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Thread: Eyes on FF Plays XCOM: Enemy Within!

  1. #1
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Default Eyes on FF Plays XCOM: Enemy Within!

    So, my last XCOM Let's Play was very successful, but I had to quit it due to stressing over the strategic game too much, to the point that I basically psyched myself out of playing for fear of getting a Game Over. This would have been especially bad, since the Let's Play was basically focusing on the tactical game, and you can only actually lose on the strategic level, so it wouldn't even have been that interesting of a loss.

    Still, after picking up the expansion pack, Enemy Within, I've decided to give it another go. They have tweaked the strategic game to make it easier (mostly by introducing alternatives to Abduction missions, which are the only things that can really screw you over), they've tweaked the tactical game to make it harder, and they have added a host of new features that will allow for even greater interactivity with the forum members taking part. There are more weapon options (EXALT weaponry looks awesome, pity they don't get Plasma). There are more appearance options. And there are more ability and specialization options.

    I'm also quite willing to cheat for resources to take the edge off if it starts to wear on me again, because, as I said, it's the tactical game that's the focus of the Let's Play, and how our brave EoFFers do on the field of battle.

    At this point, I'll be accepting sign ups again, so feel free to post.Anyone who shows interest will be given a soldier to customize how they see fit. You can put as much or as little effort into it as you please. Take note, however, that the more interest you show in the playthrough, the more likely your soldier is to be used on a mission.

    As the missions progress, I will offer summaries of combat, details of character deaths, promotions, kills, and MVP status for each mission.

    What follows is a brief list of things I will offer you control over during this playthrough:

    Character name
    Character nickname
    Specialization (MEC Soldier or Genetically Engineered)
    Genetic Modifications
    MEC Loadout

    Show an interest, and you'll get a Soldier. But you can provide all of the above if you so desire.

    A detailed explanation follows:

    ---Character name: The game allows customization of first and last name, and spaces are allowed if you want to set up middle names (provided they aren't too long).

    ---Character nickname: Upon promotion to Sergeant, your fellow troopers award your character a nickname. This too can be changed to what you desire. In combat, it's displayed above a character's name, in the Barracks, it's displayed between the first and last name, as in Skyblade "nickname" Darkstar (and, yes, the quotes are included, so you can't just use it as a middle name).

    ---Character class: Each Recruit is randomly assigned a class, which is not revealed until that Recruit is promoted to the first rank (Squaddie). I'm quite willing to burn through Rookies until we find a class that fits you, but until we get the automatic promotion, it may take a battle or two to find a unit of a particular class.

    The Classes availible are:
    - Sniper - My personal favorite, devoted to dealing death from long range. It is also the class most likely to use pistols, as the main Sniper Rifle deals less damage as enemies get closer, and cannot be fired after moving (unless you grab a particular perk, which I'll cover later). So the Snipers will likely switch to their sidearm if enemies get too close or they get a really good flanking opportunity. But, in general, they'll be in the rear, nailing things from a distance.

    - Support - Don't let the name or Medkit perks fool you, Support is far more than just a medic. One of the most versatile classes, Support has access to smoke grenades (which act as extra cover, and can be buffed with higher ranks), improved medkits, and improved Overwatch and Suppression, which are some of the most tactically versatile abilities in the game. You can play as a medic if you want, but Fire Support is an important job, and these guys are fantastic at it.

    - Heavy - The demolitions expert. This guy is the primary area of effect damage dealer. Three main focuses are rockets, grenades, and Suppression. While Support gets a more versatile Suppression, Heavies can get a more powerful version, and can buff it to affect more enemies. They also have the ability to wield rockets, dealing heavy damage and destroying cover, as well as expanding the number of grenades they carry and the range of said grenades.

    - Assault - The shock troopers. These guys can wield one of two primary weapons, the standard Assault Rifle, and the Shotgun. They favor a very high risk-reward mechanic. They shine in being up close and personal, but if things go bad, they can die quickly. They get several perks that increase crit and survivability when in close range and facing multiple enemies, as well as abilities that let them rush up close to easily flank and still shoot when they're done.

    ---Gender: Character gender, similar to class, is randomly assigned, at about a 50/50 ratio, so I'm also willing to burn through troops to get a particular gender + class combo.

    ---Customization: You will get to control how your character looks. Describe overall looks (hair color, skin color, etcetera), armor color, whether you wear a helmet, all the good stuff. I'll provide pictures and try to oblige as much as the game will let me. You can also give me exact instructions if you have your own copy and know what the options are.

    ---Equipment: What equipment is available will be determined by how my research progresses in the strategy game, and to some extent what I can capture by stunning aliens instead of killing them. But whatever I have available, you can pick.

    ---Specialization: As we play through, we're going to acquire Meld. This can be used to either give Soldiers Genetic Modifications, adding some powerful new passive abilities to them, or to build them MEC suits that turn them into living tanks. The choice will be yours.

    ---Abilities: Each class has an ability tree. When they are first promoted to Squaddie, they get a set perk (Sniper gets Headshot, which increases Critical Hit chance, but has a two turn cooldown. Support gets Smoke Grenade which increases the evasion of units in the smoke cloud by 20%, but can only carry one per mission. Heavy gets a Rocket Launcher which blows stuff up once a mission. And Assault Soldiers get Run and Gun, which lets them dash [take two moves] and still shoot). Every rank after that, with the exception of Major, the second to last rank, gives them a choice of two perks. You can take one or the other, and which you take is up to you. I'll provide a link to the full list of perks for each class later. Please note that changing to a MEC trooper eliminates your previous tree and gives you a new one, though you do gain a special passive ability depending on which class you were when you changed to a MEC trooper.

    ---Genetic Modifications: There are five types of gene mods, and each has two choices. So you can choose which mods you want to pick up to buff your Soldier.

    ---MEC Loadout: In addition to getting a new ability tree, MEC Soldiers get MEC suits instead of standard equipment. These suits are custom built, and can have up to three abilities. You can choose what your suit can do (and you can later switch to another suit if you don't like it).
    Things I will not be offering control of: Country of Origin (randomly assigned from about 30 diffrent countries, not going to wait for a particular combination to show up, odds are about 232 to 1 to get a particular class/gender/country setup, assuming even distribution of genders), Psi Powers (these aren't discovered until late game, and are really rare. If you have Psi proficiency once it's uncovered, yay for you. Otherwise, tough patooties [though if I have a spare Psi soldier not in use, I might let you switch to it]).

    If your soldier dies, you can sign up to get a replacement if you so desire. And remember, participation is the key to making this fun.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Character name
    Psychotic McWalrus
    Character nickname
    Generic looking white dude in light blue armour. Can have brown details on the armour too.
    Specialization (MEC Soldier or Genetically Engineered)
    Tank me up, baby

  3. #3
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    I know sod all about this series, but this is very much a game I wanted to play but never got round too. I'm thoroughly looking forward to following this!

  4. #4
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Stick me in as a Sniper please. Just a generic white guy, green armour preferred.

  5. #5
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Character name
    Iceglow Avernius Maccaroth Stark (the 3rd)
    Character nickname
    White dude, brown mo-hawk (if possible if not generic white male) Black/Dark grey armour with light blue/grey markings

    The rest I leave up to you.

  6. #6
    This is England
    Papa Waigo
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    Guess I will post a more detailed profile here! But yeah I'm down again.

    Character name: Ronnie Coleman
    Character nickname: Meaty Thigh
    Class: Assault all the way baby
    Gender: Male

    Pink and black armour if possible, helmets are for babies so none of that mess
    Equipment: Shotgun, preferably a big angry one
    Specialization: Whatever it was you had that punched things across rooms

  7. #7
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    I feel I should warn you, DK. While becoming a MEC Trooper does make you incredibly powerful, and the most intimidating class in the game, it also requires getting your limbs hacked off and replaced by cybernetic bits.

    Anyway, we have enough for a starter team, so here we go. Since we have some people unfamiliar with XCOM, I'll be starting with a summary of what's going on.

    XCOM Mission Files
    July 12th, 2014

    The XCOM Project is a multi-national initiative meant to combat threats to humanity as a whole. Evidence collected during the 1960s indicated the possible presence of unknown entities attacking various nations across the world. However, as the XCOM Project was developed and planned, the identified foes vanished as quickly as they appeared.

    Recently, however, there have been a string of further attacks around the globe. Far less subtle and more direct than the previous encounters, these new attacks appear to be a part of an extra terrestrial incursion. With the new threat on the rise, the Council of Nations has unanimously approved to activate the XCOM Project to counter this threat.

    Funding will be drawn from the Council as supplied by its member nations, each of whom is free to distribute their support as they see fit. Soldiers will be drawn from the elite combat forces all over the world, to be assigned and deployed at the Commander's discretion.

    With the Project approved, a base was constructed in North America, and the initial soldiers were gathered and assessed. Shortly thereafter, our first mission arrived. A local news broadcast in Baltimore indicated alien activity and abductions taking place. Our first team stepped into the Skyranger and took off, ready to locate and eliminate the threat.

    -Operation Cursed Apollo-
    Baltimore, Maryland, Unite States
    3:19 AM

    Our soldiers moved on a small diner, the bodies of civilians wrapped in a strange green fiber clear around them. Moving forward to the windows, the immediately encountered hostiles. Four small, gray, humanoid entities. Each was carrying what appeared to be a personal firearm. This was confirmed, as shortly after contact, the foes fired. Plasma tore across the battlefield, striking both Ronnie Coleman and Psychotic. Only two of the foes fired, however, with the others repositioning around the diner's service areas.

    Our soldiers were quick to respond to the foes who remained visible, and the hail of gunfire tore into them. Psychotic, proving himself the veteran under fire that we all know him as, returned fire on the one which had shot him, splattering the little grey man's brain across the walls of the diner.

    As Vivi moved up to eliminate the second foe, he caught sight of a small, orange canister on the battlefield. Clearly of alien origin, but also clearly not one of the abduction pods we had seen. Though of some interest, Vivi remained focused on the fight, and eliminated the second foe.

    However, as our first foes fell, one of the others who had retreated came around the side of the building. The foe seemed somehow stronger than the others, but its fire missed, instead blowing away a wall of the diner. Fortunately, the Council has decreed that any and all collateral damage is acceptable. Our fourth soldier, a lady of no small intellect, noticed energy flowing to the alien from the rear of the diner. Wasting no time, she hurled a grenade towards the rear exit. When it exploded there was a scream as the foe fell, then a second as the energy that had been empowering the other visible foe seemed to reverse and tear into it.

    With the battlefield secured, our forces claimed the canisters that had been left behind, noting that they had apparently been left on a time delay that would have rendered them nonfunctional had they not been removed from their housing. With the canisters and corpses secured for research, our foes headed back to base.

    MVP: Psychotic, for staying calm under fire and earning a kill while lesser Rookies would have panicked.

    Psychotic is promoted to Squaddie and dons his Heavy Machine Gun.
    Vivi 22 is promoted to Squaddie, and trades out his lousy Assault Rifle for a precisionist's tool.
    Paula Jones (whose name can be freely changed if anyone wants to play as her) is promoted to Squaddie and becomes a Support trooper.

    Ronnie Coleman is out for 7 days with severe plasma burns.
    Psychotic is out for 5 days with moderate plasma burns.
    Sorry, guys. I used the grenade because I realized I was one turn slow on getting the Meld, and that stuff is valuable, especially once we learn some gene mods or unlock MEC troops. I couldn't see the alien that had initiated the psy-merge, so I just chucked a grenade in, which killed him. And killing a foe who has used Mind-Meld also kills the one it Melded with. Which is why Ronnie didn't get a shot at making a kill.

    On the plus side, we now have several teammates ready, and more waiting. I might take some Rookies on the next mission to get some backups ready, if our two brave soldiers are still recuperating from their hangovers wounds when the next mission comes around.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  8. #8
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Character name: Christmas
    Character nickname: Santarina
    Class: Assault
    Gender: Female
    Customization: Generic female?
    Pink and white armour if possible, helmets that look cute.
    Equipment: Machine gun, rapid firing baby! No swords I guess?
    Specialization: Mastery of the force? I am not sure. Just something generic I guess?

  9. #9
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christmas View Post
    Character name: Christmas
    Character nickname: Santarina
    Class: Assault
    Gender: Female
    Customization: Generic female?
    Pink and white armour if possible, helmets that look cute.
    Equipment: Machine gun, rapid firing baby! No swords I guess?
    Specialization: Mastery of the force? I am not sure. Just something generic I guess?
    Well, we have a ton of females to go through (for the first time ever, I started with more females than male). So I'll happily get you an Assault female.

    If you want to go Assault, your weapon choices are actually going to be between Shotgun and Assault Rifle (short range power, versus medium range reliability). There are no swords, but you can engage in melee if you choose to become a MEC trooper.
    Mastery of the force would pretty much be Psionics, but they're rare, and unavailable until mid game. We'll have to see if you can get them.

    Don't worry, I'll present you the other customization options you can get as you level up, and we'll see how your character can shape up. Don't forget to pick a last name too!

    Anyway, back to the game, and sure enough, 3 days later, we get a new mission.

    -Operation Crystal Whisper-
    Brisbane, Australia
    1:28 AM

    Our forces set down on a major freeway. Cars and more civilian bodies littered the visible terrain, but there was as yet no sign of our foes. Our newly appointed squad leader, Vivi, had the others advance, knowing that he'd be relegated to his pistol if a foe was encountered.

    We found another Meld canister before even encountering any foes, and our forces collected it to provide our research team with more samples. Paula then encountered two more of the little grey aliens (whom our soldiers have decided to call "Sectoids" until R&D gives them an official name). Not wanting to face them as the lead soldier, she fell back, and the rest of the squad turtled up into Overwatch, ready to attack anyone who came into view.

    However, the foes chose not to attack, so our squad advanced cautiously. Paula spotted the first one again, this time choosing to extract a few pounds of flesh with her assault rifle. Vivi moved forward, but missed with his pistol. As the alien took a wild shot that passed clean through the windows of a police car, Vivi put his pistol away and took out his shiny new Sniper Rifle, and demonstrated his skilled technique by drilling a shot straight through the critter's braincase.

    The second Sectoid came back into view, but merely tried to reposition without taking shots at anyone. Paula drilled a few shots through its face, and the rest of the team moved up in formation, with the Rookies taking the lead, eager to show they could stand with the rest of the force.

    This proved to be a slight mistake, as they immediately stumbled into four Sectoids. The team was in solid cover positions, but they'd ranged too far from Vivi for him to offer effective support. The first plasma bolt sailed harmlessly overhead, but now the team had to adapt to an uneven battle.

    As Vivi dashed into a flanking position, our Rookies fell apart, missing with their shots, and Paula did the same. The aliens, however, finally scoped in on the force, and a plasma shot ripped into Paula, her basic body armor barely slowing it down, though it was enough to keep her in the fight.

    Though the aliens had shifted around, forcing Vivi to move to flank them again, he proved that was no deterrent, and calmly popped the Sectoid that shot Paula with his pistol, clearly trying to make up for his early failure.

    Our previously over-enthusiastic Rookie (who I think was being trained as Ronnie's apprentice) rushed out of his solid cover within a semi-truck, getting a clear view on another Sectoid. While he startled the creature enough that its reaction fire missed, and he was able to put a handful of slugs into its body, ending its threat, he was left wide open for the final Sectoid.

    Cursing the thoughtless fool, Vivi moved forward and fired off a couple more shots at that Sectoid, wounding it, but not taking it down. Its return fire at the errant Rookie, while it easily struck the wide-open Soldier, were fortunately of minimal effectiveness. The Rookie, realizing his idiocy, took cover behind a second Meld canister, collected it for the team, and then finished off the final threat.

    MVP: Vivi, with two kills, including a very nice flanking pistol critical hit.

    Ronnie Coleman is promoted to Squaddie, becoming an Assault soldier with his one kill, and grabs a Shotgun (I decided to use him instead of the original Ronnie, because he reached the Assault class sooner).
    Marcel Wozniak, despite his idiotic charging ahead, is promoted to Squaddie as well, and becomes a second Heavy soldier.

    Wounds: Paula is out of commission for seven days, as is Marcel.
    Also, the team earned an Urban Combat medal. Medals are awarded to XCOM for team performance, who can then chooses who gets the individual medals. Each medal has a benefit for its recipient, which we can also choose (and we can rename the medal if we want).

    Urban Combat has the choice between +5 Defense while in cover (reducing enemy chance to hit) or +5 Aim against enemies in cover (increasing our own chance to hit). Once chosen, this benefit will apply to all Urban Combat medals we get and award.

    Also vote on a name for the medal. I won't award this one for a while, to give you guys time to give input.


    The team so far. I'm really glad that color customization now also affects weapons. Let me know if you don't like Ronnie's hat. Additionally, I have to point out, that while that moustache being the closest I could get to Vivi's avatar, it's also facial hair customization number 22.

    I just finished researching S.C.O.P.E.s, so I equipped them to everyone, because they are far better than grenades, in my opinion. But if you guys want to carry grenades or medkits, let me know!

    Raven 1 just shot down a U.F.O. It crashed in the US, appearing to be within a few hundred miles of XCOM HQ, which is a little worrying. But that's where our next trip will take us!
    Last edited by Skyblade; 07-12-2014 at 09:26 PM.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  10. #10
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Character name: Daley Thompson
    Character nickname: Mr. Adequate
    Class: Assault
    Gender: Male
    Customization: As close to this beautiful man as possible
    Equipment: Shotguns and armor
    Specialization (MEC Soldier or Genetically Engineered): MEC

    Abilities, Genetic Modifications, MEC Loadout: Everything that makes me more shotgunny and harder to kill.

  11. #11
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    Additionally, I have to point out, that while that moustache being the closest I could get to Vivi's avatar, it's also facial hair customization number 22.

    Kicking ass and taking names. Can't wait to choose between gene tampering and hacking off my limbs. Hacking off my limbs sounds pretty sweet I must say.

    If memory serves I believe there's a brighter shade of green in there somewhere. Could we change my armor to that brighter shade. I may be a sniper but camouflage be damned. A man wants to look good while he's killing aliens.

  12. #12
    This is England
    Papa Waigo
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    ahahaha that hat is the best. also I approve of Ronnie picking up exactly where he left off last time and promptly getting burned to trout. the glory days are back son.

  13. #13
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    -Operation Secret Summer-
    United States
    3:00 AM

    Another early morning mission for our brave soldiers.

    Our forces advanced towards the crash site, but rather than stumbling across the aliens, the aliens stumbled across us. Four Sectoids strolled into our forces range. Vivi, already at point, had a clear shot at all of them, and didn't hesitate to show off his marksmanship, immediately downing the furthest foe with his fancy shooting (a 7 damage critical, without using Headshot, to an enemy with only 3 health).

    Christmas jumped behind a tree to grab full cover, and mowed down a second Sectoid, while Psychotic strode purposefully up to a rock formation and ripped the third apart with heavy machinegun fire.

    Not wanting to be outdone, Ronnie decided to Run and Gun as close as he could get to the final Sectoid (who was the only one behind heavy cover), and managed to shred it's body with a blast of 12-Gauge pellets.

    Our troops advanced forward, spotting the UFO, and Ronnie rushed into it. Unfortunately, a new foe was waiting inside. A glowing orange crystal formed into an entity we hadn't seen before, and quickly moved to flank Ronnie.

    Not wanting to leave her headstrong companion in jeopardy, Christmas rushed forward and let off a hail of shots that ricocheted harmlessly into the spacecraft. Vivi followed next, pulling out his pistol and putting a round into the creature, though to no noticeable effect (1 damage, woohoo!). Scoffing slightly, Psy lifted his machine gun and demonstrated how one properly dismantles an alien.

    With the last foe silenced, our squad collected the Meld and called in a research team to analyze the artifacts from the ship.

    MVP: Psychotic

    Wounds: None

    Promotions: Lucy (need a second name for you, Christmas!) Christmas became a Squaddie, and picked up a Sniper Rifle. Oh well, we'll get you another Rookie to play with. Plenty more to go through to find an Assault, trust me.
    This mission started pretty much perfectly. Vivi scored with a 65% shot, Christmas with a 55%, Psy with a 57%, and Ronnie finished it off with a 67% blast (Shotgun close-range accuracy boost outweighed the heavy cover). Seriously awesome luck early on.

    I never saw the Meld canisters, so I was in a bit of a hurry. I rushed Ronnie in specifically to uncover the Outsider. But he still had his second move, in case everyone missed, so I could shoot with him or run away (I probably would have taken the chance at the shot). But Psy's shooting meant that we didn't have to worry about that.

    Unfortunately we didn't get a female Assault Soldier, so I have to go through another mission with Rookie Christmas (I can't wait until I can unlock New Guy).

    The next few days passed without incident, allowing our Research team to finish their studies on Meld Recombination. This allowed us to finally unlock the potential of Meld, and begin building the Genetics Lab and Cybernetics Lab, the facilities we need to Genetically Engineer Soldiers, and craft the might MEC suits.

    I began construction of the facilities immediately, so that we can begin building up our troops with the utterly game breaking benefits Meld can give us.

    PS: I've given a hat to everyone now. Vivi has a beret, Christmas has a balaclava, and Psy has a simple knit hap.



    My best Daley Thompson.


    Yay, hats. Except for Mr. Thompson. He gets actual hair instead.

    So, new mission, another abduction.

    -Operation Bleeding Hymn-
    Manchester, United Kingdom
    11:44 AM

    Convinced we would eventually get a mission in the afternoon, our soldiers headed off to the UK, to stop some abductions in progress.

    The Skyranger dropped our team off near the edge of a cemetery. Apparently the aliens though that the places we store our deceased also make the best places to collect the living.

    Daley Thompson immediately spotted a Meld Canister, and demonstrated his fine running ability by dashing off to it. Unfortunately, he failed to spot the four Sectoids around it, so they had some time to get into cover. Vivi put a few quick pistol rounds into one, but it survived until our new Rookie Christmas managed to follow up the attack with her Assault Rifle.

    The remaining Sectoids split up and retreated. Daley nabbed the Meld Canister and fired a few shots at one, but failed to kill it. Vivi tried again with his pistol, but missed by a wide margin. Ronnie, on the other hand, lowered his shotgun (too far away for any reasonable accuracy) and popped the Sectoid, finishing it off.

    Another Sectoid retreated past the wall of the cemetery, while the last one joined two others inside a small shack. Vivi moved into position near the cemetery wall. Finally having a position stable enough to support his Sniper Rifle, he pulls out the big gun and fires a beautiful shot between two headstones and right into the alien. High cover means nothing to the Sniper.

    Christmas and Ronnie closed on the gravekeeper's shack, perplexed as to why the aliens were staying inside. The two that were already there had never noticed us, but surely the one that ran away was warning them, right? Or were they just playing cards in there?

    The alien card game allowed Daley to nab the second Meld canister, and allowed the entire team to close on the shack. Ronnie and Christmas flanked it, while Daley and Vivi approached head on. Finally catching the notice of the foes (I seriously never got the "we've noticed you" scene with these guys), one of them broke out the back of the shed while another dove into cover. Not that cover means anything to a well trained Sniper, as Vivi finished off that one quickly.

    Daley took a long shot at the Sectoid remaining in the doorway, and managed to eliminate it as well, leaving just the runner left to go. Ronnie and Christmas closed on the doorway, hoping to catch the creature before it could get away and flank the team.

    Vivi heard noises coming from the rear of the cemetery, and pulled back incase we had been outflanked. Ronnie, eager to nab the final Sectoid, rushed outside the back of the shed, getting into a good high cover position... Not noticing that the Sectoid was waiting on Overwatch just behind it. Despite being a large target, the Sectoid missed the might Coleman, who then placed his shotgun to the creature's fragile skull and squeezed the trigger, ending the mission.

    MVP: Daley, for nabbing both canisters and getting a kill on a 35% shot.

    Wounds: Again, none. Woohoo!

    Vivi 22 is promoted to Corporal
    Daley Thompson is promoted to Squaddie, and becomes a Sniper (dangit, need a new Daley)
    Christmas is promoted to Squaddie and becomes a Heavy (and a new Christmas. Unless she really wanted to wield Machine Guns)
    Vivi gets the first ability choice. At Corporal, Snipers can choose between Snap Shot and Squad Sight. Snap Shot allows a Sniper to move and then fire, the way most Soldiers can automatically, but take an Aim penalty of 10 (which is much better than the -20 it used to be). They can also move and then enter Overwatch, which is quite handy. Squad Sight allows them to fire their Sniper Rifle at any foe that any squad member can see (provided that no terrain blocks the shot), which is another absolutely fantastic ability.

    Also, we have our second medal! The International Service Cross. We also got a second Urban Combat Badge (which you guys still need to vote on).

    The International Service Cross can provide either +2 Will for every different nationality on the team (leading to a maximum bonus of +12 if all six are different), or +2 Aim for each continent bonus XCOM has secured, leading to a maximum possible +10 Aim.

    What bonuses do you want the Urban Combat Badge and International Service Cross to carry? And should we leave them named that, or rename them to our liking?

    Finally, I just finished the Cybernetics Lab and Genetics Lab. Next time we'll start modifying our soldiers!
    Last edited by Skyblade; 07-13-2014 at 07:35 AM.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  14. #14
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Blog Entries

    FFXIV Character

    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Character name: Loony BoB
    Character nickname: BoB. If that's too short, then Newbie.
    Class: Assault or Heavy, depending on what you prefer using and what positions are most available.
    Gender: Male, please xD
    Customization: Brown hair/eyes, caucasian, armour can be blue/grey/green/black, I guess. Any of those.

    Equipment: Your choice.

    If Assault...
    Corporal: Tactical Sense
    Sergeant: Lightning Reflexes
    Lieutenant: Rapid Fire
    Captain: Close Combat Specialist
    Major (no choice): Extra Conditioning
    Colonel: Resilience

    If Heavy...
    Corporal: Bullet Swarm
    Sergeant: Shredder Rocket
    Lieutenant: HEAT Ammo
    Captain: Danger Zone
    Major (no choice): Will to Survive
    Colonel: Rocketeer

    Genetic Modifications:
    Assault: Neural Damping (if early game), Neural Feedback (mid to late game) / Hyper Reactive Pupils / Secondary Heart / Bioelectric Skin / Adaptive Bone Marrow
    Heavy: Neural Dampening (if early to mid game), Neural Feedback (late game) / Hyper Reactive Pupils / Secondary Heart / Bioelectric Skin / Adaptive Bone Marrow
    MEC Loadout: I have no idea.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  15. #15
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    Hell yes MVP!

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