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Thread: Frustration

  1. #1

    Default Frustration

    What is your greatest frustration that you think you can still be able to mend? Mine is wanting to be a shrink, but I don't know if I can do that because I think I need one myself.

  2. #2
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    i am sorry i am too irresistable

  3. #3
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinx View Post
    my unrequited love for shauna

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    my unrequited love for choke-o loco eating chocococo crispies

  5. #5
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    My biggest frustration that I can fix is the situation of not getting to see my girlfriend frequently enough. It's just going to take time and patience to resolve though.

  6. #6


    Everything takes time but I'm sure there's always a solution for every problem.

  7. #7


    My inability to approach a publisher about my writing which I never feel confidence in its completion.

    Also my inability to voice my true feelings for the woman I love. Also, my constant questioning of whether I actually love her or if I'm just lonely and the latter being the case, can I ever truly love anyone?

    Also, my ongoing war with my own digestive system. Cutting out lactose, gluten, starch, msg, and whatever other culprit I could find online has never yielded the desired results. Apparently, I just need to train myself to "keep it together"...
    Jack: How do you know?

    Will: It's more of a feeling really.

    Jack: Well, that's not scientific. Feeling isn't knowing. Feeling is believing. If you believe it, you can't know because there's no knowing what you believe. Then again, no one should believe what they know either. Once you know anything that anything becomes unbelievable if only by virtue of the fact you now... know it. You know?

    Will: No.

    If Demolition Man were remade today

    Huxley: What's wrong? You broke contact.
    Spartan: Contact? I didn't even touch you.
    Huxley: Don't you want to make love?
    Spartan: Is that what you call this? Why don't we just do it the old-fashioned way?
    Huxley: NO!
    Spartan: Whoa! Okay, calm down.
    Huxley: Don't tell me to calm down!
    Spartan: What's gotten into you? 'Cause it sure as hell wasn't me.
    Huxley: Physical relations in the way of intercourse are no longer acceptable John Spartan.
    Spartan: What? Why the hell not?
    Huxley: It's the law, John. And for your information, the very idea that you suggested it makes me feel personally violated.
    Spartan: Wait a minute... violated? Huxley what the hell are you accusing me of here?
    Huxley: You need to leave, John.
    Spartan: But Huxley.
    Huxley: Get out!
    Moments later Spartan is arrested for "violating" Huxley.

    By the way, that's called satire. Get over it.

  8. #8


    I'm serious.
    I just feel so inadequate. I need to stop feeling down because if I want to help others, I should know how to help myself. I read an article about it ( and I think, it's right. I'm so upset.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by carefulmom View Post
    I'm serious.
    I just feel so inadequate. I need to stop feeling down because if I want to help others, I should know how to help myself. I read an article about it ( and I think, it's right. I'm so upset.

    Perhaps, you will need people who will understand you better. Communicating with these people that care for you are the best. Getting an advice from an online counseling can help. But, you're right that you'll need to help yourself too.

  10. #10
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Not following that hooded figure to be a space wizard that wield laser sword but rather a salary worker that see no future in life.

  11. #11
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Just generally a case of past screw-ups that ruined relationships (of varying kinds). In some cases I regret something I did, in some cases I'm just annoyed that things were never truly understood, be it by me or someone else.

    I think I can still mend some of these if not all of these, but either it's a risk of opening up old wounds, or it feels rather trivial and not worth talking to someone out of the blue about it. In either situation I also worry that it'll come across the wrong way, like I have some kind of ulterior motive (and with perhaps one particular person, it probably would indeed have one, whether I wish to admit it or not).
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  12. #12


    my greatest frustration is existential dread!
    Last edited by Vincent, Thunder God; 02-15-2023 at 03:39 AM.

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