View Full Version : MLP:FiM Megathread: Does anyone even watch this show anymore edition

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09-04-2012, 11:25 PM
MJN: This might be of use to you: Everypony Sings (http://www.everyponysings.com/)

Chris: I LOVED THAT MOVIE. It is so underrated. Thank you. That's excelent. I really appreciate your help. I will add what I need to the article when I can (my computer won't allow me to use that site correctly yet.)


09-05-2012, 10:46 AM
Okay, for the longest time, I have resisted watching this show. So, finally, I watched episode 1-3, and it was actually pretty good. I hate that I liked it as much as I did. Also, Rarity scares me.

That's how most of us start. Welcome to the herd - there is no escape!
The stereotype characters are the best part, in my view.

Oh and yeah, actually I watched the first episode of G1. I never expected to see Spike! The entire pilot was actually a very similar storyline to FiM's 2-part pilot, only with a human prince instead of a pony princess.

It was okay. It definitely didn't scream "girly" as much as I expected. But I definitely thought it lacked FiM's humour and... how to describe it.. "air of charm" that makes me love it so much. Also Firefly < Rainbow Dash.

(The only thing with the fandom is it's managed to attract a lot of people with serious emotional health problems. It's wonderful that a simple animated show created some hope and happiness for these people, but it... certainly makes the fandom stressful at times. Unless it's just a ponychan thing, I don't know.)

09-05-2012, 05:21 PM
Okay, for the longest time, I have resisted watching this show. So, finally, I watched episode 1-3, and it was actually pretty good. I hate that I liked it as much as I did. Also, Rarity scares me.

That's how most of us start. Welcome to the herd - there is no escape!
The stereotype characters are the best part, in my view.

Oh and yeah, actually I watched the first episode of G1. I never expected to see Spike! The entire pilot was actually a very similar storyline to FiM's 2-part pilot, only with a human prince instead of a pony princess.

It was okay. It definitely didn't scream "girly" as much as I expected. But I definitely thought it lacked FiM's humour and... how to describe it.. "air of charm" that makes me love it so much. Also Firefly < Rainbow Dash.

(The only thing with the fandom is it's managed to attract a lot of people with serious emotional health problems. It's wonderful that a simple animated show created some hope and happiness for these people, but it... certainly makes the fandom stressful at times. Unless it's just a ponychan thing, I don't know.)

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Ponychan. I've been diving around in various parts of the fandom for about 9 months and the only real stress I've come across has been as a result of attempting to dissasociate the fandom with particularly creepy or negative news events (ie: Howard Stern, when Jerry Springer's people started hitting up the forums trying to find some insane clopper to put on TV, when TLC was looking for someone to feature on one of those "My weird obsession" style shows.) or a couple of outspoken tits on FimFiction.net that thought they were literary geniuses and would start flame wars on "lesser authors" stories.

On the whole I've found almost everyone to be very reasonable and emotionally stable.

09-05-2012, 07:33 PM
Oh and yeah, actually I watched the first episode of G1. I never expected to see Spike! The entire pilot was actually a very similar storyline to FiM's 2-part pilot, only with a human prince instead of a pony princess.

It was okay. It definitely didn't scream "girly" as much as I expected. Well yes... The first episode of of FIM was based on a fanfiction of the G1 TV Series that Lauren (creator of FIM) did when she was a child. A lot of the episodes are based on her fanfictions (though she herself only did the scripts for two of them.) They obviously starred G1 ponies though; as much as I love the FIM cast, I kind of sympathize with her not being able to put her old favorites in.

As I keep saying; FIM was made for kids, but it was also made by fans of the old generations, for fans of the old generations. You can see plenty of call backs to the older generations if you know where to look (but that is the most obvious one).

It's really awesome that you gave it a try though. It's my favorite G1 episode to be honest. /)

09-06-2012, 02:03 PM
I don't really notice a lot of negative press, but don't really look for it either. Thankfully because most of the FiM fandom seems to be intelligent, polite and overall cool people, when I've seen negative press (usually badly strung together by some arrogant traditionalist who hates the idea of males enjoying something previously reserved for females) it's usually been followed up by a higher-quality rebuttal that puts us back in a positive light with interest.

Well yes... The first episode of of FIM was based on a fanfiction of the G1 TV Series that Lauren (creator of FIM) did when she was a child.

Oh interesting, I didn't know that.

Indeed, it's neat that they've kept older fans in mind, even if it was originally meant as just keeping fans of the older gen series in mind. Now Hasbro just needs to realise a little more than they do already that we're the ones with the money :) If there still aren't any blu-rays and other things the older crowd would be interested in buying, there should be!
(There's almost nothing in the UK, and if the series was on iTunes I'd buy it in 10 seconds flat)

09-06-2012, 04:57 PM
I don't really notice a lot of negative press, but don't really look for it either. Thankfully because most of the FiM fandom seems to be intelligent, polite and overall cool people, when I've seen negative press (usually badly strung together by some arrogant traditionalist who hates the idea of males enjoying something previously reserved for females) it's usually been followed up by a higher-quality rebuttal that puts us back in a positive light with interest. That's one of the many things I love about the brony fandom. Also, I find it funny that so many (both bronies and brony haters) don't realize that while the toyline was "researved for females" the TV show was not, at least not at first. It started out as a show for children, but when girls started following it more they tried to soften it a bit (it was the 80s-90s, the world was more stereotypical then) but while the first part of G1 simply made the bad guys less of a threat, and the second part - MLP Tales (no, it isn't G2) removed them altogether (Tales can be seen as an early humanized version of the more simple FIM episodes) it never really became girly, even when they tried to make it so (sans one, in my opinion, poorly written Tales episode). G3 was more girly, but I actually like that now too. FIM basically restored it to being an "everyone" show.

Oh interesting, I didn't know that. The More You Know. *shooting star*.

Yeah, a lot of the episodes are at the very least based on her old fanfictions (not all of them are) though a lot of them have scripts done by the other writers. Though a couple of things had to change (namely what ponies she wanted to use) it's really awesome that someone could actually make her fanfictions real like that. It's kind of motivating.

Indeed, it's neat that they've kept older fans in mind, even if it was originally meant as just keeping fans of the older gen series in mind. True. The funny thing is that, this is actually the reason bronies exist, which makes it funny that so many new bronies a quick to hate on the old versions until they realize this (thankfully very few of them do this now). Hasbro have definitely placed bronies as their official third target audience (behind kids first, and previous fans second), and have at least started putting things in the show for us; They included Derpy for us (and fought to keep her when things went wrong) they place certain ponies together in scenes for us (ironically two of these ponies were placed together before hand in the occasional scene because they "looked good together", but when bronies started, at the very least, "friendshipping" these two ponies, the animators started drawing them together more, on purpose, as a shout out to us), they use some of "our" names for us as long as they aren't copyrighted, and even then they try to appease us (Time Turner's official description reveals that they wanted him to be "Doctor Whooves" as much as most of us did) they also made Cadance an alicorn for us (though that's because they missunderstood what we were saying)

Now Hasbro just needs to realise a little more than they do already that we're the ones with the money :) If there still aren't any blu-rays and other things the older crowd would be interested in buying, there should be!
(There's almost nothing in the UK, and if the series was on iTunes I'd buy it in 10 seconds flat) As long as the BluRays and DVDs don't suffer the same fate as most children's shows (just a handful of random episodes and no extras). Also I live in the UK too, and when it comes to ponies, our country sucks. The only channel to air them was Boomerang, and that channel did zero research on the show; they thought that the second half of Season 1 was Season 2, so God only knows what they'll say when Season 2 arrives - this like what the Americans did to Final Fantasy, but not as ludicrous. I've given up on waiting for them to get their act together, and am sticking to YouTube.

09-06-2012, 06:12 PM
G3 was more girly, but I actually like that now too. FIM basically restored it to being an "everyone" show.
Nice. I may check out G3 some time. The style isn't really to my taste, and I love the.. how can I put it but "cooler".. anime style along with just how really universal it all feels, with the only slightly girly thing being the logo. But the episode of G1 wasn't what I'd consider bad, and I'm not one to judge something before trying. Hence getting into FiM in the first place ;)

The More You Know. *shooting star*.

Awesome indeed that the love and imagination she had for it was then used as a basis for the new series.
I actually don't read up on this stuff all that much (as is evident!) but one neat story I read was from someone LF used to babysit who remembers drawing ponies with her.
Equestria Daily: Childhood Memories of the Alicorn Across the Street (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/03/childhood-memories-of-alicorn-across.html)
Lovely little story.

The funny thing is that, this is actually the reason bronies exist, which makes it funny that so many new bronies a quick to hate on the old versions until they realize this (thankfully very few of them do this now).

Hehe yeah. If there would be any dislike I have for older ones it'd be the 3.5 styling but it's hardly anything to hate on it over.
I've noticed and loved the little nods to us.
I'd even argue that there's been the occasional little bit of a nod to RainbowShy shipping, but that may just be me, with it being a ship I enjoy myself :jess:
I squee'd when Derpy's name was used. Amazing. Pity it caused all the controversy though.

As long as the BluRays and DVDs don't suffer the same fate as most children's shows (just a handful of random episodes and no extras). Also I live in the UK too, and when it comes to ponies, our country sucks. The only channel to air them was Boomerang, and that channel did zero research on the show; they thought that the second half of Season 1 was Season 2, so God only knows what they'll say when Season 2 arrives - this like what the Americans did to Final Fantasy, but not as ludicrous. I've given up on waiting for them to get their act together, and am sticking to YouTube.

I would think the FiM team would know and do better, they usually do!
Agreed. From what I've heard you can get blind bags in Asda and Tesco now? So I may have a look around at some point. Because I wouldn't mind a couple of little ponies lined across my TV ;P But generally speaking we're rather lacking.
Don't get me started on regionalisation on the internet. It drives me up the wall. I'm sat here with £40 or whatever poised ready to give them it for seasons 1 and 2. I want to support the show. They don't seem to want it!

09-07-2012, 04:39 PM
Nice. I may check out G3 some time. The style isn't really to my taste, and I love the.. how can I put it but "cooler".. anime style along with just how really universal it all feels, with the only slightly girly thing being the logo. But the episode of G1 wasn't what I'd consider bad, and I'm not one to judge something before trying. Hence getting into FiM in the first place ;) That's an excelent way to look at it. I would sugest looking at episodes that aren't about the "Core 7" (G3 version of the Mane 6) as well as the episodes that are about them. I still like the Core 7 episodes, but the majoirty of them are pretty much the same thing. Though I may just be looking at the "introduction" episodes. Each Core 7 has a party episode, and that just seems to be a quick way of showing her personality.

The More You Know. *shooting star*.
http://www.cloudane.com/stuff/void(0).pngSeriously, how did I not see that coming?

Awesome indeed that the love and imagination she had for it was then used as a basis for the new series.
I actually don't read up on this stuff all that much (as is evident!) but one neat story I read was from someone LF used to babysit who remembers drawing ponies with her.
Equestria Daily: Childhood Memories of the Alicorn Across the Street (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/03/childhood-memories-of-alicorn-across.html)
Lovely little story. Awww. Thanks for showing me that, that's really awesome - I barely have any words for it.

I've noticed and loved the little nods to us. I squee'd when Derpy's name was used. Amazing. Pity it caused all the controversy though.
It's really nice that they're including them isn't it? I even think I read somewhere that an OC was used in an episode, but I can't remember if it was a brony's OC, or a crew member's OC (I am not talking about A Canterlot Wedding when the storyboarder's OC was used). I actually had to go back to check that they really had said "Derpy". The controversy was stupid, and should have been over in seconds. At least it's all over now, and both versions are allowed to be shown.

I'd even argue that there's been the occasional little bit of a nod to RainbowShy shipping, but that may just be me, with it being a ship I enjoy myself :jess: Yay! :love:

Agent Proto
09-08-2012, 02:06 AM
A message from Rarity.


09-08-2012, 03:20 AM
A message from Rarity.

First reaction: This is brilliantly voiced, and well acted.
Second reaction: Huh?! I thought it was pronounced "memm-ay"

09-08-2012, 03:27 AM
A message from Rarity.

First reaction: This is brilliantly voiced, and well acted.
Second reaction: Huh?! I thought it was pronounced "memm-ay"
If there were a slap button on this forum I would use it. But then I would feel bad because your avatar contains the most important pony.

09-13-2012, 03:10 AM
I wish to share something with you.

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: The Annotated Live Show [1/2] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1N7rJcmB24)

I've been involved in something on YouTube called The Annotated Series for some time now, and at certain points during and between series we do intermissions.

Basically the above link is an actually somewhat enjoyable version of that crappy stage show. Please excuse the crass language and occasional injokes; we've tried to keep it relatively accessible to just about anyone :)

Part 2 is coming Friday.

09-13-2012, 03:27 AM

09-13-2012, 01:14 PM
I wish to share something with you.

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: The Annotated Live Show [1/2] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1N7rJcmB24)

I've been involved in something on YouTube called The Annotated Series for some time now, and at certain points during and between series we do intermissions.

Basically the above link is an actually somewhat enjoyable version of that crappy stage show. Please excuse the crass language and occasional injokes; we've tried to keep it relatively accessible to just about anyone :)

Part 2 is coming Friday. I'll have a propper look at that later tonight, but it looks funny so far.

You know something though, there is actually a part of me that actually liked that stage show, but before you all react allow me to explain why...

I get that the ponies didn't look right, but it wasn't an official production, so it couldn't be helped. In a perfect world, they would have done them better (and probably included at least all six ponies - like your video says they could probably only afford to make three), and yes the dialogue was mostly just recycled from certain episodes.

However, when I look at a children's show - I look at it by thinking "would I have liked this as a child myself." The answer for Friendship is Magic was yes. Now, when I was a child one thing I loved was watching a live perfomance from my favorite shows, so if FIM had been around when I was a kid, I would have loved to have seen this live. I would have still wanted it to be better, but I would have appreciated it, and appreciated being there. Hopefully I'm making sense.

09-15-2012, 01:01 AM
And part two. This one was actually quite fun to annotate >=D

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: The Annotated Live Show! [2/2] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh4CbfX1ZMU)

Agent Proto
09-16-2012, 02:12 AM
Who knew that Phoenix Wright is also a brony? :D


09-16-2012, 04:53 AM
>Be 24
>Order pizza for dinner
>Enter "Draw Rainbow Dash on the box" in special instructions
>Pizza delivery guy shows up with this.
>MFW :monster:


09-16-2012, 05:18 AM
Fuck yeah, that's awesome. Next time I order a pizza I'm asking for a pony.

09-16-2012, 09:27 AM
I ask for a pony every time... it never happens. Full of tears man, full of tears.

09-22-2012, 04:36 AM
Okay, why is it that every time I try to watch just one or two episodes, I end up watching at least six?

Also, why is it so hard for me to decide on a #1 favourite pony?

Agent Proto
09-22-2012, 04:40 AM
I'm pretty much the same way. It lures you in with one episode, you end up watching several. As for the ponies, they are all so likeable that it's almost hard to pick just one favorite. Of course, once you've decided on a pony, there's going to be a time another pony may take the top spot. There was a time that I though Pinkie Pie was one of the most annoying characters ever, but she eventually became one of my absolute favorites.

09-22-2012, 04:50 AM
I find Pinkie Pie much more amusing than annoying now as well. Though I don't think she'd ever take the #1 spot. Same with Rainbow Dash, since I've never really liked overly proud characters.

I usually find myself picking between Fluttershy (who I originally thought would be my #1 favourite hands down), Rarity and Applejack. Though Twilight Sparkle is moving up there as well, with her nerdy charm.

Agent Proto
09-22-2012, 04:58 AM
Speaking of ponies, I'm going to start a pony marathon starting now. x) I'm not sure if anyone will join me, but if you have time to watch, feel free to stop by!


09-22-2012, 04:00 PM
Okay, why is it that every time I try to watch just one or two episodes, I end up watching at least six?

Also, why is it so hard for me to decide on a #1 favourite pony? I find it harder to choose a least favorite of the main characters. While I have my two favorite ponies chosen the four left over I find nothing to make me put one lower than the others - i.e. once I choose a least favorite, I find a ton of things to like about her, so she gets taken off the least favorite section.

Also, I'm hovering on the Synchtube, but I've probably missed it. I was just going to sleep as it started (I stay up really late on weekends so I stay my bed is early the next morning.

I will add comments occasionally incase anyone's on, but I won't much until someone responds because I don't want to just talk to myself.

09-22-2012, 09:08 PM
Is there anyone here who has tried drawing ponies? Could you recomend guides, because I have tried two so far.

09-23-2012, 12:24 PM
I don't really do any hand drawing, but this has been pretty helpful as a reference for when I'm working with vectors.

How to Draw My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic Style, Step by Step, Cartoons, Cartoons, Draw Cartoon Characters, FREE Online Drawing Tutorial, Added by PuzzlePieces, May 14, 2011, 1:49:25 pm (http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/8102/1/1/how-to-draw-my-little-pony,-friendship-is-magic-style.htm)

09-23-2012, 08:33 PM
I don't really do any hand drawing, but this has been pretty helpful as a reference for when I'm working with vectors.

How to Draw My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic Style, Step by Step, Cartoons, Cartoons, Draw Cartoon Characters, FREE Online Drawing Tutorial, Added by PuzzlePieces, May 14, 2011, 1:49:25 pm (http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/8102/1/1/how-to-draw-my-little-pony,-friendship-is-magic-style.htm) That's one of the guides I've tried already, and I couldn't make head over heals of it. :( Thanks for trying though. /)

I would have linked to the two I've attempted, but couldn't remember them.

09-25-2012, 10:42 PM
I've never had any luck with using guides from scratch. I tend to trace a lot initially, then I kind of start using traces as puppets. I might use the trace to keep limb dimensions even, but I move and bend them at joints, etc. After a little while the dimensions become habit and muscle memory and I kind of go from there. That's where guides like his become really handy, by giving you examples of many different poses and expressions to be used in your own drawings. I look at any drawing in a particular style as alteration rather than creation. It's a mod. This is just showing you some sample parts to use in your own mod.

09-26-2012, 03:34 PM
I know what you mean with changing tastes... I think season 2 did a lot of that for me.

After season 1, my favourite was Rainbow Dash. The awesome, colourful one who can get things done! The others were all second favourite hehe.

After season 2, RD dropped down a bit (she was endearingly proud and confident in S1, but in some of the S2 episodes she crossed the line into obnoxiously arrogant), I took more of a liking to Fluttershy for reasons I can't fully put my finger on but I think mostly adjustments in my own personality during the influence of the fandom, and Pinkie shot up to be joint favourite with Flutters.

Why Pinkie? Smile episode and Baby Cakes. Suddenly she served more of a purpose than bouncing around not caring, character growth that she desperately needed and that really made me appreciate her so much more. Plus the stupid birthday episode that spawned "Pinkamena" (my least favourite part of the fandom with this obsession with turning a lovely bouncy character into a manically depressed psychopath) was long behind us by then :P

09-27-2012, 12:23 AM
After season 2, RD dropped down a bit (she was endearingly proud and confident in S1, but in some of the S2 episodes she crossed the line into obnoxiously arrogant). Really? I can only think of one episode in S2 when she was "obnoxiously arrogant", and it was justified in the fact the episode was all about fame going to her head and all that. I personally thought that she got less arrogant in S2.

09-27-2012, 12:30 AM
Does anyone know when Season 3 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will come out?

09-27-2012, 01:15 AM
I know what you mean with changing tastes... I think season 2 did a lot of that for me.

After season 1, my favourite was Rainbow Dash. The awesome, colourful one who can get things done! The others were all second favourite hehe.

After season 2, RD dropped down a bit (she was endearingly proud and confident in S1, but in some of the S2 episodes she crossed the line into obnoxiously arrogant), I took more of a liking to Fluttershy for reasons I can't fully put my finger on but I think mostly adjustments in my own personality during the influence of the fandom, and Pinkie shot up to be joint favourite with Flutters.
Rainbow Dash has always been number 6 for me (except for when I didn't even watch MLP yet and Pinkie Pie was number 6). I still think she's okay, but nowhere near as endearing as the other five.

Now that I've finished watching season 2, I think I can safely say Fluttershy is my most favourite. I'm guessing you like her more now that her "YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!" line has finally worked its power on you. That, and she's so sickeningly sweet and cute. :love:

As for the rest, it'd have to be Rarity, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Pinkie Pie in that order. I wonder if season 3 will change it up...

Does anyone know when Season 3 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will come out?
I remember reading on some other forum that the exact start date for season 3 will be revealed a month from now.

...yeah, that probably doesn't help much.

09-27-2012, 10:55 AM
Really? I can only think of one episode in S2 when she was "obnoxiously arrogant", and it was justified in the fact the episode was all about fame going to her head and all that. I personally thought that she got less arrogant in S2.

I'm mostly thinking of the pet one and the combination of the two. She came around in the end, but not before being a judgmental bitch towards Tank for the whole episode :p And then comes the combination issue: she seemed to learn a bit of humility (yay!) and then the next episode was Mare Do Well which had her back at square 1.

Certainly I don't think it's going to be a permanent opinion (and the book one endeared me to her again a fair bit ^^), but rather an effect of poor handling of the episodes: a combination of having her learn almost the same lesson twice in the same season, and having one directly after the other.

That and the one where they had to create a tornado and she was really pushy and pretty much responsible for the heartbreaking Fluttershy crying scene (that squeak... she got me going too!) :c

As long as the writers treat her well in season 3 I'm sure she'll re-earn her rightful place in the top 2! Pinkie bounced back from the creation of "psycho Pinkamena" at the end of S1, so it's only a matter of time and is an excellent reason why the series should continue for quite some time, so we can uh, be sure of our opinions!

At least she's not bottom like boring ol' Applejack :D

09-27-2012, 03:07 PM
Both of these episodes can be justified, though I think placing them one after each other was a mistake. What you need to take into account is the age of the ponies (which is easy to work out based on the age of the other ponies) and the fact that she does have arrogance issues anyway. Also, take into account that the show is aimed at kids first; the pet episode was aimed at kids who want pets for the sake of having one, and to fit in with his/her friends - not care about the pet themselves. This is what Dash wanted, she just wanted a cool pet to show off to her friends, which is a phase many kids have gone through, so the episode was aimed at kids like that, showing them the mistake they were making, and it made sense that they chose the character that would be more interested in how cool the pet looks than actually wanting a pet.

Mare Do Well is an underrated episode, a lot of people thought that it was badly written because Dash was more arrogant than she was before, and more than she'll ever be again (so far?). Again the reason is because of her most likely age (teens) and her already arrogant flaws. All the ponies have their flaws, and they have all had episode when their flaws got worst because of what happened to them in the episode. At first she was saving ponies to save them, but then everypony starts treating her like she's a) a celebrity and b) a superhero, Dash is in fact, neither of these things add that to the fact that Scootaloo tried to start a club for her (and was also in on the Mare Do Well thing - which was a nice touch by the writers) and you have yourself a complete overdose of ego. The episode actually made me understand her arrogance a bit better, as well as the rainboom episode from season 1 - I actually view Mare Do Well as the spiritual sequel to it.

[QUOTE]Certainly I don't think it's going to be a permanent opinion (and the book one endeared me to her again a fair bit ^^), but rather an effect of poor handling of the episodes: a combination of having her learn almost the same lesson twice in the same season, and having one directly after the other. Like I say, it was a mistake to put them one after the other. Another harm to the character was it made her look overused, when really she's not... that much. There are more underused characters than her though.

That and the one where they had to create a tornado and she was really pushy and pretty much responsible for the heartbreaking Fluttershy crying scene (that squeak... she got me going too!) :c No offence, but you've got the episode completely backwards. First off, she was in no way responsible for Fluttershy crying - she was supporting her all the way, and was trying to help her. Fluttershy was sad because of what happened to her years ago when she was younger, and the fact she didn't think she could do anything because of it. Dash wasn't being pushy with her at all - she was told to get all flying pegasi to create the tornado (yes, it was or tornado wasn't it? Even though the title has "hurricane" in it) she wasn't allowed to just leave Fluttershy to decide for herself, but if you look at facial expressions it's obvious she didn't want to force her into anything.

Also it has strongly implied that she and Fluttershy were actually friends when they were younger, or at the very least knew each other (it's how I'm going to portray it in my fan series anyway). So she is usually a lot more understanding with her, so she could have wanted her to finally get over the fears that have plagued her for her entire life - she wasn't pushy she was supportive and understanding - she didn't cause the crying scene at all. I was kind of apprehensive of that episode because I really like the friendship between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, and have always viewed Dash as being the one who is very supportive, and caring towards her (Dragonshy is the only episode that disagrees with this, but that's probably because the characters weren't planned correctly then) I was concerned that this episode was going to completely ruin that, and show the relationship in a bad light, but it made it a lot better here. No offense, but you need to watch that episode again.

09-27-2012, 03:46 PM
Hmm we're well into the realms of taking the thing entirely too seriously here.

At the end of the day as you point out it's a show for kids. It's not really designed for DS9 or Shakespearian levels of intricate characterisation or permanent character development (if there was too much character development they'd all grow up too much and there wouldn't be any more lessons to teach the kids), and so as events happen that are timed in various ways and interpreted by us in different ways, ponies will shift up and down in our personal estimations from one month to the next.

I'm not so bothered as to go into deep analysis. You can relax, I still love Dashie, I think perhaps I was a bit strong worded with a general not-too-serious and not-overly-ingrained impression of her recent lesson episodes and offended your favourite a little :p
I certainly don't think she's bad and she's still holding a podium position. The shifting around in personal favourites is a lot more influenced by the positive Pinkie episodes and personal drifting towards "Fluttershy-ness" than anything negative on RD's part, regardless of whether those negatives were from unintended interpretations. I'll just sit back and enjoy the ride.


Edit despite long period because of silly double posting rule ;P

After all this time I finally decided to buy some actual pony merch! 3 crystal pony blind bags (one of them Rarity) and I gave Dashie some love buy getting her as a brushable :3
(Her brushable mane is a pain actually, but it gives me something cute to do!)

10-01-2012, 12:10 AM
Baldur's Gate II My Little Pony Mod (BG2 IWD MLP FIM) - Saber-Scorpion's Lair - Personal Website of Justin R. Stebbins (http://saber-scorpion.com/gaming/mods_mlp.php)

It is awesome.

10-08-2012, 07:58 AM
Appperently, during the Borderlands 2 credits, there is a special thanks to Fluttershy. XD

I'm going to to double check for myself when I beat the game with Salvador though, just to make sure my friend isnt' crazy. :p

10-09-2012, 09:49 AM
Appperently, during the Borderlands 2 credits, there is a special thanks to Fluttershy. XD

I'm going to to double check for myself when I beat the game with Salvador though, just to make sure my friend isnt' crazy. :p

I was going to reply with a screenshot of that particular credit, but it appears that Gearbox and the Borderlands team have gone above and beyond the call in proving their Brony-ness.

Borderlands 2 Skill Trees (http://www.borderlands2.com/us/skilltree/mechromancer.html)

The new class features more Pony than one could have ever dreamed possible. At a glance we have an entire "Ordered Chaos" tree, A "Best Friends Forever" tree, and skills labeled Buck Up, Fancy Mathematics, Potent as a Pony, 20% Cooler, The Stare, Evil Enchantress, Make it Sparkle, and Discord.

There is wink wink nudge nudge pop reference, and there is this full frontal face full of Pony.

10-09-2012, 01:56 PM
I am going to play the hell out of gauge when she's released. :P

10-12-2012, 09:32 PM
Hmm we're well into the realms of taking the thing entirely too seriously here.

At the end of the day as you point out it's a show for kids. It's not really designed for DS9 or Shakespearian levels of intricate characterisation or permanent character development (if there was too much character development they'd all grow up too much and there wouldn't be any more lessons to teach the kids), and so as events happen that are timed in various ways and interpreted by us in different ways, ponies will shift up and down in our personal estimations from one month to the next.

I'm not so bothered as to go into deep analysis. You can relax, I still love Dashie, I think perhaps I was a bit strong worded with a general not-too-serious and not-overly-ingrained impression of her recent lesson episodes and offended your favourite a little :p
I certainly don't think she's bad and she's still holding a podium position. The shifting around in personal favourites is a lot more influenced by the positive Pinkie episodes and personal drifting towards "Fluttershy-ness" than anything negative on RD's part, regardless of whether those negatives were from unintended interpretations. I'll just sit back and enjoy the ride.


Edit despite long period because of silly double posting rule ;P

After all this time I finally decided to buy some actual pony merch! 3 crystal pony blind bags (one of them Rarity) and I gave Dashie some love buy getting her as a brushable :3
(Her brushable mane is a pain actually, but it gives me something cute to do!) Sorry this is late, but it's perfectly alright. I tend to get passionate about shows I like, and characters I like. It's all good. /)

Also, this is only a first attempt, so it isn't that good - you can still see some of the guidelines in places, but I might as well show you my first attempt so you can see I am making some attempt in what I keep promising to do.

Agent Proto
10-20-2012, 03:35 AM
Oh, that's a nice Fluttershy! You still have a long way to go, but that's a great first attempt. :)

10-20-2012, 03:39 AM
Watching this for the first time ever. :D

So far I like Fluttershy best.

10-20-2012, 04:51 AM
Watching this for the first time ever. :D

So far I like Fluttershy best.

Yessssssss. I love you so much more, Boobs. :aimkiss:

10-20-2012, 07:57 AM
Watching this for the first time ever. :D

So far I like Fluttershy best.
One more. One more.

10-20-2012, 11:45 AM
Double Announcement Time:

The word has landed from The Hub on high; NOVEMBER 10th SEASON 3 PREMIERS

On a second note, a Military Bronies group that I linked up with a few months ago has an event going on in November that some of you may be interested in. We're tagging on to the Movember charity group (http://us.movember.com/) which supports education, early detection and treatment options for testicular and prostate cancer to put on The Studly Stallion Stache-Off (http://movember.fobequestria.com). Essentially it's a combo mustache growing competition (a longstanding pointless military tradition) and donation drive that will start Nov. 1 and wrap up as we roll over into December.

We've got a good number of community celebrities (BlackGryph0n of -licious series fame, DustyKatt: The Worlds Manliest Brony) and voice actors from the show attached to judge. As of now, we have Peter New, Lee Tockar, Trevor Devall and John DeLancie himself; Perhaps better known as the voices of Big Macintosh, Steven Magnet, Fancy Pants, and Discord all on board. We've also got some swag set aside for the winners. What we are lacking now, is word of mouth and participation. If it sounds like something you'd be interested in participating in or at least checking out, the links Right Here. (http://movember.fobequestria.com)

10-20-2012, 09:51 PM
Oh, that's a nice Fluttershy! You still have a long way to go, but that's a great first attempt. :) Thanks /)

I'll keep practicing on them all. I'm pleased that it turned out good enough so that you can see who it is. :)

10-20-2012, 11:16 PM
Watching this for the first time ever. :D

So far I like Fluttershy best.

Yesssss! Boobs is (are?) here and also liking best pony. Welcome to the herd and hope you stick around :D

10-20-2012, 11:32 PM
I'm not sure if anyone has linked to this test yet (I'd rather not flip through 52 pages), but has anyone here tried out the pony personality test? (http://www.bronyland.com/pony-personality-test/)

I got Fluttershy, though Rarity and Twilight Sparkle were also quite high up there. The other three (especially Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie) were really low.

Watching this for the first time ever. :D

So far I like Fluttershy best.

Yeah, I'm also a big Fluttershy fan. She's so sickeningly sweet and cute. Rarity is my second favourite pony.

10-21-2012, 01:56 AM
It's probably been done before, but I will do take the test out of interest. As a side note, you can add me to the list of Fluttershy fans.

Okay, I took the test, and I got this; 37595. Whatevs, right? It's a pony I like so I'm down with these results.

If anybrony's interested, here is what the site says about my results;

If there's one thing you know you are, it's #1! You tend to be competitive by nature and love to show off your talents at every available moment, but that's often because you've put in a lot of practice to perfect your techniques and want to take pride in your effort. Because of this, you sometimes get a little too proud, fearing competing if you don't feel you can win and getting hotheaded if someone questions your capabilities. You hate losing.

Even though you may be a bit self-centered, you still care deeply for your friends and would stand up for them no matter what. You're deeply loyal to them, even if you may not always show it. Just because they're not as talented as you doesn't mean they're worthless, because you love them for who they are, although you may still joke around and give them a hard time — really, who doesn't like a laugh? You're incredibly brave and will be the first one to volunteer to venture off into the unknown or stand up against an enemy, perhaps letting your impulses get a hold of you before a rational plan is actually thought of.

While a lot of ponies may care how they look or concern themselves over what they're doing, you always want to present yourself in the coolest way possible. Whatever someone else is, your goal is to be 20% cooler. Fashion and style are a waste of time to you, because you know that's not what determines how cool a pony is. And if you think dying your hair all of the colors of the rainbow will make you 20% cooler, hey, guess what, because you don't care about appearances, it does.

Share your result with your friends and fellow Bronies by linking them to this URL (Copy and Paste it, fool):

10-21-2012, 02:32 AM
Ah yes I took that a while ago, if it's the same one I'm thinking of. I'm Flutterlight Sparkle!


10-21-2012, 02:38 AM
What's the link to that?

10-21-2012, 02:41 AM
Eva posted it just up there ^^^^

Bronyland » Pony Personality Test (http://www.bronyland.com/pony-personality-test/)

10-21-2012, 03:56 AM
Yeah, I always get Rarity-Twilight Sparkle. Fitting, since they're my two favorites.

10-21-2012, 04:01 AM
Why am I in no surprised I am Rainbow Dash (with Pinkie Pie in a close second?)

10-21-2012, 04:24 AM
Pretty accurate to me. :monster:

10-21-2012, 04:34 AM
I end up as Applejack of all people. Least favorite Pony too. :p

Unbreakable Will
10-21-2012, 03:32 PM
I just discovered that I'm a brony when I let my kid watch this show.


Agent Proto
10-21-2012, 03:41 PM
At least it's a show you both can watch and enjoy. :D

Unbreakable Will
10-21-2012, 03:48 PM
Yeah I was surprised, it's hilarious and adorable. :D

10-21-2012, 04:04 PM
Surprisingly clever for a children's show. But lots of stuff for adults. Twilight Sparkle being chased to a remixed version of the Benny Hill theme? Brilliant.

10-21-2012, 04:39 PM
Yeah we've had that quiz in here a few times. Every time I get Twilight Sparkle :jess:

10-21-2012, 05:16 PM
I've gotten Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

10-21-2012, 05:49 PM
I'm going to make a group EoFF Pony picture. If you'd like to be in it, tell me, and what your two favourite colours are. :)

EDIT: Also include if you'd like to be a unicorn/pegasi/both/neither. If there's any particular accessory, hairstyle you want, etc.

10-21-2012, 06:11 PM
Hah, sounds cool!

Blue, yellow, pegasus :)

Madame Adequate
10-21-2012, 06:29 PM
I want to be PRETTY :D

Teal and turqoise unicorn

Agent Proto
10-21-2012, 06:32 PM
Red unicorn, white hair. :3

Should resemble this, but feel free to do what you want with your version!


Unbreakable Will
10-21-2012, 06:34 PM
Black, white mane, pegasus!

10-21-2012, 07:29 PM
Unicorn, white and sky blue. ^^

Agent Proto
10-21-2012, 07:44 PM
My Pike can beat up your Pike.


10-21-2012, 09:11 PM
My favorite color is purple, and I would guess my second is either red or blue (I'd imagine red would show up better, but it's up to you). Pegasus.

Looking forward to it. :cool:

10-21-2012, 11:19 PM
I'd say go with whatever you think suits little old me best. :p

Unicorn is preferred. :p

10-22-2012, 04:11 AM
I end up as Applejack of all people. Least favorite Pony too. :p
Least favourite as in you like the other five better, or you actually hate her?

Because I can't really think of any glaring flaws that Applejack has. That, and most people's least liked pony (regarding the mane six) is usually the former (the other five are liked better), and I just want to confirm if it is.

10-22-2012, 04:13 AM
I actually do like Applejack. The only ponies I dislike are the Cutie Mark Crusaders. :p

10-22-2012, 04:36 AM
I actually do like Applejack. The only ponies I dislike are the Cutie Mark Crusaders. :p
That's good to hear. Applejack is too adorable (especially with her cowgirl-ness) to be hatable.

I dislike the CMC at times, specifically during the episodes where Fluttershy had a hard time babysitting them and the newspaper episodes, and in general I'm not very fond of them taking the spotlight from the mane six excessively (I found the Cutie Mark origins episode okay since the mane six still played a significant role). As for ponies I dislike, there aren't really any that I hate with a passion. Characters that I find irritating in general are Diamond Tiara (who doesn't find her annoying?), Trixie (ruining people's efforts and work shouldn't count as "outdoing them"), and Derpy (the fanbase overrates her a little too much). The only character that I really hate is Discord for brainwashing the mane six into turning on each other. Hopefully he stays as a statue for the rest of the series.

Agent Proto
10-22-2012, 04:44 AM
Diamond Tiara is the only annoying character you listed, Evastio. Mostly because she's such a snobby character. And how dare you hate Discord! He's awesome for a villain!

10-22-2012, 04:50 AM
Everyone who just hated on Scoots needs to apologize. Scoots is best pony.

10-22-2012, 05:12 AM
Eh, I mostly only like villains that have a decent motive and aren't all "lol destroy/ruin/rule the world" or at least have some tragic past that has them gradually develop into a villain. I hate Kefka for that same reason too (though his rabid fanbase really adds to my hate). I just find villains with little to no reasoning behind their actions or no backstory that explains their conversion to evil to be really boring and dull. Villains like Psaro from Dragon Quest IV, Amon from Avatar: Legend of Korra, Lyon from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, Golbez from Final Fantasy IV, and Doc Ock and The Sandman from the 2nd and 3rd Spiderman movies are the kind of villains that I like.

Anyways, that's probably all I should say on that topic before I derail this thread.

As for Scootaloo, I just said I dislike the CMC at times, nothing about hating them. And that's just as a group. Their antics are nowhere near as bad or as obsessive when they're solo. But I'll admit that some of their antics are quite amusing, especially with the episode where Granny Smith was going to visit their school.

10-22-2012, 05:15 AM
Discord? What? He was amazing.

How can you be hating on Q man? :p

I despise the newspaper episode. So much I fucking hate the newspaper episode. But I've ranted enough about that one previously. :p

10-22-2012, 10:31 AM
I freaking love Discord because he is just Q from Star Trek.

I agree that Trixie is overrated though.

10-22-2012, 11:01 AM
Yup, hearing Discord make exactly the same purring villainous voice as Q, is just pure win :D

CMC grew on me, even though I kinda disliked their first episode. I just... it's silly, but the fact that the mane 6 are sort of adult ponies (i.e. they work) helps to keep the show feeling universal, to me. I find that the CMC eps have too much of a "kiddy show" feel to them. It's silly because it IS first and foremost a kiddy show and we don't have much right to steer it away from its roots, but hey, on purely personal taste that's probably what puts me off them the most. Generally I like the CMC still.

I don't dislike Trixie.. she was in that one episode and entertaining enough.

I'd have to agree on Diamond Tiara, she's the only one I can think of who I actually dislike, she's a brat. I thought the newspaper episode was an excellent commentary on tabloids though (there's something for the adults in the audience right there) - it was irritating because of DT, but that's the point :)

10-22-2012, 01:29 PM
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are the only ponies I've come close to disliking (though Silver Spoon seems to be the lesser of the two evils). However, I am pleased they are part of the show as most of the main target audience will know somebody like them, and it's kind of reffreshing to see them fail after being given a hard time by them in real life.

The only ponies I dislike are the Cutie Mark Crusaders. :p http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImgHoGgCn8U

10-22-2012, 07:44 PM
I hardly find Silver Spoon that bad. Sure, she sides with Diamond Tiara a lot, but the things she does are nowhere near as bad as Diamond Tiara or Trixie (I even think Trixie does more bad stuff in her one episode than Silver Spoon does in the entire series). That, and she does break off from Diamond Tiara's opinions at times like when she was the first one applauding to Granny Smith's story.

10-22-2012, 07:45 PM
I have this (http://www.argos.ie/static/Product/partNumber/9083705/Trail/searchtext%3ECADENCE.htm) on my desk at work. That's about my only contribution to this thread!

10-22-2012, 08:50 PM
I hardly find Silver Spoon that bad. Sure, she sides with Diamond Tiara a lot, but the things she does are nowhere near as bad as Diamond Tiara or Trixie (I even think Trixie does more bad stuff in her one episode than Silver Spoon does in the entire series). That, and she does break off from Diamond Tiara's opinions at times like when she was the first one applauding to Granny Smith's story. Like I said - she's the lesser of the two evils. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they did an episode that explores this better.

10-22-2012, 09:31 PM
I have this (http://www.argos.ie/static/Product/partNumber/9083705/Trail/searchtext%3ECADENCE.htm) on my desk at work. That's about my only contribution to this thread!

Nice :3

I only recently grabbed ponies since spending ages swearing blind we didn't have any G4 in the UK (a reasonable assumption since we've barely had any of the TV show) only to find them sat right there in Asda. Then I couldn't resist starting a little herd in front of my TV.


10-22-2012, 10:09 PM
I have this (http://www.argos.ie/static/Product/partNumber/9083705/Trail/searchtext%3ECADENCE.htm) on my desk at work. That's about my only contribution to this thread!

Nice :3

I only recently grabbed ponies since spending ages swearing blind we didn't have any G4 in the UK (a reasonable assumption since we've barely had any of the TV show) only to find them sat right there in Asda. Then I couldn't resist starting a little herd in front of my TV.


Your herd is tiny and you should feel good, brony.

10-22-2012, 11:01 PM
I only recently grabbed ponies since spending ages swearing blind we didn't have any G4 in the UK (a reasonable assumption since we've barely had any of the TV show) only to find them sat right there in Asda. Then I couldn't resist starting a little herd in front of my TV.

http://www.cloudane.com/stuff/lizard-unrelated.jpg I hear ya. Being in th UK sucks when it comes to ponies - I don't our media "get's it" yet. Boomerang aired half of Season 1 as Season 1, and then stopped it. Then it aired the second half of Season 1 as Season 2. Not good, it's kind of missleading to the kids.

Nice looking ponies you got their though - all I've seen in shops so far is deformed balding Twilight - even the Pink Celestia looks better than that. The thing I found funny is that there's a picture of Twilight on the box, so you can remind yourself how she's supposed to look...:roll2

10-23-2012, 08:39 PM
Yeah must admit they don't exactly look like their TV counterparts. I mean, you get the idea that Dashie there is Dashie, but she'd need shorter hair (can't bring mysel to take scissors to her), some blue and purple somewhere other than the tail etc. I don't mind, I never thought those old plastic brushables would appeal (*cough* particularly to a 30yo man) but have enough of a connection with the whole thing now that they do and I d'awww at the sight all the time :love:

As for the little blind bag ones, hehe, re-coloured versions of Dash and Pinkie called Merry May and Peachy Sweet. And then there's Rarity. They're all "crystal ponies", which may apparently have something to do with season 3...

Your herd is tiny and you should feel good, brony.

I dooooo.
Only just started the herd.... give it time ;)

10-23-2012, 10:36 PM
I may or may not be obsessed.

I assure you, the rest of my room is quite manly.

10-24-2012, 12:07 AM
Likeable story.
Says the guy who doesn't have any pony stuff, yet. :(

10-24-2012, 12:25 AM
I'll send you a pony in the mail if you want.

10-24-2012, 11:15 AM
I may or may not be obsessed.

I assure you, the rest of my room is quite manly.

Wow good work, I salute you sir :)

Likeable story.
Says the guy who doesn't have any pony stuff, yet. :(

Get thee to your nearest ASBO supermarket. Naooooo
Blind bags are only £2 or so :) Though they're those weird crystal ponies at the moment.

Unbreakable Will
10-25-2012, 07:05 AM
Found out today that some bronies at my work (Walmart now) raid the toy pallets when the trucks get in at night to snatch and buy the choice MLP figures. :eep:

EDIT: Also, I made my own pony.

10-27-2012, 04:21 AM
I'm wondering, totally disregarding personalities, which ponies do you guys think are the prettiest and cutest?

Prettiest for me would be Fluttershy, Rarity, Celestia, Luna, and Lyra.

Cutest would be Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Applebloom.

10-27-2012, 04:39 AM
I now have a mlp 3ds.
Id show you a picture if it wasn't my camera.

10-27-2012, 01:54 PM
Use a mirror!

10-27-2012, 02:59 PM
But then you'd see me and know I was a robot.

10-27-2012, 09:01 PM
I was trying so hard not to like this show, but now I'm in love with it. :mad2:

10-27-2012, 09:53 PM
Hehehehe. The plan is working. :radred:

Agent Proto
10-27-2012, 10:13 PM
It is one of those shows where it's hard to not like. I'm sorry, Nikki.

However, welcome to the herd! :D

10-27-2012, 10:18 PM
Welcome to the herd!

10-27-2012, 10:44 PM
Oh well. xD

HC, I want a pony in the mail~! ^ ^

10-27-2012, 11:20 PM
PM me your address and I might just send you one!

10-28-2012, 12:11 AM
Found out today that some bronies at my work (Walmart now) raid the toy pallets when the trucks get in at night to snatch and buy the choice MLP figures. :eep:

EDIT: Also, I made my own pony.
37660 looks awesome /)

10-28-2012, 01:20 AM
I was trying so hard not to like this show, but now I'm in love with it. :mad2:
That's how most bronies/pegasisters start. And seeing how you've changed your sig & avatar to My Little Pony, it looks like you got hit pretty badly. I take it Fluttershy is your favourite based on your avatar?

As for how I started, basically I saw the MLP fandom get pretty popular online, and I thought it was like CD-I Zelda, where fans didn't actually like the series but promoted it and mentioned it a lot as a running joke. I was into CD-I Zelda, but not MLP, since I felt bad that a children't show was being mocked and ridiculed to the point that people brought it into full circle and advertised it like the best thing ever (why I didn't feel the same for CD-I Zelda, that's partially because I'm not fond of Zelda games since I keep getting lost. Plus, I find Zelda games to be overrated and having it mocked like that is pretty fun). Eventually, my younger siblings got into the craze, and I watched one episode with them (the Diamond Dogs one), and I was hooked from that moment forward. The cuteness, the charm, the humour, if only I knew back then that people actually sincerely liked the series and it wasn't some running joke that came at the expense of a poor children's show, I would've joined the fanbase much sooner.

...though I'm quite hesitant to change my sig & avatar to MLP, even though I've had some girly sets in the past that had sickeningly cute anime ladies in them in the past. I can't really explain why.

I'm wondering, totally disregarding personalities, which ponies do you guys think are the prettiest and cutest?
Well, anyone?

10-28-2012, 01:43 AM
The main six, vinyl, and derpy. Also scoots. Followed immediately by every other pony.

10-28-2012, 07:43 PM
I was trying so hard not to like this show, but now I'm in love with it. :mad2:
That's how most bronies/pegasisters start. And seeing how you've changed your sig & avatar to My Little Pony, it looks like you got hit pretty badly. I take it Fluttershy is your favourite based on your avatar?

As for how I started, basically I saw the MLP fandom get pretty popular online, and I thought it was like CD-I Zelda, where fans didn't actually like the series but promoted it and mentioned it a lot as a running joke. I was into CD-I Zelda, but not MLP, since I felt bad that a children't show was being mocked and ridiculed to the point that people brought it into full circle and advertised it like the best thing ever (why I didn't feel the same for CD-I Zelda, that's partially because I'm not fond of Zelda games since I keep getting lost. Plus, I find Zelda games to be overrated and having it mocked like that is pretty fun). Eventually, my younger siblings got into the craze, and I watched one episode with them (the Diamond Dogs one), and I was hooked from that moment forward. The cuteness, the charm, the humour, if only I knew back then that people actually sincerely liked the series and it wasn't some running joke that came at the expense of a poor children's show, I would've joined the fanbase much sooner.

...though I'm quite hesitant to change my sig & avatar to MLP, even though I've had some girly sets in the past that had sickeningly cute anime ladies in them in the past. I can't really explain why.

I'm wondering, totally disregarding personalities, which ponies do you guys think are the prettiest and cutest?
Well, anyone?

Yeah, it did get me right off the bat. xD
I loooove Fluttershy, she's so cute and charming. ^ ^;

My sister had been watching it, and I thought she was retarded because she's thirteen. And she kept telling me to watch it and I refused. Then I had Haiden with me alone one day, and it was on, so I was like "ah, what the heck" and turned it on for her. It was.... scary how quickly my opinion changed. xD
I've loved the show ever since, and we watch it almost every day. :3

I love all the ponies, each in a special way. But I think my favorites are Fluttershy and Applejack. Fluttershy is sooooo cute, and Applejack is so adorable with the southern thing going on. ^ ^

10-28-2012, 08:10 PM
I've got two more spare ponies for the next two people to pm me their address!

10-29-2012, 10:00 AM
I was trying so hard not to like this show, but now I'm in love with it. :mad2:

Haha, we've all been there. There are some (like my RL friends) who will never touch it to begin with, but if you're curious enough to check it out it's more or less guaranteed you'll love it.

Looks like you've been bitten hard, too!

Welcome to the herd :D

I'm wondering, totally disregarding personalities, which ponies do you guys think are the prettiest and cutest?

Prettiest for me would be Fluttershy, Rarity, Celestia, Luna, and Lyra.

Cutest would be Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, and Applebloom.

Cutest: Fluttershy, Applebloom
Prettiest: Rainbow Dash, Rarity

Agent Proto
10-29-2012, 11:13 AM
I'm wondering, totally disregarding personalities, which ponies do you guys think are the prettiest and cutest?
Well, anyone?

I really don't like to rank the ponies, but you kept insisting to know.

For me.
Prettiest: Rarity
Cutest: Fluttershy

10-29-2012, 02:38 PM
I have difficulty rating the characters as well. All I know is who my first and second favorite ponies are, and that The CMC are high in the list as well, but I don't know who the best CMC is... in fact it's harder choosing the worst pony than the best pony.

Hypo, I deeply appreciate the offer, but sadly I'm probably not even in the same country as you. Thanks for the offer though. /)

10-29-2012, 07:52 PM

Fluttershy: Officially more adorable than fluffy kittens :jess:

10-29-2012, 11:44 PM
Fluttershy: Officially more adorable than [I]fluffy kittens :jess:


10-29-2012, 11:48 PM
Um... if it's okay, I still have one pony to give away.

10-30-2012, 03:02 AM
Yes, to me. (:<

10-30-2012, 03:51 AM
What's the one pony you're giving away HC?

I really don't like to rank the ponies, but you kept insisting to know.
I can understand that, especially since they're all awesome. But it's not like we're doing an overall rating of them, where we're saying one pony is overall inferior to another. Rating them category wise isn't that bad though, since they're all bound to be a winner in one category or another.

Fluttershy: Officially more adorable than [I]fluffy kittens :jess:

Wow. I knew Fluttershy was sickeningly cute, but I didn't think it was contagious enough to be a plague.

Also, I'm kind of suprised that I'm the only one that had Celestia and Luna as the prettiest. Before I entered the brony fandom, Celestia was my favourite pony because I thought she was the prettiest.

10-30-2012, 03:56 AM
Celestia's a little to colorful for me. :p

Agent Proto
10-30-2012, 04:01 AM
Also, I'm kind of suprised that I'm the only one that had Celestia and Luna as the prettiest. Before I entered the brony fandom, Celestia was my favourite pony because I thought she was the prettiest.

I thought you were only refering to the main six when you asked.

10-30-2012, 04:41 AM

10-31-2012, 06:52 AM
I love Luna, she is so pretty. ^ ^

Agent Proto
10-31-2012, 12:03 PM
Luna is the prettiest of the princesses. She's also fun to draw.


11-01-2012, 07:37 AM
Awww so pretty~! ^ ^

11-01-2012, 01:44 PM
Luna is the prettiest of the princesses. She's also fun to draw.

http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/228/5/3/princess_luna_by_j3_proto-d5bd0hm.png I've said this before, but you draw ponies very good. :)

Red Mage Coffman
11-01-2012, 04:02 PM
I remember my first time being a critic towards it. Then I remember watching the show and watching more. Thus, my brony self was born, a different persona inside of me, who was all about love and tolerance. Course I'll never tolerate some things, but still.

11-01-2012, 09:38 PM
My 3ds :)

11-01-2012, 10:03 PM
How'd you do / where'd you get that?

11-01-2012, 10:09 PM
I was trying so hard not to like this show, but now I'm in love with it. :mad2:
That's how most bronies/pegasisters start. I feel like I'm one of the few bronies who didn't start this way. Then again the way I discovered the show was kind of contrived.

11-01-2012, 10:13 PM
How'd you do / where'd you get that?

It's a thrilling tale involving the sacrifice of twenty crayons, the rampage of a iron on my ds, and a whole bunch of angry emails.

Short answer, the link in my signature :)
Real answer, the link and also I painstakingly switched the cover of the ds with what you see there.

Red Mage Coffman
11-01-2012, 10:44 PM
Badass DS AND a copy of White 2... WILL YOU MARRY ME?

11-01-2012, 10:49 PM
Badass DS AND a copy of White 2... WILL YOU MARRY ME?

Let's see the ring first.

Red Mage Coffman
11-02-2012, 12:19 AM
Umm... Crap. Maybe my undying love for you can create a ring of love and passion?

11-02-2012, 12:30 AM
I also accept rings in the form of being given magical powers.

Red Mage Coffman
11-02-2012, 12:35 AM
Good. And me being the awesome, badass Red Mage I am, will make a ring of Black and White magic. You'll love it, I swear.

11-02-2012, 12:45 AM
I don't know, the blue mage over there has magic AND diamond rings.

11-02-2012, 01:14 AM
I like Celestia and Luna equally. I find Luna's unintentional intimidatingness and social awkwardness cute, and I have a soft spot for her underdog status compared to Celestia. As for Celestia I like how she's all princess-like, with her being caring, wise, and generous, yet isn't afraid to break out of that mould (like that prank she did at the party with the tea cup).

Looks-wise, I find them both equal as well since Celestia's light and colourful colour scheme and Luna's dark blue and black colour scheme are both quite pretty.

To Proto: the prettiest and cutest question wasn't just for the mane six, and it didn't necessary have to be narrowed down to one or two. I had five for prettiest in my answer.

11-02-2012, 01:38 AM
I don't know, the blue mage over there has magic AND diamond rings.

11-02-2012, 02:00 AM
Short answer, the link in my signature :)

A-HA! Thanks!
Though not a huge amount of use to me in the UK (unless I fancy getting stung with import tax etc) I have a friend over there who I know would LOVE a Fluttershy skin for his 3DS, so it's worth letting him know.

11-02-2012, 02:12 AM
Well if you use the link in my sig, I get a wee bit of profit, so share it all you like!

Unbreakable Will
11-02-2012, 04:56 AM
I just bought a Pinky Pie plushie under the false pretenses that it was for my daughter. :shifty:

11-02-2012, 01:50 PM
I just bought a Pinkie Pie plushie under the false pretenses that it was for my daughter. :shifty:
Haven't we all?

Jk, I make my own plush things.

Red Mage Coffman
11-02-2012, 04:05 PM
Well, fine! I'll take my feather hatted self somewhere else!

11-02-2012, 05:21 PM
Love the show!

11-02-2012, 10:30 PM
I just bought a Pinky Pie plushie under the false pretenses that it was for my daughter. :shifty:

I have a feeling if anyone asked I would just proudly say its for me and walk off grinning :p

11-04-2012, 03:12 PM
The meanies at toys r us keep delaying shipping me my VS lunch box. >:[

11-05-2012, 02:17 AM
Alright, the 3rd season premier will be in almost five days (November 10). To build up hype for the 3rd season, I think we should get everyone to post something My Little Pony related for each of the five days, each day having a different kind of post.

For today, well, not really today since where I live it's six more days but I don't think I'll be able to make this post at college and by the time I'm home from it the day will be more than halfway done and not as many people will participate in this because of that... oh forget it, let's just call it the 5 more days mark.

Anyways, for this day let's post some of our favourite fan arts of humanized ponies (keep it appropriate).





Agent Proto
11-05-2012, 02:23 AM
I did some coloring for someone who drew pictures of the main six as humans. I'd have to say Rarity was my favorite.


11-05-2012, 06:29 AM
That looks awesome.


This one just makes me giggle. :p

11-05-2012, 07:04 AM
Someone probably popped a boner at that one.

11-05-2012, 09:45 AM
I'll be away next weekend ;_; (unless I can find an excuse, cause it's a flippin expensive weekend anyway)


Unbreakable Will
11-05-2012, 10:00 AM
Someone probably popped a boner at that one.

11-05-2012, 10:17 AM

11-05-2012, 01:57 PM
While we're on anthros, how old do you think the main 6 are? Like, in their twenties, late teens, or what?

11-05-2012, 04:02 PM
While we're on anthros, how old do you think the main 6 are? Like, in their twenties, late teens, or what? I personally like to think of the main six as being between late teens to young adults. It makes sense when you compare them to the CMC who I'd say are around five to eight. Certain things make more sense that way, in my opinion. Oh, I also think Spike is a "baby" in name only, and he's really a young child. The ponies just can't be bothered to differenciate a dragon's age - like how to us, a kitten is always a "baby" cat, even if he/she is at the age when he/she should be called a child, or even a teen.

This is pointles: I will rely on this for my fanseries whenever it appears, even though they are all older then.

11-06-2012, 03:17 AM
Alright, it's the four day mark now, and the type of post that you're submitting now is fan art of My Little Pony crossed with any other series.

Me, I'll be submitting crossover fan art of my newest favourite series (My Little Pony) and my oldest favourite series (Mario).






I suppose I'll throw in Kirby and My Little Pony crossover art as a bonus:



Anybody pony have suggestions for types of postings for the next three days? I'd feel a bit selfish if I was the one making up the post types for all 5 days.

While we're on anthros, how old do you think the main 6 are? Like, in their twenties, late teens, or what?
I'd say their ages range from 18-23.

11-06-2012, 11:08 AM
Also, from the Wiki article...

Shout! Factory has the DVD publishing rights for the series within Region 1. Two five-episode DVDs have been released to date, with a third one planned for December 2012. Shout has also announced a complete Season 1 DVD set to be released alongside the third DVD exclusively through the retailer Amazon.com.[76]

The only way this could be better is if they release it on Blu-Ray. :love:
















11-06-2012, 03:53 PM
I also see them as ... well about 18-23. They're old enough to be out of school and have jobs, but young enough that they're still learning to open up and socialise in the real world so it seems about right.

Don't like to see them as less than 18 because rule 34, heh. But honestly don't see them as less than that in the first place.

It's all relative though as they're, well, ponies.

11-06-2012, 04:09 PM
I also see them as ... well about 18-23. They're old enough to be out of school and have jobs, but young enough that they're still learning to open up and socialise in the real world so it seems about right.

Don't like to see them as less than 18 because rule 34, heh. But honestly don't see them as less than that in the first place.

It's all relative though as they're, well, ponies.

I say 15-16.

They give way to much of a fuck to be 18.

11-07-2012, 03:24 AM
For the three day mark, let's talk about what we're hoping for in season three.

I'm personally hoping that Luna will get at least one major episode. I'm also hoping that Tank (Rainbow Dash's pet turtle) and Spike's pet phoenix will show up in one of the season three episodes. I also hope they'll expand on the Spike and Rarity relationship more. Also, I'm not really sure if Applejack hasn't gotten as many episodes to herself as the other five, but if that is the case I hope she gets some more episodes to herself to balance it out.

Also, I'd really appreciate suggestions for the next two days, since I'm running out of ideas.

Agent Proto
11-07-2012, 03:31 AM
Scootaloo episode!

11-07-2012, 08:53 AM
I hope CMC get minimal episodes myself.

I'm all for a Luna episode though. I still want an episode staring the alternate 6.

Big Mack, Luna, Vynal Scratch (DJ PON-3), The British Kid, Roid Rage, and Derpy.

At the very least a Big Mac episode.

11-07-2012, 01:37 PM
Yes please for Luna. And more talking Derpy, if they're brave enough.
CMC are alright, but I don't want too much focus on them either.

11-07-2012, 06:59 PM
More Pony Crossovers!



http://i1171.photobucket.com/albums/r551/MylittleProject/Group/Main%206/Neon_Equus_Evangelion_My_Little_Pony_Friendship_Is_Magic_Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_LavosVsBahamut_Devi antart.jpg


11-07-2012, 09:46 PM
To be perfectly honest, I'd like to see everypony get their episode this season. Some shared, grouped, and some Spike episodes should be included too.

I adore the CMC episodes myself. Their storyline is actually one that relates to me personally.

11-08-2012, 03:18 AM
Random thought of randomness. Someone needs to make a PMV out of this song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OadE7wfBQhc) and the season 2 finale.

11-08-2012, 03:29 AM
For the two day mark, tell us about your most favourite part(s) in the series so far.

My favourite part is definitely Spike finally telling Rarity how he feels about her. Based off previous episodes, I thought for sure that Spike would never end up with Rarity and she'd never find out about his feelings and both would be a running gag in the series. When they were both falling after Spike returned to his normal self (Season 2 Episode 10, which is also my favourite episode) and Spike started to tell Rarity about how he felt, I was thinking "wow, I didn't actually expect him to have the courage to tell her, even in a drastic situation like this." When I saw that Rarity shut Spike's mouth partway, I thought "wow, again with Rarity disregarding Spike's feelings? This is going to be a running gag isn't it? Poor Spike." Then I saw that she was smiling and tearing up, with the look in her face saying "I know, and I feel the same way about you." I was thinking wow again, but in a totally different (and much more optimistic way). They totally threw out the whole "one way love" running gag that I thought they would have for the rest of the series (which I'm really glad about because I've been a victim of one way love too many times and it sucks). That moment also proves how big of a heart Rarity has. She's always dreamt of being with a handsome and rich pony, but she meets Spike who is in love with her and she accepts him and loves him for who he is even though he isn't the dream pony she wanted.

I don't think any moment in any episodes from season 3 onward would ever beat that moment as my favourite part. Then again, I don't really expect them to since it was a one time event. Also, that kind of moment that happened to Spike is something that I personally hope to experience one day (well, without the falling and the destroying of the town).

11-08-2012, 10:01 AM
Well it was at least a "D'aww, I know.." look that can be left to interpretation. I doubt we'll ever see an absolute definite confirmation or relationship (until the grand finale for the show, which let's hope isn't soon, then maybe we'll see them married and the long suffering CMCs will finally get their marks and such like)

http://i1171.photobucket.com/albums/r551/MylittleProject/Group/Main%206/Neon_Equus_Evangelion_My_Little_Pony_Friendship_Is_Magic_Neon_Genesis_Evangelion_LavosVsBahamut_Devi antart.jpg

Ooh. It hadn't occurred to me how well Scratch can represent Rei.

11-08-2012, 01:31 PM
Yeah, I really don't think she meant it the way you think she meant it Evastio. :p

Easily my favorite bit was Diamond Dogs. Rarity was absolutely wonderful the entire episode. <3

Discord comes a close second, followed by the episode immidiately after. :p

11-08-2012, 07:20 PM
Rarity has the best episodes.

As for Spike, I think Rarity was just being nice and saving him some dignity.

11-08-2012, 10:51 PM
I personally view Sparity as a childish crush that will never come to anything - mostly because he's younger than her. I think Rarity's giving him time to realize that, but cares about him enough to allow him to realize it himself.

That was actually one of my favorite moments as well my other favorite moments are;

1. The moment when we find out that the main six got their cutie marks from the same event, and where therefore destined to be friends. Finding how they indvidually got them was also awesome.

2. The CMC's song. If you ignore the bad singing (which becomes easier after constant rewatches) it's a very motivational song.

3. The main six's elements being revealed in episode one in front of Luna/Nightmare Moon. Aside from a very awkward scene transition when "loyalty" is revealed it was pretty edge of the seat stuff, and reminded me of Final Fantasy a bit.

4. Fluttershy finding strenth in Dragonshy, and to a lesser extent Stare Master (which is interesting as I actually find Stare Master to be the superior episode).

5. Art of the Dress scene. It's a good song (based on a real one), and I somewhat relate to it even though I have no interest in fashion - I get the point about going against your own visions.

6. Fluttershy in The Best Night Ever. To this day I have no idea why...

7. Smile song. Not only does it sound awesome, it's kind of nostalgic as it looks and sounds like something that would have happened during an old children's movie or children's show (not to mention have a music video released). Also, it was kind of rewarding to finally hear it after all the build up to it.

8. Several scenes from A Canterlot Wedding (mostly the romatic stuff, but other stuff as well).

9. Fluttershy's storyline in Hurricane Fluttershy.

There's probably a lot more. These aren't in order - even though the cutie mark thing is my top moment.

11-09-2012, 12:57 AM
Hopefully season 3 will reveal more about the Spike and Rarity relationship, since a significant part of the fanbase (including myself) interpreted that part as Rarity feeling the same way about Spike.

Even if Rarity doesn't actually feel the same way about Spike, I still consider that my favourite moment since everyone would expect Spike's feelings for Rarity to result in nothing/something that wouldn't end well, but she took it respectfully and was flattered about his feelings.

For the 1 day mark, tell us how you got into the MLP fandom and what you thought of it before you joined.

Taken (and slightly edited) from an earlier post in this thread:

As for how I started, basically I saw the MLP fandom get pretty popular online, and I thought it was like CD-I Zelda, where fans didn't actually like the series but promoted it and mentioned it a lot as a running joke. I was into CD-I Zelda, but not MLP, since I felt bad that a children't show was being mocked and ridiculed to the point that people brought it into full circle and advertised it like the best thing ever (why I didn't feel the same for CD-I Zelda, that's partially because I'm not fond of Zelda games since I keep getting lost. Plus, I find Zelda games to be overrated and having it mocked like that is pretty fun). Fanbase aside, I suppose I found the idea of the show okay, since young girls do need shows that are targeted towards them, especially in this day and age where violent media is much more prevalent than it should be. Eventually, my younger siblings got into the craze, and I watched one episode with them (the Diamond Dogs one), and I was hooked from that moment forward. The cuteness, the charm, the humour, if only I knew back then that people actually sincerely liked the series and it wasn't some running joke that came at the expense of a poor children's show, I would've joined the fanbase much sooner.

11-09-2012, 05:59 AM
I saw a random clip titled 'John Cena copies Rarity' and he did this bit where he mocked Christian for Whining. So I looked up the clip in question, and it was almost line for line Rarity from The Dog and Pony Show.

So I downloaded Season 1 to finally watch it. :p

Edit: The clip in question.


11-09-2012, 09:25 AM
+1 to the smile song, and that whole episode. I've found that it's that episode which firmly splits the "Pinkie is annoying" and "Pinkie is awesome" camps depending on how Cranky-like they are (I fall into the latter and it really made me think positively of her)

Most heartbreaking moment so far? I think it has to be Fluttershy crying in Hurricane Fluttershy. My heart broke into 1000 pieces :cry:

11-09-2012, 05:16 PM
Most heartbreaking moment so far? I think it has to be Fluttershy crying in Hurricane Fluttershy. My heart broke into 1000 pieces :cry: It was one of those moments when I wished that she was real, just so I could be there for her (strange I know, but I'm like that.)

Agent Proto
11-10-2012, 12:55 AM

11-10-2012, 01:52 AM

It was one of those moments when I wished that she was real, just so I could be there for her (strange I know, but I'm like that.)

Oh I can understand that. I've never wanted to reach through the screen and hug a TV character so much!

11-10-2012, 08:03 PM
Oh I can understand that. I've never wanted to reach through the screen and hug a TV character so much! That's the affect Fluttershy has. /)

Also, I think the season 3 premire should be on today if it isn't already. I will definitely be watching it, and am a little more confident that those left behind will be able to keep the show as awesome as it has ever been. I'll look forward to seeing it, my army have been waiting patiently to watch the premire http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/i/2012/119/3/b/undeniable_by_coldbologna-d4xybjs.png http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/i/2012/121/5/3/unbuckable_by_coldbologna-d4y7xks.pnghttp://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2012/121/4/6/ungraspable_by_coldbologna-d4y7xm9.pnghttp://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2012/121/a/c/unlimitable_by_coldbologna-d4y7xyl.pnghttp://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/i/2012/121/f/d/unsocialable_by_coldbologna-d4y7xp2.pnghttp://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/i/2012/121/7/4/unstoppable_by_coldbologna-d4y7xip.pnghttp://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2012/119/2/b/underpable_by_coldbologna-d4xzw11.pnghttp://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2012/126/f/5/unchangeable_by_coldbologna-d4yrb8o.pnghttp://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/i/2012/126/3/a/unrelyrable_by_coldbologna-d4yrb8j.pnghttp://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2012/126/b/3/unshowable_by_coldbologna-d4yrb8r.png. Artwork (c) coldbologna on DeviantArt.

11-10-2012, 08:13 PM
(Watches Fluttershy's Hot Minute)

I almost forgot how ridiculously cute Fluttershy's voice is. :love:

...though I was hoping they'd ask her what she thinks of everyone finding her cute, and if she's more flattered or overwhelmed by it.

I saw a random clip titled 'John Cena copies Rarity' and he did this bit where he mocked Christian for Whining. So I looked up the clip in question, and it was almost line for line Rarity from The Dog and Pony Show.

So I downloaded Season 1 to finally watch it. :p
It takes one episode to convert most people into bronies, but for you it took one clip? That's really impressive.

It was one of those moments when I wished that she was real, just so I could be there for her (strange I know, but I'm like that.)

Oh I can understand that. I've never wanted to reach through the screen and hug a TV character so much!
Same here. Every time she starts crying or gets scared, I just want to hug her with one arm and stroke her hair with the other.

I hope that doesn't sound too weird...

Also MJN SEIFER, those filly ponies that you posted are awesome and really well done. I especially like how you made one for Lyra. She' doesn't get enough love.

11-10-2012, 08:32 PM
They're not mine. I credited the artist at the end of my post. Thanks though.

11-10-2012, 08:50 PM

Madame Adequate
11-10-2012, 09:05 PM
Me and Pike just watched it. PONIES! :hyper:

11-10-2012, 09:27 PM
Me and Pike just watched it. PONIES! :hyper:
I did too! It was SO COOL.

Agent Proto
11-10-2012, 09:32 PM
King Sombra didn't really speak much. :(

11-10-2012, 09:39 PM
Oh, nice. I didn't expect to see it posted on YouTube this soon. Thanks for sharing it!

11-10-2012, 10:32 PM
King Sombra didn't really speak much. :(
This. And he could've used more screen time. He had no opportunity to develop an interesting personality, and didn't have an apparent motivation for being evil besides simply for the sake of being evil. I don't think he ever even had a direct confrontation with anyone, except at the beginning when he messed up Shining Armor's horn.

11-11-2012, 12:05 AM
By the end of part 1, my wife turned and asked me if it was just her or if it was boring. While I wasn't exactly bored, I was certainly far from enthralled. In fact, there were even some cringe-worth moments as it almost felt the like a character was trying to hard to do what they do. Sort of a mugging for the camera thing.

After about the 3rd time in part 2 where I heard King Sombra say, "Aaauggh!!" I realized that I didn't care because he wasn't developed as a character at all. I suppose the Crystal Empire itself was supposed to be the character, but in the past, Discord, Queen Chrysalis,and even Nightmare Moon had more character development in their respective episodes that let you know who they are and what they were about.

The Crystal Empire thing almost seemed, too transparently, like a way to push the crystal pony toys I haven't given a crap about so far. The premise also feel a little flat. It was an almost entirely Twilight focused episode with the rest of their characters being coloring and barely being involved with the main plot in anyway, just mugging their personalities, poorly, outside of the story.

It also seems sad that, with all in the balance, Twilight still thinks of this as a literal test, and in the end, that's pretty much the case as Celestia passes her. From the beginning I thought it was a situation where there was no real test, and ultimately the "test" was metaphorical. It was for her to help the crystal empire, like a member of Celestia's court. Not like a silly student worrying about grades.

I really got cringey every time she mentioned the test thing in the second part. I guess ultimately the capital 'm' Moral comes from her giving up her chance to get an A so that the kingdom can be saved. Really?!

Despite it all, I was really happy to see my ponies again, but with only 13 eps this season, I hope they do a little better going forward. Character development episodes, please. That's what makes me care. If you're not going to develop the villain, either don't have one, or develop the other ponies more strongly in their place.

11-11-2012, 03:22 AM
Oh, nice. I didn't expect to see it posted on YouTube this soon. Thanks for sharing it!

No problemo!

11-11-2012, 03:43 AM
In honor of the great King Sombra, I made a tumblr blog in which you can delight him with stairs.

I am King Sombra, and I love stairs! (http://kingsombralovesstairs.tumblr.com/)

Agent Proto
11-11-2012, 03:47 AM
Yeah, he sure do love them stairs.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
11-11-2012, 11:13 AM
I must admit, I was not on board with this show at first.

I recently sent a PM to MILF, stating that while I was curious about the show I couldn't help but feeling it had bandwagon written all over it. In the likes of Tim Burton films, Invader Zim, and the resurgence of TMNT and Power Ranger fans, this show had the feeling of "childrens show which someone on the internet likes and eventually becomes a bandwagon theme for forums galore!"

Despite all that, the fascination people have with this show has in turn fascinated me to know what all the hype is about. For example, I just recently watched a video from a hilarious YouTuber which I encourage you all to watch:


After hearing what this guy had to say I figured "What the heck, I'll watch a couple episodes".

I have to say...I was pleasantly surprised. My reaction to the first episode is about what I expected it would be: Cute kids show about ponies and friendship....and then the episode ended in a cliffhanger, so I thought "No no, I've got to watch the next one". And it was after the second episode I knew I was going to keep watching. I was reminded of Final Fantasy, with the way it seemed each character had their own crystal of power that together allowed them to face and take down evil. I had quickly grown an enjoyment for the characters and the story.

With all that being said, I do still believe there is a certain element of bandwagon appeal to the show for some people. However I am now way more open to the idea that people genuinely like the show simply because it's an awesome show, which is a stance I should have taken in the first place.

On a side note, I like the idea that this show can be a catalyst for men who don't have a normal outlet to express their feminine side and that there is an increasing number of males who reject traditional society placed gender restrictions.

I've only seen 5 episodes so far, so I can't say I've gone brony quite yet. I could tell you what I think makes this show awesome, but you all already know why it is. I'll close with what MILF told me:

it's a well-written show with lots of good jokes, it's nice to look at, it has fun and catchy songs, the characters are consistent and believable with flaws and strengths, but who develop over time, and because with the world being in such a terrible state today it's nice to have something unabashedly positive and fun to enjoy for twenty minutes every week!

11-11-2012, 04:58 PM
I'm pretty much with Yearg on this one. What bothered me most was the very end, we have all five of our main ponies there. Spike is falling, and the way they save him is Magicless Shining Armor tosses the extremely exhausted Cadence to catch Spike, fly him to the center of town, and use her magic to place the heart?

We have Rainbow Dash and Rarity who, together, could have accomplished all that.

With them handling the Heart and Spike, we had Apple Jack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all able to worry about the King.

This marks twice we've had the barely developed duo of Shining Armor and Cadence saving the day at the end.

And by now, Twilight should know better then to think she would 'fail' by others helping her. Season three and this still being a complex for her is stretching it.

That asside, the best part of these episodes were varies small jokes throughout, such as RD poking fun at Rarity when they first arrived, or Pinkie Pie showing up in the Fluttershy suit. :p

11-11-2012, 09:45 PM
I saw it and loved it. Here is my basic opinion of the episode;

I might as well get this out of the way; I am really pleased that they still credit Lauren for creating the show. I realize that I seem to be the only brony who cares about her, but it was reasuring to see that she is still getting credit for creating the show. I think that the episode was good especially when you consider it was the first to not involve her at all.

I really enjoyed the storyline of the episode, and it shows that those left behind still get what the show is all about. The crystal kingdom looked absolutely amazing, and I would totally go there if it was real. There were some pretty cool call backs to past generations, which also reasured me (I was fearful that they were going to stop these after Lauren left, but thankfully they didn't). For those of you who didn't understand; I think that Twilight refering to it as a test was a kind of reverse psychology thing. It makes sense in context. I thought everypony looked awesome in crystal form, even though it was clearly a way to sell the toys. Interestingly; while "it's just a ploy to sell toys" is something that haters have always said about MLP since it began, this is the first time it's ever happened so blatently...

I kind of see Uncle Big Hand's point about Shining Armor and Cadance. I wonder if it was Hasbro's way of making up for introuducing them to us during season 1, and then not using them until season 2? At least they've come up with some justification for Cadance to have wings now.

Sombra... I'm afraid he was the weakest link in the chain. He barely had any lines, there wasn't enough of him to really show any form of personality, even in flashback when he had a solid form he did next to nothing. Normally I'd be able to see past this, and just think of it as an opening for fans to do better (if I can find a place for him in my fanseries, I will make more of an effort for him). The problem with that is King Sombra is a FANMADE character. It must be pretty annoying for whoever won the contest to create the vilain of the episode to find that after all that, Hasbro gave him no personallity...

Finally, was I the only one who foundthe door that makes whoever opens it experience their fears, interesting? I really wanted to see what the other characters would have seen if they had done it. Ironically, I planned on doing a similar thing (not exactly the same) on my fanseries... funny how things turn out.

11-12-2012, 12:46 AM
That's the affect Fluttershy has. /)

Also, so much cute to save!

Same here. Every time she starts crying or gets scared, I just want to hug her with one arm and stroke her hair with the other.

I hope that doesn't sound too weird...

Not to me, but that's not saying much :D

I must admit, I was not on board with this show at first.

I recently sent a PM to MILF, stating that while I was curious about the show I couldn't help but feeling it had bandwagon written all over it. In the likes of Tim Burton films, Invader Zim, and the resurgence of TMNT and Power Ranger fans, this show had the feeling of "childrens show which someone on the internet likes and eventually becomes a bandwagon theme for forums galore!"

Seen that view a lot and there's some truth to it, but I think it's genuinely great quality, I also like how they let the fandom actually feed into it.
Good on you for being open minded enough to check it out and not blindly hate it, I know my RL friend would (he's a wonderful person but yes, er, to say he hates bandwagons or most pop music or really anything that he views as even possibly bandwagon-y would be an understatement)

All the fan creations are indeed awesome.
Check out "Ponies the Anthology" - I and II. They're LONG, but great.

I was reminded of Final Fantasy, with the way it seemed each character had their own crystal of power that together allowed them to face and take down evil. I had quickly grown an enjoyment for the characters and the story.
A good point. And like FF (or most of them) it has very strongly defined characters. They may not have Shakespearian levels of character depth, but that's the point I think, nice simple fun characters with their own clear personalities that they can utilise in all these ways.

With all that being said, I do still believe there is a certain element of bandwagon appeal to the show for some people. However I am now way more open to the idea that people genuinely like the show simply because it's an awesome show, which is a stance I should have taken in the first place.
For sure, there's an element of that. There's nothing quite like shared joy IMO, that said I genuinely consider it good quality.

On a side note, I like the idea that this show can be a catalyst for men who don't have a normal outlet to express their feminine side and that there is an increasing number of males who reject traditional society placed gender restrictions.
Indeed, a good point, it's created a community where guys don't feel they have to be ashamed to let out their feminine side a little. That's a wonderful thing.
For me the brony community (e.g. ponychan etc) even made me feel secure enough to accept my own bisexuality as well which is really... quite something, for it to have done that. That's not to say all bronies are gay or bi, there are a lot of straight ones, but I've noticed it's opened up things for many of those too.

Fair enough that you aren't sure about "being a brony", but you've been open minded enough to "get it" and why others like it instead of thinking of them as silly and hats off to you for that. And yes, MILF describes the appeal better than I ever could, too.
Especially the thing of there being an element of fun, in a world that is often quite a mess, to remind us there are light and positive sides to the world too. I think that plays a huge part in why I love the whole thing.

I might as well get this out of the way; I am really pleased that they still credit Lauren for creating the show. I realize that I seem to be the only brony who cares about her
I don't know about that! I do too and most bronies that I know still consider it "her" show. Glad indeed she continues to get credit.

Indeed, some people talk about the show being something to sell toys as an evil thing. But hey, Hasbro's not a charity, of course they're in it for money and there's nothing inherently evil about that. But the awesome thing is, while they could just churn out any old low quality rubbish and still sell toys, they genuinely love what they're creating. That's special. And hey, it HAS got me buying things hehe, I couldn't resist a brushable Dashie and some blind bags.
Side note, the blind bags have been Crystal Ponies for a little while now, before this season even started. I have a Crystal Rarity :3

Agreed with Sombra, not exactly the most exciting of villains. But I guess it wasn't really about him anyway, it was more about Twilight's "test" (not that she needed testing, but some of the world's leaders could learn a thing or two about her putting the people before the security of her own power)

I liked it all and all!

I've seen the fears concept somewhere else, and can't think where. Maybe Harry Potter or something?

11-12-2012, 03:13 PM
I don't know about that! I do too and most bronies that I know still consider it "her" show. Glad indeed she continues to get credit.
I am very pleased to hear that. She's been getting very little credit from bronies for a long time. Hardly any of them seem to realize that she helped write every episode in Season 1 and 2, but everyone gets it wrong, and says she didn't... it's depressing.

Side note, the blind bags have been Crystal Ponies for a little while now, before this season even started. I have a Crystal Rarity :3
Kind of makes sense considering that the Crystal Ponies are named after a toyline from the third generation. What's more ironic is that that generation's version of Rarity was one of the first ponies to become one (hence her wanting to be one in this version.)

I've seen the fears concept somewhere else, and can't think where. Maybe Harry Potter or something? I dunno if it's been in Harry Potter, but it may very well be a trope of some sort. I have seen it used elsewhere, so I guess ultimately it doesn't matter if I still use the storyline I was planning on. As it is a FIM fanseries, it's going to reuse a few things, but this would have been a conicidence, but it could be reworked as an allusion, I don't know? I'm fine either way.

11-12-2012, 03:52 PM
The bronies I know seem to know, but I tend to stick to smaller sub-communities anyway.

Didn't know that with the 3rd gen. Always interesting how much has been carried forward from previous generations!
I squee'd and said "you already are!" when Rarity said she wanted to be a crystal pony hehe~

Yeah I know I've seen the "look into this and you'll see your worst fear" concept somewhere before. I'd look on Tropes, but I'd be clicking around it for the next 12 hours haha.

11-12-2012, 11:13 PM
The bronies I know seem to know, but I tend to stick to smaller sub-communities anyway.
That's good, it mostly seems to be on places like YouTube and the wikia for the most part. I'm glad that there are people who know this though. /)

Didn't know that with the 3rd gen. Always interesting how much has been carried forward from previous generations!
I squee'd and said "you already are!" when Rarity said she wanted to be a crystal pony hehe~
If you're interested, I have compiled a list of all the times FIM has alluded to previous generations, and I will continue to update it, as there is bound to be those moments I missed. I can show it to you, if you want.

Yeah I know I've seen the "look into this and you'll see your worst fear" concept somewhere before. I'd look on Tropes, but I'd be clicking around it for the next 12 hours haha. I think you might be. As I'm steadily learning; everything is a trope these days.

11-13-2012, 12:19 AM
Yus (\
Well my opinion of most Youtube commenters isn't exactly.... high :D

Cool, sure would be interested to see your list, I've never really taken an interest in the older generations but it'd be neat to see.

Well, there are only so many plot concepts in the world I guess (not that I'll ever think of the word "plot" the same again)

11-13-2012, 03:49 AM
I've seen the fears concept somewhere else, and can't think where. Maybe Harry Potter or something?
The Mirror of Erised was kind of similar in concept, though its effect on the person looking into it was the exact opposite.
Harry Potter's boggarts appear to whoever approaches them as their greatest fear.
The Phantasmal Killer spell from D&D also taps into the target's subconscious and twists his or her deepest fears into an illusion that their conscious mind is capable of perceiving.

11-13-2012, 08:35 AM
Harry Potter's boggarts appear to whoever approaches them as their greatest fear.

Ahh yes, that's what I'm thinking of!

There was also an original Star Trek episode that used it, and I'm pretty sure there were similar things in newer Trek episodes as well. Other shows have used similar concepts... Blake's 7 where the spaceship showed people their worst memories as a defense mechanism. Red Dwarf has used it to comedic effect on one of the crew, while others had various personality attributes drained from them (Polymorph)

I'm sure I've seen the "You'd not need me any more and would abandon me" one before as well, probably one of the kids reactions to the boggarts.

Also note that there were similarities in the S2 starter where Discord effectively does it to Twilight by causing the group's friendship to fall apart (which I thought was a better "worst fear" than getting cast aside by 'tia personally)

And yep, it's a trope: I Know What You Fear - Television Tropes & Idioms (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IKnowWhatYouFear)

11-13-2012, 12:31 PM
Yus (\
Well my opinion of most Youtube commenters isn't exactly.... high :D

Cool, sure would be interested to see your list, I've never really taken an interest in the older generations but it'd be neat to see.

Well, there are only so many plot concepts in the world I guess (not that I'll ever think of the word "plot" the same again)
Thanks. Here's the list. (http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/User:MJNSEIFER/Sandbox)

11-14-2012, 12:50 AM
I have to say...I was pleasantly surprised. My reaction to the first episode is about what I expected it would be: Cute kids show about ponies and friendship....and then the episode ended in a cliffhanger, so I thought "No no, I've got to watch the next one". And it was after the second episode I knew I was going to keep watching. I was reminded of Final Fantasy, with the way it seemed each character had their own crystal of power that together allowed them to face and take down evil. I had quickly grown an enjoyment for the characters and the story.

I've only seen 5 episodes so far, so I can't say I've gone brony quite yet. I could tell you what I think makes this show awesome, but you all already know why it is. I'll close with what MILF told me:
Even if you aren't a brony yet, at least you've gotten over the initial "....eeww. Ponies..." reaction that most people have. Though my initial reaction to the fandom was "don't people have anything better to do than bash on kids shows with sarcastic praise?"

So who's your favourite pony so far? I'm guessing it's Twilight Sparkle for whatever reason.

11-16-2012, 05:49 PM
Apropos of nothing, is it me or do some of the episodes have random lines that not only have nothing to do with the episode, but also nothing to do with the scene itself? Examples include during the meteor shower in "Owls Well That Ends Well", everypony says something appropriate like "amazing!" except for Scootaloo who says "Once". She says it in Sweetie Belle's voice, sugesting it was scripted as her line originally, but it still makes no sense. Or in one episode (I can't think which one at the moment) where Rarity gets excited about something and jumps up and down (on Spike) I swear I can hear one of the ponies saying "Doesn't he like it?" WTF? :confused:

I can't think if any Season 2 episode do this.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
11-16-2012, 10:14 PM
So who's your favourite pony so far? I'm guessing it's Twilight Sparkle for whatever reason.

That's a good guess, as I tend to be a fan of studious book worms.

As of this post I've only made it 7 episodes in, but I have to say I haven't quite picked a favorite. Each of the main 6 bring their own thing to the table and it's hard to choose. I think I might be leaning towards Rainbow Dash, because there's never a dull moment.

Agent Proto
11-16-2012, 10:16 PM
Rainbow Dash is best pony. She's fun to watch. Her only downfall is her huge ego, but she manages to tone it down whenever necessary.

11-17-2012, 01:24 AM
Yeah, I really liked how she mannaged to tone down her arrogance in the later episodes (she even seemed less arrogant in season 2, after that one episode that focused on her arrogance).

11-17-2012, 09:42 PM
That's a good guess, as I tend to be a fan of studious book worms.

As of this post I've only made it 7 episodes in, but I have to say I haven't quite picked a favorite. Each of the main 6 bring their own thing to the table and it's hard to choose. I think I might be leaning towards Rainbow Dash, because there's never a dull moment.
Ah, Rainbow Dash. That makes sense. She's quite popular among MLP fans. I think in terms of the general MLP fanbase, she's probably the second or third most liked pony.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
11-17-2012, 09:58 PM
That's a good guess, as I tend to be a fan of studious book worms.

As of this post I've only made it 7 episodes in, but I have to say I haven't quite picked a favorite. Each of the main 6 bring their own thing to the table and it's hard to choose. I think I might be leaning towards Rainbow Dash, because there's never a dull moment.
Ah, Rainbow Dash. That makes sense. She's quite popular among MLP fans. I think in terms of the general MLP fanbase, she's probably the second or third most liked pony.

Is there a unanimous favorite pony that the majority of people agree on?

11-17-2012, 10:31 PM
Is there a unanimous favorite pony that the majority of people agree on?

And I'm not just saying that because she's my personal #1 favourite. I find that a good chunk of online communities seem to favour her the most. Deviantart members seem to favour her out of the mane six, and so do GameFAQs members (though there she's tied with Rainbow Dash on GameFAQs in terms of popularity). And although it isn't really solid evidence, Nikki and Tifa's Boobs (the two newest MLP fans here on EoFF before you became one), both have Fluttershy as their most favourite pony.

The order of the mane six's popularity from most to least popular (from what I've personally seen online) is Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash/Pinkie Pie (they're relatively tied), Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, and Applejack. I don't understand why Applejack is the least popular (especiallly with how reliable and adorable she is with her cowgirl-ness. She's my third favourite of the mane six).

So for the rest of you familiar with the MLP fanbase, what trends have you noticed in terms of favourite ponies among the mane six?

11-18-2012, 12:20 AM
I think that Applejack is the least popular among fans because she hansn't done that much. That is not my opinion as I like Applejack. I have heard some stupid comments saying that Applejack's second episode (she's only had two) was more Derpy's episode which was silly. Derpy did not steal the episode, she appeared in one scene, that's it. I loved how Derpy was used, but she didn't steal the spotlight.

Rarity is underapreciated too.

I know who my favorire ponies are; Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Simply because I like them, I don't care how popular they are. I have absolutely no idea who is my third favorite pony and lower (even though I know the CMC also score high points - and even then I have no idea who the best CMC is) I still need to do my list of favorite ponies, and that's just FIM.

Agent Proto
11-18-2012, 01:25 AM
Anyone catch the 3rd episode?

That's some crazy shit right there.

11-18-2012, 01:59 AM
Technically/predantically speaking it's the second episode, and I will be watching it later.

11-18-2012, 03:04 AM
Technically/predantically speaking it's the second episode, and I will be watching it later.
No it's the 3rd. Just because the first storyline was two eps doesn't make those eps one.
That's like saying animes that contain one long story are just one ep



11-18-2012, 04:07 AM
Technically/predantically speaking it's the second episode, and I will be watching it later.
No it's the 3rd. Just because the first storyline was two eps doesn't make those eps one.
That's like saying animes that contain one long story are just one ep
I basically count the two parters as one episode, as they are scripted and viewed by the writers as one episode. I know for a fact that Episode 1, Season 1 was planned as one episode. So I see it as that. I guess it's up to you, but that's how I choose to view them.

Old Manus
11-18-2012, 04:05 PM
Was this true for any of you guys? It was for me.


11-19-2012, 12:42 PM
" technically" means their numbering, by which it's episode 3 according to everything I've seen so far.

Crazy one indeed. And I think I'm scarred for life after one of the Pinkies pulled a G3 face ;)

Agent Proto
11-19-2012, 12:53 PM
Technically/predantically speaking it's the second episode, and I will be watching it later.
No it's the 3rd. Just because the first storyline was two eps doesn't make those eps one.
That's like saying animes that contain one long story are just one ep
I basically count the two parters as one episode, as they are scripted and viewed by the writers as one episode. I know for a fact that Episode 1, Season 1 was planned as one episode. So I see it as that. I guess it's up to you, but that's how I choose to view them.

Two parters are basically one long episode which I can agree with, but you still have to remember that they're considered separate episodes paired together for one storyline. You also have to know that when we say episode three, we don't mean second episode based on story. No, we mean the third numbered episode.

Also, not liking this new thread title, which is now a link to a youtube video.

11-19-2012, 02:26 PM
Two parters are basically one long episode which I can agree with, but you still have to remember that they're considered separate episodes paired together for one storyline. You also have to know that when we say episode three, we don't mean second episode based on story. No, we mean the third numbered episode.

Also, not liking this new thread title, which is now a link to a youtube video. Got it. I just get confused as at the very least the season one opener was planned to be one long episode (i.e. it had one script, not two scripts) and of course, as it began life as a child's fanfiction I doubt it would have been two fanfictions. I see your reasoning though. It would however be 20% cooler if they were feature lenght episodes.

And yeah, fix the damn title!

11-19-2012, 10:22 PM
Oh god the title...

11-20-2012, 06:49 PM
We should put the title back, it gives the impression we're trying to hide the fact that it's part of <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzYzVMcgWhg">My Lovely Horse</a>. (<---- Oh my GOD guys, are you kidding me?!) Aren't we passed that by now. Also, here's a little something (http://mjnseifer.deviantart.com/favourites/#/d5lb02d) for when you're feeling bored.

11-20-2012, 11:10 PM
You are princess shy, the shy manticcore
destined to pose for books.

edit: second round was better

you are feather cadence, the purple salesman, destined to love little girls.

11-20-2012, 11:14 PM
You are Twilight Jack, the fabulous zebra, destined to bake neckbeards.


I'm fabulous. :flirt:

11-21-2012, 05:23 AM
I am Flutter Dash, the spicy librarian, destined to hatch apples. :bigsmile:

11-26-2012, 03:47 PM
Uh... guys, I'm not sure about mine.

You are Sweetie Armor, the Girly Magician, destined to Love Mares!

So I'm a lesbian magician. I'm basically the female, pony version of Dumbledore.

11-26-2012, 05:12 PM
Silver Belle, the friendly alicorn, destined to eat a tree.

Would anyone like to trade destinies?

Agent Proto
12-03-2012, 02:59 AM
I want to say that this new season, imo, is not living up to the hype. The episodes I've already watched, were not as great as the episodes in the second season was. In fact, the latest episode, Magic Duel, was rather disappointing. But it's still pretty good to see The Great and Powerful Trixie all over again. I do miss her outrageous outfit though.

12-03-2012, 03:36 AM
Please put back the thread title. plz.

I'm selling the 3dsxl I showed earlier in the thread.
I'm wondering if I should either
A) sell it to my parents for $125 so they can give my sister a 3ds xl for xmas
B) Put it on ebay for $250. you know some brony out there would snatch it up for that price.

Any suggestions?

12-03-2012, 02:53 PM
I want to say that this new season, imo, is not living up to the hype. The episodes I've already watched, were not as great as the episodes in the second season was. In fact, the latest episode, Magic Duel, was rather disappointing. But it's still pretty good to see The Great and Powerful Trixie all over again. I do miss her outrageous outfit though. I still love it, and it's still one of my favorite shows ever, but I do feel that it lost something without Lauren's influance (karma to the ponces [this was bro-nies originally, but since this refers to the bad-side of the fandom, I'll let it slide.) that refused to acknolledge her?), but so far not as much as I feared it would. However, I have noticed that there are positive and negative points to this season in my mind.

Positive Points:
1. The show still seems to aware that it has three target audiences; children, pre-FIM fans, and ponces. (and I've just found out that b-r-o-n-i-e-s is now being changed too).
2. There is still continuity where it counts.
3. It's not over hyping the main six by making them the automatic heroes every episode. (this is one of the reasons the human characters in Generation 1 failed in the end, even though I liked them as characters)
4. Hasbro are starting to lose their fear about including things they don't think kids would understand.

Negative Points:
1. Sombra was dissapointing, and did nothing. If what I hear about him being an OC is true then I feel sorry for the kid who created him.
2. Some of the characters appear to be developing backwards in my opinion. Rainbow Dash (of all ponies!) and Pinkie Pie are the worst offenders. We had episodes like Sonic Rainboom and Mare Do Well that helped us understand Dashie's arrogance better, and episodes like Mare Do Well (again) and Read it and Weep that had her take a look at herself, and tone down her flaws a little. Now all of a sudden, she reverts back to her Dragonshy personality during that stupid-jousting scene? Is this really the same pony was essentially Fluttershy's guardian during Sonic Rainboom, The Cutie Mark Chronicles, and Hurricane Fluttershy? I don't think so! The second of which is a flashback which makes her behavior in Dragonshy out of character anyway. Pinkie is suddenly a lot more one-dimensional after Too Many Pinkie Pies, I'm actually hoping that it's actually a set-up to an episode that reveals that they sent back the wrong Pinkie, and the one we've seen in the latest episodes is one of the clones. It would make sense, as they were very immature compared to the real Pinkie.
3. After some clever Generation 1, and Generation 3 allusions in The Crystal Kingdom, and a retelling of a Generation 1 storyline and a litterally in your face refference to Generation 3 (get it? I said "litterally in your face" because it involved sompony's face) they seem to have stopped doing call-backs to the classics, unless I'm not looking hard enough.
4. But I'd much rather they had done this while Lauren was still working there! Picture this, you're someone who's been given the chance to do your own version of something you loved as a kid, but then they refuse to do some of the things your way because (in their words) "The target audience won't understand what you mean". No big deal, you rise above it, and create your show regardless. Then you leave the show in their hands for whatever reason - and find out that now you're gone you find they're including things that they told you not to include?! It's kind of paramount to backstabing in my eyes. More on what she wanted to include and what Hasbro have included here. (http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:MJNSEIFER/Lauren_leaves,_and_Hasbro_includes_things_they_didn%27t_want_her_to...)

12-08-2012, 12:17 AM
This has just been sad so far.

Magic Duel is the best episode yet, and that only got a few chuckles out of me, and had a fun way to end the episode out with all the tom foolery to trick trixie.

12-08-2012, 04:55 PM
I have my hopes up for the latest episode, as alegedly features a pony he I've wanted to have an episode of her own for sometime now. I still hold this show in very high regard, even though it's not as good as before so far, but I am still enjoying the episodes, but I can see the change. Hopefully it picks up, because while the hype sadly will die down, I will NOT let it die down before I go to any conventions!:(

12-08-2012, 06:50 PM
My Lit­tle Pony has definitely gone downhill and I don't like it :(

Agent Proto
12-08-2012, 07:17 PM
The new episode, was actually pretty good. :)

12-08-2012, 08:42 PM
Wtf is up with the thread title?

Also, barely caught up on this season over the past couple of days.

12-08-2012, 08:51 PM
Haven't seen nothing since crystal empire.

Are any of the rest of you getting something where any time someone posts the word pony it is highlighted?

12-08-2012, 11:24 PM
My Lit­tle Pony has definitely gone downhill and I don't like it :( Hopefully br0nies will actually respect what Lauren did for the show now then? Either way, I hope it picks up, or at the very least we have enough love for the previous seasons to keep this fandom going for a bit longer... sorry it's just one of the most welcoming ones I've been in.

Wtf is up with the thread title? Someone changed as a joke, and I don't know who yet. Saying certain words gets changed as well.

Haven't seen nothing since crystal empire.

Are any of the rest of you getting something where any time someone posts the word pony it is highlighted? Too Many Pinkie Pies was pretty decent, it reused an old G1 story, but it went haywire (on purpose), and there was a cute little G3 throw back to, and was pretty funny. One Bad Apple was a CMC episode, which tips it in a favorable balananced to me anyway, but also managed to deal with a subject that kids shows often use, but is always handled badly (bullying) so it was a highpoint episode. Magic Dual was largely dependent on wether you like Trixie or not, but the episode itself showed some levels of being entertaining.

I haven't seen Sleepless in Ponyville yet, but I will later. It apparently stars some young orange pegasus who has been in the show for ages, but never had an episode. I don't think you care about this pony too much Hypo. :P

12-08-2012, 11:27 PM
There's a scoots episode?

*plugs laptop into 50 in moniter, goes to youtube and drops pants puts in the popcorn.

Agent Proto
12-09-2012, 02:21 PM
Yeah, Sleepless in Ponyville is a very good episode for this season. Princess Luna showed up in Scoot's dreams :D *gleeee*

12-09-2012, 02:49 PM
You know? That was a pleasant episode. :p

12-09-2012, 08:04 PM
You know? That was a pleasant episode. :p Uncle Big Hands, saying something nice about an episode staring a crusader... it must have been good!

12-09-2012, 08:34 PM
I feel like I'm in some kind of Bizzaro world. o_O

12-09-2012, 08:41 PM
It's like me hating a Fluttershy episode... oh wait, I already did that.:p

Apropos of nothing: How would a pony in the FIM world refer to a group of pony children? Would they say foals, or not? I'm asking because I'm not sure if "foal" should be their word for baby or for child.

Agent Proto
12-09-2012, 11:13 PM
I think Twilight referred to them as "my little ponies" at some point in the first season.

12-11-2012, 12:01 AM
I think Twilight referred to them as "my little ponies" at some point in the first season. Yes she did, in the episode that introduced me to the series (wow, it's already nostalagia to me...) I guess that could count, but I mean if you had make a quick sentance like "You can't go on your own, you're just children." how would it be said? Saying a paraphrase of the shows title (totally the reason they made Twilight say it) would sound odd. Thanks for answering though - I want to get the dialogue right for a project I am working on.

In other news, I saw Sleepless in Ponyville tonight, and I loved it! Highlights were; Scootaloo finally getting and episode, Rainbow Dash behaving the way I expect her to, after all the development she had last season, previous gens being refferenced again (keep it up, writers!), and something that I've been waiting to happen finally happening!

12-11-2012, 02:42 AM
Trixie's return, a Scootaloo episode, and Luna playing a significant role in an episode?

The latest episodes sure are catering to fan demand. :D

Before the last two episodes, I found season 3 to be okay, but now I'm finding it awesome.

12-11-2012, 06:13 PM
Why so much negativity towards the show all of a sudden? :(

Well, hopefully Sleepless in Ponyville raised spirits a bit. Personally I loved it, and it's now one of my favourite episodes :3

12-12-2012, 12:32 AM
Why so much negativity towards the show all of a sudden? :(

Well, hopefully Sleepless in Ponyville raised spirits a bit. Personally I loved it, and it's now one of my favourite episodes :3
No need to fear - I still love the show and I still did while I was pointing out what I considered flaws of the current series earlier.

Also, did Sleepless in Ponyville raise my spirits? Hell, yes! Not only did Dashie go back to acting the way I expect her to after all her development in season 2 (the previous episodes had her revert back into Dragonshy territory, which is in consistant anyway.), but also a realationship/friendship between two ponies that I have wanted to exist since forever has finally happened.

Agent Proto
12-14-2012, 04:27 AM
Hot Minute with Rainbow Dash~ :D


12-14-2012, 05:39 AM
Leaked episode follows.
Do not watch if you want to keep saturday sacred

Madame Adequate
12-14-2012, 07:46 AM
Sleepless in Ponyville was the CUTEST episode ever I can't handle it

12-14-2012, 09:58 AM
That hug at the end melted my heart. In fact I think it's worthy of making the thread huge, hmmm?


Saving myself for Sunday as always with the new episode. But two Dash episodes in a row? Hopefully this one will also put her in her better developed "confident but nice" light, in which case... two GOOD ones in a row, oh mannnn :love:

12-14-2012, 03:04 PM
I assure you, the new one builds upon her character overall.

Agent Proto
12-14-2012, 05:06 PM
It's worth the watch. I really enjoyed the last few episodes, even the new leaked one for Rainbow Dash. :D