- Anyone with good methods and tactics, share it in here!
- how do you open all 3 hatches in lunatic pandora with laguna?
- Which Final Fantasy VIII character would make the best friend??
- Who is the the best looking FF8 girl?
- The Best Looking FF8 Guy
- final fantasy viii and it's predecessors
- Squall's Best Limit Break
- This made me mad....
- The Ending! It's confusing! *Many Spoilers*
- cards
- I'll be here. I promise in japanese?
- FFVIII: Best Final Fantasy Music?
- Gunblades confuse me
- FMV's
- If FFVIII became a movie... (maybe spoilers)
- card trade rules
- ARG, Adel iz t3h SuX0r
- Limit Breaks in the opening FMV
- Good Places To Level Up
- Fishing
- Why so many women?
- Fact or Myth???
- Gender of Ultima nad Omega
- Rinoa In My Opinion (SPOILERS!!!)
- Apprentice triple triad
- Triple Triad Gold?
- Influential options
- Squall under Rinoa's love spell? (Spoilers)
- Renaming
- Magic in the real world
- Dragon skin
- Do you think there will be a FFVIII-2 and if there was...
- Favorite Funny Quotes (spoilers)
- Errrrrrr... Glitch?
- Does anyone wanna make a FFVIII character shrine with me?
- It's official I've had too much FF8
- Your opinion on timed missions!
- Tribia Garden
- The most Popular GF
- The fate of Seifer (possible spoilders)
- Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Dragon Skin
- Guyz need help! Pictures needed
- About Cards
- Rinoa E-Cards! (e-cards may have SPOILING pics on them
- FF8 Battle...FF9 Style
- Someone please help!!
- DRAGON FANGS! (and aliens)
- Esthar's Economy
- squall laguna's son?
- The most important character?!
- Cid and Edea
- cant get ff 8 to work in winxp
- i know whats missing
- re-playability???
- who got best dress sense???
- Game Freeze
- Final Fantasy VIII download
- What would have made FF8 a much better game?
- Song in FFVIII?
- The Mechanical Spider
- Fujin and Raijin
- Fujin and Raijin
- Ultima Weapon
- What happens next?
- Which CG movie was your favorite?
- Adamantine and Star Fragments
- Dragon skin
- quistis (????)
- My Final Fantasy 8 Site!
- FMV for PS2
- Triple triad
- Julia Heartilly
- lol
- FFVIII-2 please read
- My FF8-2 ideas...(weely kewliez!!!11!!)
- rinoa and Sqaull (contains small spoilers) Thought of mine!
- A ressemblance
- Edit pictures or not..?
- Anyone here has a larger picture of this..?
- the library girl with pig tails.
- Ivrine's basket ball shoot at Trabia Garden
- ***$$$^_^ $$$***
- Something's confusing me...(spoiler alert)
- Elemental Attack Help
- Who is the best guy in FF8???
- Ending question...*spoilers*
- Shumi Village
- The Organ in Ultimecia's Castle
- Do you think Final Fantasy VIII is the worst Final Fantasy ever?
- Look Alike
- did you ever did this?
- Observation about the ending (Spoiler)
- Help plz. Technical problem
- card game help
- Chocobo Forests
- Screenshots
- help me please!!!!
- This game sucks...
- The painting thing in the castle. What is it?
- FF8-2 fiction (created myself ^^)
- how a REMAKE should be?
- That mysterious hole in Trabia...
- Some confusing lame questions (spoiler alert!)
- How to make the game more challenging ^^
- Bast charachter in VIII
- White SeeD Ship
- DO anybody know where i can d/l this game for pc?!
- Just a couple of small questions.
- Funji and rajin
- Opinions on Seifer(Spoilers)
- FF8 midis yay pureghetto!
- Alow me to end the stupid "R=U" theory once and for all!!!!
- My next creation
- B-Garden faculty ???
- Sorceress Issues...spoilers!!!
- I need help!!
- Queen of the card quest
- R=U? What are you people talking about?
- looking for cd1!
- Radio interferences and G-Garden qst (spoiler)
- i'm freakn out w/ R=U!!! ;_;
- This Guy REALLY Looks like Squall . . .
- Selphie is a.... SPOILER!
- looking 4 screens...
- Need a Pic
- It is worth it?
- Need help with FF8 (PC)
- Game crashes right after Adel battle (slight SPOILERS)
- Are there any FFVIII patches beyond 1.2?
- Final Fantasy viii PC ¿?¿?
- squall and who
- Quifer . . .
- gun blade??
- how i beat the space
- AMI? soundtrack question...
- Extracting FMVs
- Passing items up
- FF8 Links
- R=U?
- Anyone know that Rinoa's Ultimecia?
- Question
- Help! Need picture of Selphie's Flail!
- Uhh...Help!
- Whitch character did you like the least?
- final fantasy 8 pc
- whos squall's dad?
- Rinoa + Quistis = Catfight?!
- elnoyle cards (sp?)
- The Final Fantasy VIII FAQ Thread + Guardian Forces
- Leon...(KH and FFVIII Spoilers maybe)
- hello people
- Final Fantasy VIII Haters!!
- Name change
- Query about marlboros.
- Logic + FFVIII = Error. (Concerning Irvine's gun)
- Are Shumis aliens? (spoilers)
- Odd names for GF's . . .
- Explanation for the ending of Final Fantasy 8
- RINOA FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- The Moon! (My First Post)
- CC Group
- ::FF8 Female Gamerz::
- Who di YOU think is the best and cutest character in Final Fantasy VIII?
- Saved states
- Crash.........and burn..
- Garden of Eden
- >> Odin question
- Who hated FFVIII?
- liberi fatali - where can i download?
- WHAT THE HECK IS IT!!! (Final battle spoilers)
- Help me abolish Random!!!
- It Was good
- Diablos...are you supposed to be doing that?
- Mythology References
- Cifer and Cid
- FFVIII on pc
- Where to find the ending video(SPOILERS)
- what happened to that one shumi? *Spoilers*
- Love Grows *Spoilers*
- Help with Adel
- >> Where is Omega??
- SeeD Logo???
- GF Help?
- what techniques did you use on the last battle in FF8? *SPOILERS*
- ff8 rumor.
- Kujin and Fujin
- where is pain magicks?
- No more drawing.
- Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's my FINAL FANTASY VIII WEBSITE!!!
- How Cool Would it be to...
- What Does Squall Say? (Prison)
- GF Diablo attack
- E'erybody cries.
- characters based off of celebs
- FF8: best battle music
- FF8 on DVD
- FF8 movie...
- Jumbo Cactuar
- Card Trading Screw-up
- mini mog :o ?
- FFVIII Re-Written
- Selphie and Zell/Irviene
- Timber maniacs magazine at Zell´s house
- A few rare items
- Edea Cards (spoilers)
- Those Pesky CC Members!
- Epics of Gilgamesh
- Question about my main man, Angelo.
- Rinoa, the Roundheels? [SPOILERS]
- Am I the only one to think this....
- A few near-end questions. (small disc 3 spoilers)
- And Now, Evil Chocobos!
- Ragnork disc 3 SPOILERS!!!
- Irvine's real reason... (spoilers)
- Timeline (*Spoilers*)
- Eden: What is it anyway O_O;? [Mild Spoilers]
- GF-Alexander
- What does she say? (Spoilers)
- FF8 rather agrivating CRASH
- FF8 for PC
- Figures
- Low level Beating
- Is it pronounced seed or CD
- Final Fantasy VIII club?
- The ending is wonderfull but i want it to go on
- is squall (spoilers) son???
- How does Julia die?
- Disc 3
- Doomtrain
- Power Generator=pulse ammo
- Have you noticed this?!? *Possible Spoilers*
- SeeD, an acronym?
- The most memorable moment?
- Time travel and the R=U theories (MASSIVE FRICKEN SPOILER WARNING)
- FFVIII figures
- Lunar crash site