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Thread: ZOMFG Doctor Who. Warning: SPOILERS!

  1. #1
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Default ZOMFG Doctor Who. Warning: SPOILERS!

    So like in Doctor Who this week there was an invasion! But as the Doctor said "It's not an invasion. It's too late for that. It's a victory." And then millions and millions of Cybermen came through a dimensional breach and began with their epic conquest of Earth.


    There are Daleks as well!!!

    Hoshiz, Daleks v. Cybermen is like the #1 most wanted match-up in the Doctor Who universe.

    I knew the Sphere wasn't Cyberman, it was the wrong design and color. It did look more like a Dalek design - or even a bit like a part of the TARDIS - but it was still totally great when they came floating out. Black Leader Dalek for the win!

    I don't think there's a reasonable way to get a 'safe' resolution from Doomsday (Part two of this, and last in the season.) - after all, modern-day Earth has been invaded by two of the most powerful invading forces out there. This isn't something hundreds of years in the future or whatever, it's right now, so the Doctor can never really come back to a 'normal' Earth. Especially not given the inevitably vast casualities which will ensue. Assuming we win at all! We may only survive.

    One thing though; The Doctor is inconsistent in the extreme. Just a few episodes ago he was lavishly praising Mankind for having a strong spirit of exploration, even though he was talking to a crew who had gone on an obvious suicide mission and almost set free Satan himself. Now, we're trying to investigate a dimensional anomoly above one of the largest cities on the planet and it's a bad thing?

  2. #2
    Who's scruffy lookin'? Captain Maxx Power's Avatar
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    Yeah I just saw it too. I must've been the only person in high spirits in this country (England went out of the World Cup today, big unsurprise), but I was squealling like a girl when the Dalek's actually came out of the sphere. It really is THAT great a prospect for us nerdy types who enjoy Doctor Who. It does seem like the sort of thing that would be world changing, I just hope the writers don't "Deus Ex Machina" their way out like with the finale of Season 1 (it would be kind of lame if they found a way just to send all the Cybermen/Daleks back where they came from). I was surprised at the return of Mickey though. It was very unstated. Usually they'd leave little clues about such an occurance, but it was like "o here I am, ain't that swell?". As for the Doctor's confused personality you can probably put more blame on the writers of the show than David himself (although David's Doctor is easily the most eccentric one I've known, even moreso than the legendary Tom Baker in the last few series of his run).

    But yeah, roll on next Saturday is all I can say. It'll be sad to have Doctor Who finish for this year, but there's always the post-watershed series Torchwood to look forward too which will hopefully be on par with Doctor Who (it's made by the same people in the same universe).
    There is no signature here. Move along.

  3. #3
    Mandle candle Spiffing Cheese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF
    One thing though; The Doctor is inconsistent in the extreme. Just a few episodes ago he was lavishly praising Mankind for having a strong spirit of exploration, even though he was talking to a crew who had gone on an obvious suicide mission and almost set free Satan himself. Now, we're trying to investigate a dimensional anomoly above one of the largest cities on the planet and it's a bad thing?
    I thought that was kind of ridiculous, as well; unless the reason he was so freaked out this time compared to the black hole incident was because in that case, the only people they were putting in danger were themselves - well, so they and the Doctor thought before, you know, the whole Satan himself turning up thing - and in this case, mankind - Torchwood - clearly must have had SOME idea at least that this could kill all. Or maybe not. Maybe the Doctor just likes humans more on some days than others.

    Anyway, I thought that episode was fantastic. Originally I was really annoyed to find out that the Cybermen were coming back (in that it seemed awfully similar to what happened in series 1, only with Daleks), and that they were brining the Daleks in AGAIN, but I think it's great that they're having huge huge Dalek/Cybermen battle. It's gonna rock.

    I really don't want Rose to die.

    If any of the above made any sort of sense, then that's a big achievement for me! I'm extremely hyper and giggly right now.

    EDIT: I think I liked Mickey's appearance in the epiosde. Usually I want to kill him with sharp things, but I think having the parallel worlds combining and having him return was a really good idea. He's SO going to die, though, if you ask me. And probably Jackie, too. Oh god, I hope Jackie dies.

    EDIT (again): I forgot to say! I was going to make a thread similar to this one, and after The Christmas Invasion I was going to make one and you stole both opportunities from me. ;____;

  4. #4
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    I saw this thread, and I immediately though 'Oh, Emma made this'. But, I was proven wrong!

    Yeah, this episode rocked so much. I was also squealing when the Daleks came out. xD It was such a shock! Sort of. But the Cybermen, and the Daleks... I hope to god I don't miss next week's!

  5. #5
    Mandle candle Spiffing Cheese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shauna
    I saw this thread, and I immediately though 'Oh, Emma made this'. But, I was proven wrong!

    Yeah, this episode rocked so much. I was also squealing when the Daleks came out. xD It was such a shock! Sort of. But the Cybermen, and the Daleks... I hope to god I don't miss next week's!
    I told you what to do! Get the relatives drunk and chuck them out, and then have the freedom to cry yourself to sleep when Rose dies.

  6. #6
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiffing Cheese
    I really don't want Rose to die.
    Never gonna let you forget you said that.

    I liked how the ghosts turned out to be Cybermen, that was pretty nifty. I thought they would be regular people like Mickey from that dimension rather than Cybermen.

    I guessed it would be Daleks in the sphere, or specifically Davros, so I was't too surprised when they popped out.

    And hey, at least the Doctor is consistent with his constant pop culture references.

  7. #7
    Mandle candle Spiffing Cheese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    Quote Originally Posted by Spiffing Cheese
    I really don't want Rose to die.
    Never gonna let you forget you said that.
    IT DOESN'T MEAN I LIKE BILLIE. I like the character. Wait, not even that.

    I like the Doctor/Rose luff luff.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    I guessed it would be Daleks in the sphere, or specifically Davros, so I was't too surprised when they popped out.
    I thought it was going to be Davros thanks to YOU, and then I was like that's not Davros! and disappointed! Thank you very much.

  8. #8
    Necron's Avatar
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    So i'm presuming Davros didn't die in the original series'? (I've never watched the originals)

  9. #9
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Didn't you see the Daleks in the preview for the next episode? (SPOILER)They were prattling on about how they had to protect the "Genesis Ark" or something like that. As Davros is the one who created the Daleks, as shown in the serial Genesis of the Daleks, I wonder what could be inside.

    Oh, Davros died a couple of times, but you just can't keep a good villain down. The last time he was in an episode, however, he was alive.

  10. #10
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxx Power
    Yeah I just saw it too. I must've been the only person in high spirits in this country (England went out of the World Cup today, big unsurprise), but I was squealling like a girl when the Dalek's actually came out of the sphere. It really is THAT great a prospect for us nerdy types who enjoy Doctor Who.
    My step-dad yelled like we'd won the lottery when he saw the Daleks. xDDD And I was in high spirits as well, don't worry. The depressed England team brought me great joy =P

    As for the Doctor's confused personality you can probably put more blame on the writers of the show than David himself (although David's Doctor is easily the most eccentric one I've known, even moreso than the legendary Tom Baker in the last few series of his run).
    Yes, I'm not blaming David, he's a totally awesome doctor. xD It's just a bit irksome.

    But yeah, roll on next Saturday is all I can say. It'll be sad to have Doctor Who finish for this year, but there's always the post-watershed series Torchwood to look forward too which will hopefully be on par with Doctor Who (it's made by the same people in the same universe).
    That's true, I keep forgetting about Torchwood but it will hopefully be good.

    Emma; I don't recall making a Christmas Invasion thread? Maybe I did I just don't remember.

  11. #11
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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  12. #12
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic
    It does not, sir.

    The next time I am making a Doctor Who thread I shall refrain from doing so, to allow dear Emma her moment in the spotlight.

  13. #13
    Mandle candle Spiffing Cheese's Avatar
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    Thank you. Thank you very much. I really do appreciate it.

  14. #14
    Banned ~SapphireStar~'s Avatar
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    My boyfriend is mega upset by Rose getting "killed off." He loves Billie, I think shes ok, Im not that huge a fan of hers. I love Mickey more, hes so cute

  15. #15
    Mandle candle Spiffing Cheese's Avatar
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    I hate Billie. However, I do think her acting has improved this series and she IS watchable now. I kinda grew to like the character of Rose and ;_______;

    Mickey is another matter. I don't think I've ever come across somebody on TV who irritates me as much as him (yes, of course I'm exaggerating). Apart from Jackie. She's a horrendous actress. And so annoying.

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