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Thread: At least I didn't crash the car! Is that not enough?

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    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Default At least I didn't crash the car! Is that not enough?

    I just sat my driving test for the first time ever today. And I failed, unfortunately. Just in the process of rebooking my test to give it another go in a few weeks time. Next time I will emerge a victorious driver.

    How about you guys? Do you drive? Did you fail your driving test first time you took it? Or were you a natural behind the wheel of the car?

    NOTE: I realise that different countries have different Learner Driver nonsense. Alter/Apply the questions where necessary.

  2. #2
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I have heard of a lot of UKer's having a hard time with their driving test. Is it harder over there?

    I was driving at 14 and was officially licensed at 16 with no fails but that's because my life required me to drive. So that's probably the biggest difference. Many places in the US you have to be able to drive or you can't get anywhere. While the UK, you don't have to drive and have more access to public transportation I believe.

    Maybe it's just cause of the city driving or... I'm not sure, is it harder over there?

    I'm pretty decent at it. Don't tell the boyfriend but I can drift a car really well

  3. #3
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    I have heard of a lot of UKer's having a hard time with their driving test. Is it harder over there?
    Yup. Everything else you said is pretty much spot on.

    I failed it the first three times.

    Both me and my instructor think it was because they have quotas each month that they can pass and fail as I don't think I did anything majorly wrong. My fourth test I booked at the start of the month rather than the end, as it had been the last three times, and whaddya know, I passed. I don't even think I did any better that time than any of the other three times, possibly even worse.

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    That's me! blackmage_nuke's Avatar
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    Passed it the first time, drove maybe 5 times over the following 3 years.
    Kefka's coming, look intimidating!
    Have a nice day!!

  5. #5


    I was quite afraid of driving before I tried it at first, it seemed like there was so much to focus on but it's really become something automatic and easy now. I took my driving licence test year and half ago and I can't imagine not having it anymore.

    I passed the first time which was really surprising because everyone else (like 8 people) who took the test that day with same guy failed and I don't honestly think I was that good of a driver. Lucky me I guess!

    Though there are some people who definitely should just go and return their licences, especially those idiots in big cars and trucks in the cities with that mindset "I'm big, smurf rules", one almost got me killed today when he blocked me out of my lane without blinking and with another car right behind me so I couldn't just push down the decelerate pedal (I don't know what is it called in English really...), Thankfully in the end I got out of it with only one wheel broken which I just switched for reserve but goddamn it still like 100 euro worth new wheel dead...

    These people make me so angry since they don't understand the cars are really a weapon.

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    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    The Ontario system is very long and drawn out so they can make more money. You can go get your G1 (which is a written test) at 16, which allows you to drive only with someone who has had their full G license for 5+ years, plus a whole crap ton of other restrictions like no highway driving, no driving at night, yada yada.

    After a year of that, or 9ish month if you went to driver school, you can take your G2 test, which is actual driving except not on the highway, and it removes almost all restrictions except the alcohol limit is 0.

    After a year of that and I think for a maximum of 2 years(?) you can get your full G license by taking another drive test, which is highway driving. They MAKE you take it before a certain period of time or you have to start over because that way they can charge you for another test. Because really driving with a G2 is pretty much just as good so why would anyone go for anything else?

    I got my G2 but then I moved and it expired and I haven't gotten my license here because of the absurd amount of ID they want that I just don't have and plus now my car is broken

    I'm okay with that because I hate driving so much

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    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    I got my license over the summer this year. I had a crippling fear of driving before, and it still makes me pretty uncomfortable to do. I've mostly gotten over it though.

    Anyways, I failed the first test. The instructor even said she hadn't seen that many things go wrong that were outside of my control on a test. A good number of people tried to run out in front of my car (including a person in a wheel chair), a person just standing behind the building in the exact spot I was supposed to parallel park, cars parked just before the stop sign in a turn lane I'm supposed to go in, etc etc. Took the test again two days later and passed it. Good times.

  8. #8


    I passed it first time, but by god was there a lot of pressure! I had finished my first year of University, and I had to have a driver's license before I went home, as I'd already bought a car! Basically, if I didn't pass I wasn't going to be able to get home for the summer, or back to university come September. I'd failed my mock as well (how was I supposed to know speed bumps ALWAYS mean 30mph limit?) so I was pretty nervous.

    It didn't help that before I got proper lessons, my dad had tried to teach me how to drive and he was so impatient he terrified me off the road. I had to practise changing gear for a week in a simulator before I'd even go out with the instructor!

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    I passed the test the first time, but I had to take Driver's Ed twice because I failed (to show up to class) the first time.

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    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shion View Post
    The Ontario system is very long and drawn out so they can make more money. You can go get your G1 (which is a written test) at 16, which allows you to drive only with someone who has had their full G license for 5+ years, plus a whole crap ton of other restrictions like no highway driving, no driving at night, yada yada.

    After a year of that, or 9ish month if you went to driver school, you can take your G2 test, which is actual driving except not on the highway, and it removes almost all restrictions except the alcohol limit is 0.

    After a year of that and I think for a maximum of 2 years(?) you can get your full G license by taking another drive test, which is highway driving. They MAKE you take it before a certain period of time or you have to start over because that way they can charge you for another test. Because really driving with a G2 is pretty much just as good so why would anyone go for anything else?
    Jayzus! You want to know what our system is? You write a test to get licensed yo drive with one other driver. After a year or about 6 months if you take Driver's Ed you take the driving test. Bam! You're done.

    What's the driving test? In my case I drove down the street, parallel parked in a hotel parking lot, then drove back. Not even 2km in total. Is it any wonder no one in this province can drive?

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    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    The drive test I took was around the town (which was small). I had to do some turns, do a 3 point turn, parallel park, park on a hill, head back to the parking lot. Wasn't hard really

  12. #12
    penisword chionos's Avatar
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    My driving test, as far as I can remember (it was 17 smurfing years ago) consisted of parallel parking, a three point turn, and lots of turning left. I passed the first time. I'd been driving for a while before the test, so I felt pretty comfortable. I love to drive, especially at night, especially at night in the country. If I were a driving instructor, my primary concern would be whether or not the person seems comfortable behind the wheel. All the myriad rules don't matter a bit one way or the other if the person is too nervous to make good decisions on the fly.

  13. #13
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Do you drive?
    No, but I can. Driving in NYC is expensive and pointless. I'm glad that I don't have to spend money on a car and gas.

    Did you fail your driving test first time you took it? Or were you a natural behind the wheel of the car?
    I failed it the first time because I hit the cone and I was taking it in a big truck. I'm short I can't see well in trucks without the boost. I failed it the second time because the lady was an asshole, she broke the door and then said the car didn't pass She still didn't pay for the door, what a . The third time I failed was entirely my fault, I was just overly tired and making dumb mistakes. Oddly enough, I did swimmingly on the parallel parking. Fourth time would have been the charm if I didn't stupidly forget to back out after parallel parking right after a perfect park. Then finally the fifth time I passed, I was super nervous because they basically will not let anyone pass if any mistake is made so I was super cautious this time. Most courses aren't courses -- they really take you out on the road in traffic, so this presents a slew of other problems. I pulled through it and the instructor could see I was nervous so he cut me a break. This reminds me that I need to renew my driver's license. Not looking forward to going to the DMV. -_-

    If I had taken driver's ed I probably would have passed it in less than five times, but I just didn't have the money at the time. My dad took me out driving and then I took a 2 day fresher with an instructor for $50.

  14. #14
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
    What's the driving test? In my case I drove down the street, parallel parked in a hotel parking lot, then drove back. Not even 2km in total. Is it any wonder no one in this province can drive?
    Geezo. xD I wish I could sit that test. I'd pass in no time.

    My grievous error while driving today was cutting in front of a van that was turning left, while I was turning right. I don't even remember seeing the guy, which is the whole problem summed up. Everything else went swimmingly (except all those times I tried to move away not being in gear. Whoops).

  15. #15
    Krankzinnigheid ligt dich Colonel Angus's Avatar
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    I passed the written test twice. First time in High School. I didn't bother to show up to range, as I only needed to pass the written test for school.

    The second time was after college & I was still trying to be a writer. I passed the written test, then a few months later my uncle took me to the DMV to take the road test, which I failed miserably. I completely choked. I was terrible.

    Never bothered again.

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