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  1. Anyone with good methods and tactics, share it in here!
  2. how do you open all 3 hatches in lunatic pandora with laguna?
  3. Which Final Fantasy VIII character would make the best friend??
  4. Who is the the best looking FF8 girl?
  5. The Best Looking FF8 Guy
  6. final fantasy viii and it's predecessors
  7. Squall's Best Limit Break
  8. This made me mad....
  9. The Ending! It's confusing! *Many Spoilers*
  10. cards
  11. I'll be here. I promise in japanese?
  12. FFVIII: Best Final Fantasy Music?
  13. Gunblades confuse me
  14. FMV's
  15. If FFVIII became a movie... (maybe spoilers)
  16. card trade rules
  17. ARG, Adel iz t3h SuX0r
  18. Limit Breaks in the opening FMV
  19. Good Places To Level Up
  20. Fishing
  21. Why so many women?
  22. Fact or Myth???
  23. Gender of Ultima nad Omega
  24. Rinoa In My Opinion (SPOILERS!!!)
  25. Apprentice triple triad
  26. Triple Triad Gold?
  27. Influential options
  28. Squall under Rinoa's love spell? (Spoilers)
  29. Renaming
  30. Magic in the real world
  31. Dragon skin
  33. FF8 IS EASY
  35. Do you think there will be a FFVIII-2 and if there was...
  36. Favorite Funny Quotes (spoilers)
  37. Errrrrrr... Glitch?
  38. EASY AP
  39. Does anyone wanna make a FFVIII character shrine with me?
  40. It's official I've had too much FF8
  41. Your opinion on timed missions!
  42. Tribia Garden
  43. The most Popular GF
  45. The fate of Seifer (possible spoilders)
  46. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  47. Dragon Skin
  48. Guyz need help! Pictures needed
  49. About Cards
  50. Rinoa E-Cards! (e-cards may have SPOILING pics on them
  51. FF8 Battle...FF9 Style
  52. Someone please help!!
  53. DRAGON FANGS! (and aliens)
  54. Esthar's Economy
  55. squall laguna's son?
  56. The most important character?!
  57. Cid and Edea
  58. cant get ff 8 to work in winxp
  59. i know whats missing
  60. re-playability???
  61. who got best dress sense???
  62. Game Freeze
  63. Final Fantasy VIII download
  64. What would have made FF8 a much better game?
  65. Song in FFVIII?
  66. The Mechanical Spider
  67. Fujin and Raijin
  68. Fujin and Raijin
  69. Ultima Weapon
  70. What happens next?
  71. Which CG movie was your favorite?
  72. Adamantine and Star Fragments
  73. Dragon skin
  74. quistis (????)
  75. My Final Fantasy 8 Site!
  76. FMV for PS2
  77. Triple triad
  78. Julia Heartilly
  79. lol
  81. FFVIII-2 please read
  82. My FF8-2 ideas...(weely kewliez!!!11!!)
  83. rinoa and Sqaull (contains small spoilers) Thought of mine!
  84. A ressemblance
  85. Edit pictures or not..?
  86. Anyone here has a larger picture of this..?
  87. the library girl with pig tails.
  88. Ivrine's basket ball shoot at Trabia Garden
  89. ***$$$^_^ $$$***
  90. Something's confusing me...(spoiler alert)
  91. Elemental Attack Help
  92. Who is the best guy in FF8???
  93. Ending question...*spoilers*
  94. Shumi Village
  95. The Organ in Ultimecia's Castle
  96. Do you think Final Fantasy VIII is the worst Final Fantasy ever?
  97. Look Alike
  98. did you ever did this?
  100. Observation about the ending (Spoiler)
  101. Help plz. Technical problem
  102. card game help
  103. Chocobo Forests
  104. Screenshots
  105. help me please!!!!
  106. This game sucks...
  107. The painting thing in the castle. What is it?
  108. FF8-2 fiction (created myself ^^)
  109. how a REMAKE should be?
  110. That mysterious hole in Trabia...
  111. Some confusing lame questions (spoiler alert!)
  112. How to make the game more challenging ^^
  113. Bast charachter in VIII
  114. White SeeD Ship
  115. DO anybody know where i can d/l this game for pc?!
  116. Just a couple of small questions.
  117. Funji and rajin
  118. Opinions on Seifer(Spoilers)
  119. FF8 midis yay pureghetto!
  120. Alow me to end the stupid "R=U" theory once and for all!!!!
  121. My next creation
  122. B-Garden faculty ???
  123. Sorceress Issues...spoilers!!!
  124. I need help!!
  125. Queen of the card quest
  126. R=U? What are you people talking about?
  127. looking for cd1!
  128. Radio interferences and G-Garden qst (spoiler)
  129. i'm freakn out w/ R=U!!! ;_;
  130. This Guy REALLY Looks like Squall . . .
  131. Selphie is a.... SPOILER!
  132. looking 4 screens...
  133. Need a Pic
  134. It is worth it?
  135. Need help with FF8 (PC)
  136. Game crashes right after Adel battle (slight SPOILERS)
  137. Are there any FFVIII patches beyond 1.2?
  138. Final Fantasy viii PC ¿?¿?
  139. RANDOM
  140. squall and who
  141. Quifer . . .
  142. gun blade??
  143. how i beat the space
  144. AMI? soundtrack question...
  145. Extracting FMVs
  146. Passing items up
  147. FF8 Links
  148. R=U?
  149. Anyone know that Rinoa's Ultimecia?
  150. Question
  151. Help! Need picture of Selphie's Flail!
  152. Uhh...Help!
  153. Whitch character did you like the least?
  154. final fantasy 8 pc
  155. whos squall's dad?
  156. Rinoa + Quistis = Catfight?!
  157. elnoyle cards (sp?)
  158. The Final Fantasy VIII FAQ Thread + Guardian Forces
  159. Leon...(KH and FFVIII Spoilers maybe)
  160. hello people
  161. Final Fantasy VIII Haters!!
  162. Name change
  163. Query about marlboros.
  164. Logic + FFVIII = Error. (Concerning Irvine's gun)
  165. Are Shumis aliens? (spoilers)
  166. Odd names for GF's . . .
  167. Explanation for the ending of Final Fantasy 8
  168. RINOA FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  169. The Moon! (My First Post)
  170. CC Group
  171. ::FF8 Female Gamerz::
  172. Who di YOU think is the best and cutest character in Final Fantasy VIII?
  173. Saved states
  174. Crash.........and burn..
  175. Garden of Eden
  176. >> Odin question
  177. Who hated FFVIII?
  178. liberi fatali - where can i download?
  179. WHAT THE HECK IS IT!!! (Final battle spoilers)
  180. Help me abolish Random!!!
  181. It Was good
  182. Diablos...are you supposed to be doing that?
  183. Mythology References
  184. Cifer and Cid
  185. FFVIII on pc
  186. Where to find the ending video(SPOILERS)
  187. what happened to that one shumi? *Spoilers*
  188. Love Grows *Spoilers*
  189. Help with Adel
  192. >> Where is Omega??
  193. SeeD Logo???
  194. GF Help?
  195. what techniques did you use on the last battle in FF8? *SPOILERS*
  196. ff8 rumor.
  197. Kujin and Fujin
  198. where is pain magicks?
  199. No more drawing.
  200. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's my FINAL FANTASY VIII WEBSITE!!!
  201. How Cool Would it be to...
  202. What Does Squall Say? (Prison)
  203. GF Diablo attack
  204. E'erybody cries.
  205. characters based off of celebs
  206. FF8: best battle music
  207. FF8 on DVD
  208. FF8 movie...
  209. Jumbo Cactuar
  210. Card Trading Screw-up
  211. mini mog :o ?
  212. FFVIII Re-Written
  213. Selphie and Zell/Irviene
  214. Timber maniacs magazine at Zell´s house
  215. A few rare items
  216. Edea Cards (spoilers)
  217. Those Pesky CC Members!
  218. Epics of Gilgamesh
  219. Question about my main man, Angelo.
  220. Rinoa, the Roundheels? [SPOILERS]
  221. Am I the only one to think this....
  222. A few near-end questions. (small disc 3 spoilers)
  223. And Now, Evil Chocobos!
  224. Ragnork disc 3 SPOILERS!!!
  226. Irvine's real reason... (spoilers)
  227. Timeline (*Spoilers*)
  228. Eden: What is it anyway O_O;? [Mild Spoilers]
  229. GF-Alexander
  230. What does she say? (Spoilers)
  231. FF8 rather agrivating CRASH
  232. FF8 for PC
  233. Figures
  234. NEED HELP!!!
  235. Low level Beating
  236. Is it pronounced seed or CD
  237. Final Fantasy VIII club?
  238. The ending is wonderfull but i want it to go on
  239. is squall (spoilers) son???
  240. How does Julia die?
  241. Disc 3
  242. Doomtrain
  243. THE END
  244. Power Generator=pulse ammo
  245. Have you noticed this?!? *Possible Spoilers*
  246. SeeD, an acronym?
  247. The most memorable moment?
  248. Time travel and the R=U theories (MASSIVE FRICKEN SPOILER WARNING)
  249. FFVIII figures
  250. Lunar crash site