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  1. Who loves 8-bit theatre?
  2. FF1: Using more than one of the same character
  3. Gravestone theory's
  4. wasting more time than usual
  5. Fighter-less parties!
  6. Level BB/M becomes stronger than Fi/Kn
  7. Do you think "Power Point," the peninsula northeast of Pravoka, was intentional?
  8. What is your favorite FF1 party?
  9. Favorite FF1 class.
  10. Fighter Campaign!
  11. Which do you use/like more?
  12. The CROWN and the Castle of Ordeals
  13. New Mage Color!
  14. Favorite 8-Bit Char?
  15. Better to Preorder FFOrigins, or just buy it???
  16. FF origins, Should I get it?
  17. HELP ON FF1!!!
  18. FF Origins EASY MODE
  19. FF: Origins translations
  20. New Names
  21. question about WarMech...
  22. HELP!!! FF origins!
  23. The high stats
  24. my game
  25. Time and Steps
  26. The Highest Level you can go up to
  27. I met the 8-bit theatre guy
  28. Phanatical Phantasy
  29. Warmech?
  30. Are you a Light Warrior?
  31. emulator woes
  32. Final Fantasy Encyclopedia
  33. The Caravan Master?
  34. The thief is a waste of space
  35. Help w/ FFI
  36. You gotta see this
  37. 8-bit lovers come here
  38. Somethings wrong
  39. HEY! Somethings missing!
  40. Where can i download the town theme of psx ff1?
  41. FF Origins
  42. Thief --> Ninja
  43. Experience in ff1, ff3j
  44. is it just me...
  45. origins collections thing
  46. QueStIon!!!!
  47. lol
  48. FF1: Hardest Boss
  49. Ultimate Offensive Party
  50. Thief's running ability
  51. how to encounter warmech(?)
  52. woo beat norm mode
  53. Wheres this secret stair way? (FF1)
  54. FF1 on emulator
  55. FF1 real names?
  56. FMV in FFI
  57. FF Origins question...
  58. 8bit party stinks
  59. Weird thing in FF1
  60. wsc ff1?
  61. Fighter VS. Link, the ULTIMATE fight...sorta.
  62. FFOrigins question
  63. FF1 staffroll
  64. May LINK rest in peace...
  65. FF1 monster collection?
  66. Where do you finds Iron Golems?
  67. Final Fantasy I help.
  68. FF 1 Boat Puzzle
  69. Dr. Unne's FF1 Tournament!
  70. Those weird trolls...
  71. 8-Bit theater, IN FLASH!
  72. FF1 Temple Of Choas Theme from FFOrigins...
  73. ff1 in origins
  74. Easy mode versus normal mode and bonus photos
  76. Official ff1 names
  77. An annoying glitch in FF1 Origins?
  78. about origins
  79. Is it me...? (Final Fantasy Origins)
  80. nameless??? (origins)
  81. Gosh, FF1 is SO hard!!!
  82. Cool Spells
  83. The Tyrannosaur in Origins
  84. FF1= too easy
  85. Loading times before battles in final fantasy origins?
  86. Where is Warmech?
  87. FFI overworld theme
  88. Changes in Origins
  89. The ending of FFI
  90. Who was the hardest fiend?
  91. Does anybody know this trick? FFI,FFO
  92. Bonus game?
  93. Best FF1 battle theme
  94. Should I lvl. some (FFO)
  96. Rating of Origins?
  97. The time-loop revisited
  98. Did I choose right(FF1 in Origens)
  99. Trouble With All BB Party
  100. FF1 Emulator
  101. Final Fantasy 1
  102. FF1 plot?!?!?!?!!?
  103. FF Origins disapointments (a little spoilers)
  104. Name origin site - update
  105. Best/Worst FF1 party
  106. Changing characters
  107. FF1 thief
  108. Black Wizard
  109. transformations
  110. OMG, hott3st FFI enemy!!1
  111. Random help on...er...stuff...
  112. FF1 Enemy stratagies
  113. ffMSXX
  114. What's the deal with the dragon?! (FFI; Spoilers)
  115. please answer. VERY IMPORTANT. ff1
  116. A lost Final Fantasy for the NES!
  117. Please help again
  118. 8-Bit Theatre (FF1 humor)
  119. one more please
  120. ff1 or origins
  121. Did I just suck big time when I was a kid or what...?
  122. SeaShrine, please help
  123. RARE FF Port
  124. Cartridge Worship
  125. Proper save on WSC FF1 rom?
  126. Did we ever find this out?
  127. Question about Origins
  128. Anyone ever notice?
  129. Sum1 told me FF5 is the best 1.....
  130. FF Origins: Temple of Chaos- 2000 years in the past.
  131. Final Fantasy I - IV FAQ
  132. FF1 (NES) data corruption?
  133. Weird room in temple of fiends...
  134. 8-bit theater (ff1 rocks)
  135. FF1 BB Solo
  136. Airship puzzle
  137. FinalFantasy1 Emulator&rom
  138. !daerhT hsimoorB
  139. Square announced Final Fantasy 1 + 2 Advance
  140. Black Belts suck
  141. Black Mages suck
  142. FFI: everybody keeps missing wtf (level 2 ppl)
  143. FFI-II advance
  144. FF1 Sprite Comics
  145. FF I WSC ROM?
  146. Mobile Final Fantasy 1
  147. More Truly Retro Games
  148. Suggestions for a BMx4 Game? (FF1)
  149. FF1 needs 4 player
  150. Japanese FF1 and 2
  151. Red Mage doesn't suck
  152. Why are there so many death type spells in FFI?
  153. FF1 Speed up
  154. ff1 SPELL names
  155. So how much level I need to defeat Dark Cload??
  156. Help in FF!
  157. FF1 for GBA
  158. origins... worth buying?
  159. Thieves Suck
  160. FF1 Walkthrough not downloading.
  161. FF1 Party Reviews
  162. ff1 boss tournment
  163. help in FF1
  164. FFI questions
  165. Names of characters & jobs on FF1
  166. Question on running away in FF1
  167. Memo save in FF Origins
  168. Why take a Red Mage?
  169. Onrac FF1
  170. I've seen T-Rex
  171. Armor selection in FF1
  172. Original NES files !
  173. Dr. Unne=Cid????
  174. FF1 I need help plz
  175. i need some help in ff1...
  176. Does it have a deeper story? [FFI]
  177. FFO PAL/NTSC (2 quick Q's)
  178. Worst FF1 Spell
  179. Good Message board RPG
  180. Is the guide on this site for FF1 for the PS1 version?
  181. Classic NES-Final Fantasy?
  182. FF1: Puzzle Sliding game
  183. Pandemonium and mythologies (spoilers)
  184. ffI+II remake details
  185. FF1 Trivia!
  186. Names for Final fantasy 1
  187. Portability or the Big Screen
  188. gba ff1 played it.what i noticied. (FFI&II Gameplay Differences)
  189. Final Fantasy 1&2 for GBA in America?º
  190. Emu help?!
  191. The charm of FF1
  192. FFI&II Translation Differences
  193. i dont understand FF1
  194. Tyrannosaur where art thou? (FF1 Origin)
  195. FF 1 Question
  196. FF I, what exactly happened? (SPOILERS)
  197. Please help! Lost ship in FF1
  198. FF I and II
  199. Ice Cave blows
  200. How to use magic and such
  201. FF1 Origins Final Dungeon
  202. FF Origins Collection
  203. Finding Ochre Jelly
  204. Class change
  205. Dawn of Souls shipment problems?
  206. DOS Naming
  207. FFI DS - It's a whole new ballgame
  208. Trogdor!!
  209. Dawn of Souls Discussion
  210. FF I and II: Dawn of Souls
  211. Your FF1 Party, DoS Style
  212. FFI Class Question
  213. A question about Black Belts
  214. Final Fantasy One???
  215. Ribbons + Prorings
  216. DoS FFI:Why has my Red Mage a low HP?
  217. Other FF1s
  218. A quick question, if someone could answer it
  219. canoe
  220. FF I help :(
  221. ff1. class change, for gba
  222. I'm lost....
  223. Im lost
  224. Lost in Earthgift shrine...
  225. Magic Lv FF1
  226. Oh my god, I SUCK at this game!!! (got lost again)
  227. I need help on FFI PLZ!!!!!!
  228. FF1 Help!
  229. Freakin' Chaos
  230. If you like the games...
  231. 8-bit Theatre 500 Episodes!!
  232. Anyone have the Golbez sprites?
  233. The Earthgift Shrine
  234. Hellfire shrine help... because im a lost loser
  235. Help with FF1 DoS(May contain spoilers)
  236. embarrassed, but i need to ask. FF1 DoS
  237. Final Fantasy 1 Tiles / Chipset
  238. FF1 DOS Champions
  239. FFI Create Character
  240. Final fantasy rocks
  241. Just a question about DoS...
  242. FF:Dos or FF:O?
  243. What level...
  244. Difficulties with FF1
  245. go go Garland ranger???
  246. Extra dungeons in FF1
  247. White Mage Challenge
  248. FFI (NES Rom version) question
  249. Black Wizard in DoS... His old costume was better...
  250. Stupid me. (ROM Trouble)