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Thread: laughing at your siblings

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    Default laughing at your siblings

    This is a light hearted thread that is not to be intended as any kind of academic or 'theraputic' subject, its just a chance to joke about siblings, or if you are an only child to joke about that.

    Please share your funny sibling rivalry stories etc....

    I call my sister The Little Princess, she rented out the cutest little caste downtown

    She started her first business in my mother's womb, selling snake oil to any passing cells she found

    My sister is the kind of person you hear before you see. Her voice has been known to measure quite high on The Richter Scale.

    My sister is so rich, the Royal Family pay HER taxes

    I think I need to stop there and give the floor to you guys. You know just in case any of you wanna let off some creative steam about your siblings etc.....

    Night at the Improv can start whenever you're ready

  2. #2
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Oh man, I used to be a terrible older brother

    So at our home we had this weird little room between the entrance and the hallway that was very dark when you closed all doors, so I would come in there with him and put the flashlight up to my chin and light it to scare the crap out of him. I was like 14, he was 6 XD

    Ooh, and one time he was annoying me when I was doing the dishes, so I was trying to push him away with my foot. Ended up kicking his tooth out. And I accidentally broke his nose with my knee once as well. Fun times.

  3. #3
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    My older brother was awful when we were growing up He was four years older and was definitely not the protective kind. I may have told this story already somewhere, oh well...

    Once, me and my brother were sat in the front from of our house while Mum was in the kitchen making our tea. My brother had a plastic toy gun that made a clicking sound when ever you fired it. My brother was nonchalantly clicking it My Mum's voice pipes up from the kitchen "Stop clicking that gun!" My brother decides to test my Mum's patience - click click click click. "Did you hear me?! Stop clicking that bloody gun!" My brother pauses before... clickclickclickclickclickclick. Then we hear "RIGHT!!!" and stomping footsteps towards the front room.

    At this point I'm smiling, I was quite looking forward to seeing my brother get a sound hiding. Just as my Mum enters the room, he throws the gun to me. Mum walks right over to me and starts cracking me on the leg very hard. What was their reaction when I finally told her (through my sobs) the truth? They both just laughed.

    The injustice still rankles to this day.

  4. #4
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Yep, we older brothers are pretty much the worst.

    For what it's worth, he probably regrets it. The regrets of my past haunt me in my dreams, at least. I still have no idea why I felt compelled to be horrible.

  5. #5
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    As the youngest brother by a margin of 7 years my childhood was a lot of "BUT WHYYY" "Because I'm bigger and stronger than you."

    Now I take every opportunity I get to get back at them for it.

  6. #6
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    When I was a kid, my older sister got a balloon. I didn't get a balloon.

    I asked for a shot of it. I walked out into the back garden.

    And I let it go. And I watched it float away.

    She cried and cried about it. Hilarious!

    ...I still laugh about it, at least.

  7. #7
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    I was the youngest of four brothers. I'm the most sensitive (read: most 'feminine')of the lot. It didn't go well. Mr. Carny keeps saying that I had no childhood, but to be honest, I didn't have the best. I don't remember playing with my siblings that often at all. I sort of kept myself to myself, and they didn't make much of an attempt to take me to the park, or help me with my homework.

    By third oldest brother was the worst. He was a bit of a dick towards everyone, with often led to inter-familial fighting which probably informs my dread fear of confrontation. I remember my third oldest and first oldest brother fighting in another room with my mum trying to break it up with me sobbing underneath the covers. I was like, what, seven? Eight?

    As I got older, things got slightly less heated. But I guess I just don't feel terribly connected to them. I wouldn't be that upset if I only saw them once a year. Heck, I pretty much do already. They're okay, I guess, I just don't get warm gooey feelings from them. If I was in dire straights, they'd probably help.

  8. #8
    Vasher's Avatar
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    I was the oldest, so everything was my fault.

    4 years over my "middle" brother, 8 over the youngest.

    I tied middle bro up in a sleeping bag using our karate belts, smothered his face in peanut butter, dragged him outside, and let our English Mastiff clean him up. I forgot what he did to deserve that.

    I used to leg sweep him when he had his hands in his pockets.

    I fed him a fake "boogie" (small piece of banana, a
    Little peanut butter, something like that). The power of suggestion is strong, he thought it was real, cried to pops. Dad held me while he fed me a dead moth he found on the window sill. Yeah, plan backfired.

    I shot him with my paintball gun... whenever I had the chance.

    "Dead Arm", "Dead Leg", 24/7.

    On one of our family trips, we stopped at a river. There was a tree leaning halfway across, a rope tied to the top. When he finally got the courage up to swing out into the water (he was 5), I yelled out "Alligator!". My parents have a video of him dangling just above the water like a spider, crying that he doesn't want to get eattin'. We had him convinced it was a joke, he was just about to let go, then I yelled "Shark!".

    I could go on forever. It's not that I was tough on an "innocent little kid", that kid was a little trouthead. Now he's a big trouthead.

    This all trickled down to baby bro.

  9. #9


    Me and my brother are like Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens - always fighting... very brutally.
    We differ from each other in almost every aspect, but something unites us... What? I have no idea!

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    I was the youngest of four brothers. I'm the most sensitive (read: most 'feminine')of the lot. It didn't go well. Mr. Carny keeps saying that I had no childhood, but to be honest, I didn't have the best. I don't remember playing with my siblings that often at all. I sort of kept myself to myself, and they didn't make much of an attempt to take me to the park, or help me with my homework.

    By third oldest brother was the worst. He was a bit of a dick towards everyone, with often led to inter-familial fighting which probably informs my dread fear of confrontation. I remember my third oldest and first oldest brother fighting in another room with my mum trying to break it up with me sobbing underneath the covers. I was like, what, seven? Eight?

    As I got older, things got slightly less heated. But I guess I just don't feel terribly connected to them. I wouldn't be that upset if I only saw them once a year. Heck, I pretty much do already. They're okay, I guess, I just don't get warm gooey feelings from them. If I was in dire straights, they'd probably help.
    My Dad would sympathise with you. He was also the youngest of four brothers. Second oldest used to beat him.

    ......I can't really think of a joke for this without getting into a gender debate.....

  11. #11
    sinuosity's Avatar
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    Always wished I had siblings! Yall are more lucky than you realise.

  12. #12
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Oh, I fully realize how lucky I am. My brother is my irl best friend right now, aside from my wife. So I'm definitely happy about having a sibling.

  13. #13
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    One time I tackled my older bro to the floor and beat him over the head with a pillow crayon. That was fun.

    Another time we were playing F.3.A.R. together and when Alma appeared while climbing up a ladder I jumped and he sang, "You got the jump scare!"

  14. #14
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I think I might have ate all my siblings when we were first hatched.

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