We all love Mafia, right? It's been a while since we've had a game! But if you want to scratch that itch, EoFF has been invited to take part in a big ol' Mafia game with a bunch of other online communities.

I'd do my own spiel about it, but I'm lazy, so I'll just copy and paste what was sold to me earlier.

Quote Originally Posted by Thingyman
I'm hosting a very big mafia championship tournament, featuring 170 different sites, and would like to extend an invitation to your community, so I'm hoping this is the best way to go about this.

It's a super fun event that's been running since 2013 and it's built a lot of awesome relationships between communities and has even led to several romantic real life relationships if you'd believe it. Essentially, the concept is that each community democratically elects one person to go represent them in the Championship. I'd be stoked to see you guys represented. Hopefully you find this all very interesting and exciting.

Link to the invitation and more details on the event: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1...A9VG5p4W4/edit

If you have any questions, I'm here to answer them
So there we have it, if you fancy taking part get in contact with Thingyman - either on our Discord channel, or you can send a PM. Just make sure you shout in here, since it's one person per community.

As a sidebar, Mafia. It's been a while - how much interest do we have in maybe getting another game set up within the forum? I know we burned out pretty hard on it before!