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Thread: Remake Five Games

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Dancing Chocobo Remake Five Games

    Say SE was asking fans what other games you would like to see in the future get a remake. You can choose five games from Square-Enix's history. The only catch is that you can only choose one game per franchise (spin-offs included) so you can't just name off three FF games and two Kingdom Heart titles. The other rule is you have to list what you would like them to change beyond the graphics and audio, and something has to change. No remake Mystic Quest but only update the graphics to FFXV's style and change nothing else type shenanigans. Now go!

  2. #2
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Xenogears - expand on disc 2 (but only but to not bog this already long game down); would work best if they got Takahashi and SaGa involved
    Vagrant Story - add some explanation for the battle system. If it weren’t for WK’s comprehensive guide, I would not have gotten past the first dungeon
    Chrono Cross - Id add more scenes depending on who you have, as well as making sure more main story scenarios actually involve them. Speaking of, most importantly, add more story scenes in between just to make more of the stuff later foreshadowed so the Dead Sea and Chronopolis aren’t massive info dumps
    Dragon Quest X - make a modern PC port that would be officially available in English. Try to keep it as unique as it is, but I think it’s unavoidable that some things would need to be changed just to accommodate to the Western MMO market
    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - make the missions more varied and have less of them rely on very hard to find items. It’d be cool if it went the TA2 way and eliminated the need for dispatch missions altogether by giving you the option of performing the task didectly

  3. #3
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VIII and ...whatever else, I guess. I'm not fussed on remakes unless they're my favourite games.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  4. #4
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    I really want a Threads of fate sequel, but I'll take a remake too. The game could be improved upon, but no actually if they remake it make it twice as big so I can get both the original and the sequel.

  5. #5
    WarZidane's Avatar
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    Seiken Densetsu 3, with localization this time and an updated battle system because we all saw with the SoM remake how good the battle system feels in 2018
    Xenogears with all intended content that we missed in the original's disc 2
    Infinite Undiscovery & Last Remnant with less bugs and better combat systems
    3rd Birthday with a completely different plot

  6. #6
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    Final Fantasy VIII - Update the graphics, add more triple triad cards and a deep dungeon.
    The World Ends With You - smurf remaking this, just make a damn sequel already!
    Kingdom Hearts X [chi] - Make a single player game out of it.
    The Last Remnant - Make the battle system less of a clustersmurf.
    Deus Ex - Complete graphic overhaul, sorry but nothing else needs changing about this game.

  7. #7
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aulayna View Post
    Deus Ex - Complete graphic overhaul, sorry but nothing else needs changing about this game.
    I'm afraid that I cannot accept this answer then.

  8. #8

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    Total Sweetheart
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    Ehrgeiz - I know we've got Dissidia but with all the buzz around the FF7 Remake there's room for a more traditional fighting game with an FF7 character focus, on top of the games original cast. If I'd change something, it would be that the game has a red lion and it isn't Red XIII, so they should make it Red XIII. I feel like there's enough of a loop hole where this isn't my Final Fantasy entry because the game already has a central cast.

    Xenogears for the already mentioned reasons.

    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Haters gonna hate, give this thing the Kingdom Hearts remix treatment and bring the handheld game to PS4. Maybe bundle it with Last Order as a bonus feature as well as extend the text in Loveless to more than a few poems.

    Buy The Legend of Dragoon from Sony and flip that masterpiece into a super masterpiece. Crowdsource it. Put it on Kickstarter like Shenmue 3. The "changes" can be decided in the bonus tiers which it would definitely reach.

    That's almost 5.

  10. #10


    1. Final Fantasy V. Give it the 3DS and/ or Switch treatment with a touch of upgraded graphics and sound and with the GBA's translatation
    2. Final Fantasy VIII. Give more foreshadowing towards future events, give other characters more sidequests and growth. Irvine stops womanizing, Selphie calms down a tad, Zell becomes some sort of a Balamb Garden leader, Quistis moves on from Squall and helps around Balamb. Rinoa needs to be saved once and that's with Adel. Seifer redeems and teams up with Squall and Rinoa to help defeat Ulti, while the others battle a big bad monster somewhere else within Ulti's castle. Have Ellone's powers explained better and have Edea stay as a party member.
    3. Chrono Cross. Dump alot of the optional characters and just focus on a select few. Have the story center around them.
    4. Crisis Core. Dump Genesis. Holy mother of grass. Make Cloud, Aerith, Sephiroth, Tseng and Angeal party members. Make battles feel less repetitive. Get rid of that " gambling " leveling up system. yuck. Aerith is not Yuna- she lives in the slums, give her a dirty dress and a weapon and have her always be careful and a bit paranoid of the Turks watching her.
    5. Ehrgeiz. Give it the Soul Calibur format and a much larger cast of characters.

  11. #11
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    1. Final Fantasy V. Give it the 3DS and/ or Switch treatment with a touch of upgraded graphics and sound and with the GBA's translatation
    2. Final Fantasy VIII. Give more foreshadowing towards future events, give other characters more sidequests and growth. Irvine stops womanizing, Selphie calms down a tad, Zell becomes some sort of a Balamb Garden leader, Quistis moves on from Squall and helps around Balamb. Rinoa needs to be saved once and that's with Adel. Seifer redeems and teams up with Squall and Rinoa to help defeat Ulti, while the others battle a big bad monster somewhere else within Ulti's castle. Have Ellone's powers explained better and have Edea stay as a party member.
    3. Chrono Cross. Dump alot of the optional characters and just focus on a select few. Have the story center around them.
    4. Crisis Core. Dump Genesis. Holy mother of grass. Make Cloud, Aerith, Sephiroth, Tseng and Angeal party members. Make battles feel less repetitive. Get rid of that " gambling " leveling up system. yuck. Aerith is not Yuna- she lives in the slums, give her a dirty dress and a weapon and have her always be careful and a bit paranoid of the Turks watching her.
    5. Ehrgeiz. Give it the Soul Calibur format and a much larger cast of characters.
    Quote Originally Posted by OP
    The only catch is that you can only choose one game per franchise (spin-offs included) so you can't just name off three FF games and two Kingdom Heart titles.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    1. Final Fantasy V. Give it the 3DS and/ or Switch treatment with a touch of upgraded graphics and sound and with the GBA's translatation
    2. Final Fantasy VIII. Give more foreshadowing towards future events, give other characters more sidequests and growth. Irvine stops womanizing, Selphie calms down a tad, Zell becomes some sort of a Balamb Garden leader, Quistis moves on from Squall and helps around Balamb. Rinoa needs to be saved once and that's with Adel. Seifer redeems and teams up with Squall and Rinoa to help defeat Ulti, while the others battle a big bad monster somewhere else within Ulti's castle. Have Ellone's powers explained better and have Edea stay as a party member.
    3. Chrono Cross. Dump alot of the optional characters and just focus on a select few. Have the story center around them.
    4. Crisis Core. Dump Genesis. Holy mother of grass. Make Cloud, Aerith, Sephiroth, Tseng and Angeal party members. Make battles feel less repetitive. Get rid of that " gambling " leveling up system. yuck. Aerith is not Yuna- she lives in the slums, give her a dirty dress and a weapon and have her always be careful and a bit paranoid of the Turks watching her.
    5. Ehrgeiz. Give it the Soul Calibur format and a much larger cast of characters.
    Quote Originally Posted by OP
    The only catch is that you can only choose one game per franchise (spin-offs included) so you can't just name off three FF games and two Kingdom Heart titles.
    Oh whoops ! Okay, remove FF VIII and Crisis Core. And put in Dragon Quest V ( would love to see a DQ XI treatment of this ) and copy that Legend of Dragoon idea Lone Wolf Leonhart had.

  13. #13
    Darkhero's Avatar
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    Ehrgeiz Improve the mechanics and add more FF characters.
    Einhander Update the visuals and add 2 player mode, including online co-op.
    Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart Update visuals and localize this game since it never got an original NA release.

    Not sure what else right now, maybe I'll update this post when I have new ideas.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    copy that Legend of Dragoon idea Lone Wolf Leonhart had.
    This will be on my tombstone.

  15. #15


    < .<
    > .>

    See, its funny, because every time I play LoD it isn't, 'Man, this game needs a remake!' I end up thinking, it is something more along the lines of, 'WHY ISN'T THIS BACKSTORY IT'S OWN GAME?!!?!'. Seriously, the Dragon Campaign is far too interesting and developed to have never gotten its own game, even if we DO know the outcome. Lufia pulled it off, so could LoD! D:

    As for the games I'd like to see remade:

    Final Fantasy II - There are just sooooo many ideas in this game I love that simply do not work, and just updating the game via ports isn't going to be enough to fix them. I'd want a remake to:

    • Keep the general magic leveling system, but significantly rework it so that leveling new spells is less tedious while also rewarding players for specializing in a smaller pool of key spells.
    • Keep the general weapon leveling system, but increase weapon diversity so different weapons excel at different things and drastically influence character builds.
    • Bring back the intelligence/spirit penalties from the original NES title alongside speed and evasion penalties, changing it up so that more armors are available with lower and higher penalties and according benefits to make choices more impactful.
    • Extremely heavy nerfs to evasion and buffs to defense -- running naked with the first shield you can buy should never be the ultimate defensive strategy in a game. Evasion should compliment knives and light armor for fast characters, while heavy armor should be an equality viable defensive option for things like spears and sword and board builds.
    • Expand on the story; the core elements and events are perfectly fine, but the pacing feels rather rocky and the world feels dead, and I'd love to see more locations and more OF the locations we do visit.
    • Expand the rebel base -- I'd love to see the location grow Suikoden style as you complete missions and gain traction against the Empire. It would add to the feeling of progress and would be an excellent place to passively expand the world via NPC conversations and potential side quests.
    • Keep the turn based combat and 2d style, but avoid the look chosen for the recent mobile versions of FF5 and FF6 -- it looks good for the monsters, but terrible for the characters.
    • Expand on the key word system, with less '?' reactions from people and more world building as people have different, and sometimes unexpected, responses to various key words. Even if the responses are just people reacting to you with confusion, go with that, as it just adds more character to the game.
    • Give more time to the key NPCs; I like Hilda, give her more personality! I like Gordon, give me more of him taking steps to improve himself before meeting up with you in Kashuan; I want to have drinks with Paul! What about ducking that first mission to find Scott and wandering off to meet Josef super early and have some random dialogue with him you can't see at any other point in the game?
    • I want more members of the rebellion. It has always driven me nuts that the only useful people in the entire rebel force are three random kids and Minwu -- I want other agents to exist, and I want to hear about these people and their exploits and to meet them. I also want them to fail as the story goes on, finally falling to the Empire's forces and adding to the feeling of looming terror they are supposed to represent, and making it more natural that these three kids manage to stay under their radar for long enough to actually become the heroes they end up as.

    Front Mission 2 - In contrast to the former, there isn't a whole lot this title missed the first time through, so what I'd like to see:

    • A non-Japanese release. Thanks Japan. >: I
    • More Wanzer models from later in the series, most specifically the Recson line because I am an absolutely adore those left arms, and the ability to use the Network to establish ties with a black market and obtain even more Wanzers that shouldn't be available in Alordesh.
    • Faster combat -- and not just compared to the original release, which was notorious for its combat loading times, but compared to the series even up to 5. I'd love to see movement and attacks planned out and confirmed before the map movement actually occurs so the two actions can be seamlessly blended together rather than having a move, stop, select action / cancel movement, play animation cycle.
    • Updated link combat, using the personalities and link squads from Front Mission 5. Some people didn't like the friendly fire mechanic, but I certainly did.
    • Axe Wanzer variant parts (i.e. 3+ Zeneth models in the same game) in favor of upgrade options so players can stick with parts they like instead of having to constantly shuffle parts while waiting for the game to arbitrarily reintroduce parts you want.
    • Unlimited ammo for non-shoulder ranged weapons. Limited machine gun ammo was not a good option, and I don't recall it in any other entry in the series.
    • As much as I hate them, the newer backpacks and weapon types from FM4 and 5 kind of need to be represented here.
    • Cameos from other games in the series, like was done in the DS port of Front Mission 1, which was a nice nod to fans that helped tie the world together.

    Parasite Eve - PE is in basically the same place as the above, except inverted, with the progress coming from the industry as a whole rather than its series, which unfortunately roughly amounts to me just wanting an updated experience more than a changed one. All the same, for what I'd like to see:

    • A transition into a full real time system, much like what was done with 3rd Birthday, only retaining the original game's general game pace, so no constant diving all over the place and blinking around.
    • A general overhaul to weapon classes, so different weapons have advantages over others as opposed to just having different starting stats. As it stands in the original game, single shot, multi-action pistols are the best weapons in the game with absolutely no competition and that should not be the case.
    • A more challenging New Game+ to go with the Chrysler Building; I don't recall if there was a difficulty bump during NG+in the original game or not, but if there was it was not noticeable.
    • A couple more dropped hints throughout the game about both the Chrysler Building as a potential location (love that you can see it glowing while exploring the hospital) and the hidden final boss atop it.

    Tales of Phantasia - Extremely cheaty pick here, but Enix has been Tri-Ace's primary, if not only, publisher throughout the years, and I've always considered ToP the company's original title, as it was the displeasure of ToP's development under Namco that led to them splintering from Wolf Team and forming T-A. I'd love to see SE work something out with Bamco for a full console remake of the title, giving full creative control to T-A for it, with my only real want for the game other than its existence being a non-CC based combat system in the style of older entries in the series.

    Rad Racer - Final Lap Twin needs competition in the Racing Game RPG genre and this could be the game to do it! Remake it as a lighthearted mobile/portable game with a suuuuuper cheesy story like, 'The leader of the evil -whatever- gang has killed your father and now you have to beat all of the gang members to get enough cred to challenge him to a race, a . . . RAD RACE!", and have unlockable parts and different abilities you can earn as you level up or something. I dunno really, I just want a decent portable racer and Rad Racer is a pretty classic title for the company, so it seems like a potential fit.
    Last edited by Rez09; 04-29-2018 at 04:01 AM.

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