Matt and I have had a week off work booked for... over a month now, and we didn't decide what we were going to do with it until today. Our week off starts tomorrow. We were tempted to look abroad, but with less than 48 hours to plan something, we decided to leave that until another time.

We're going to London to do some touristy things and whatnot from Tuesday to Friday. We've been to London once before and spent 90% of our time in our friend's house. But this time we're going to go see things! And also go see the Harry Potter WB Studio Tour which really is the main reason I want to go.

Could potentially meet up with some London-EoFF nerds, but I appreciate that it is like tomorrow at this point. Seriously last minute planning and whatnot with us! We're just really lazy. xD

Anyway, topic! Have you ever just made some last minute plans to go somewhere? Jumped in your car and driven somewhere new and different? Or do you need to plan things ages in advance, like a normal person?