite funny if you look at it right.

    Ever here the saying "hitting 2 birds with 1 stone?" Well there were a couple of wood pidgeons in a tree in my garden and they were severely annoying me so I threw a piece of flint up in to the tree to scare them off. Well the flint strikes the tree and splits in to two and the two incredibly sharp pieces of flint in turn fly off towards the birds and strike home around the throat area thus killing BOTH birds! I did not eat pidgeon pie but in the morning they we're gone, I guess the local foxes liked the food.

    A wierd one was what a friends mom did to the neighbours cat who pooped in her house if it could get in, she grabbed it and rammed a pepper pot up it's ass and shook it before letting it walk out with the pot still in it's ass.

  5. #5
    EoFF's Laundry Goddess ~*~Celes~*~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceglow View Post
    In year 7 or 8 something like that I was going out with this girl and we'd gone over to her boyfriends house so she could dump his sorry ass for two timing on her (yeah I wasn't much better neither was she since she hadn't dumped him before starting to date me but it was a kiddy relationship, one of the last few I had) Well we we're in his lounge and he said "oh stay here I just wanna go shop" and went out his parents were at work and stuff so we waited and well after like 40 minutes (the shop was 2 minutes from his house) we we're really bored of just sitting there with music tv on and kissing and stuff and wanted to go. So we looked for him out of his window since he hadn't taken his keys and noticed he was kissing this girl who he had been cheating on my girl with. Well we didn't know that the girl was one of her close friends and so my girlfriend was severely pissed off with him for it.
    Severely pissed off with the guy my then girlfriend goes in to his room and picks up his pet hamster who he apparently really loved, put it in his microwave on full power for 10 minutes (alive) and pressed go, I was so shocked I didn't think to press the wall socket to off and so 2 and a half minutes later this hamster EXPLODES no lies just like the movies it was hillarious, I couldn't believe it, immediately after the hamster blew up my then girlfriend grabbed our coats and led me away from this guys house thus leaving his microwave to cook the remains of his hamster for another 7.5 minutes on full power and locking the guy out so he'd have to wait untill his mom came home.

  6. #6


    The stories are supposed to be humorous, not evil!

  7. #7
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    You people suck.

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    Add Me to Your Mana Pool 41-Inches-Wide's Avatar
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    THERE SHOULD BE A LAW BANNING PEOPLE BEING NEAR DEERS AND HAMSTERS. (Deer fun fact: I heard they're, like, from the unicorn family or something.)

    Happy Birthday to Me

  9. #9
    I have one of these now Nominus Experse's Avatar
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    Although I have always wondered what might happen to a microwaved animal, I've never been so cruel or sick to actually entertain the actual thought of performing an experiment...

    My god...

    Concerning hamsters, I once sat on my bed rather quickly and heavily when I was angered (I was young), and unbeknownst to me, I had launched my hamster into the air, up into my fishbowl.

    Luckily, I had a friend over who saw the whole event and was able to rescue the little guy before he drowned in my fishbowl.

    I've also had hamsters (while in their balls) wander into the heating ducts of my childhood home. You could hear them rolling about, running into things. Getting them out was a royal pain in the ass, though...

  10. #10
    EoFF's Laundry Goddess ~*~Celes~*~'s Avatar
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    I had my hamster named Joel from the time I was 13 (got him two days before my birthday) until February of last year. He was my best friend, to be honest, because he never got upset and bit me no matter what I did.

    I don't remember when this was, but I was sleeping and his cage had been left open, apparently. So whilst I was in REM, he got out of his cage and landed on my back (his cage was on a shelf above the head of my bed) and decided to lay down. Well, I was dreaming that something warm landed on my back and so I smacked him in my sleep, then rolled over and went back to sleep, only to wake up five seconds later saying "OH MY GOD, JOEL!" because I had woken up when I heard him fall on the floor. I scrambled under my bed and there he was, sitting on his back feet, looking at me as if to say "aren't I cute?" with his front paws in the air. I was SOOO glad he wasn't hurt!

  11. #11
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    I was walking with my friends and I just felt like doing a forward roll. So I did. I wouldn't had I realised the ground was all gravelly and bleh. But it was still fun, just hurt my shoulder a tad. Forward rolls are fun.

  12. #12
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    What a cruel girl, Iceglow.
    everything is wrapped in gray
    i'm focusing on your image
    can you hear me in the void?

  13. #13
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    That first story, not the gross one, reminds me of that time me and my friends where in the woods and we came across a cow, only we didn't know it was a cow at the time. We didn't know what it was so to find out my brillant friend decided to throw a stick at it.

    I dunno if this belongs here or not, but my cousin lived across from an emu farm. One night at about 4 in the morning he calls me and asks me about the "Chubawhazits" and he came over and got me out of bed and we went to his neighbors farm where there was a mutilated emu or maybe emus all over the place. And because of me and my crazy stories he thought it was a Chupacabra. We later found out there was a pack of wolves in the woods behind the farm.

  14. #14


    My first cat was one that just wandered up to my house one day when I was, oh, 3 or so. Instead of petting it, I just kept pulling its tail. Apparently, though, she enjoyed it, because she stayed around the house and soon became "my" cat.

  15. #15
    not that drug dealer CelestialStarDust's Avatar
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    my sister runs over squirrells for fun.

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