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Queen Award, First of Her Name
12-14-2013, 03:19 PM

:ciddie: :ciddie: :ciddie:

The Nominees:
Del Murder
Loony BoB

Loony BoB
12-14-2013, 03:19 PM

If you're not listening to this song, you're doing it wrong, folks.

12-14-2013, 03:20 PM
I just want to see a back to back best member

is that so hard

Queen Award, First of Her Name
12-14-2013, 03:20 PM
Best Female Speech!

Being a part of a good forum is more than just being able to post in topics of discussion. It becomes a community, a group, a second family. There are people who come in to our lives who touch us in a great many ways. I know I'm not the only person on this forum to have needed a friend at 3 am when I felt hopeless and been able to find just that on this forum. Some of our friends here might not be able to grab lunch with us, go to a movie, come to our house and bake with us, or go for walks in the park with us, but they are just as much our friends as the ones who live right next door.

Best female is an award to honor not only the best female posters, the best female event runners, the best females at contributing to the forum, but the best female friends. The women who are there for us when we need them, who laugh with us, comfort us, and make us feel like we belong.

Congratulations and good luck to all of the nominees,

12-14-2013, 03:20 PM

If you're not listening to this song, you're doing it wrong, folks.To me, that song will always be associated with your wedding and me telling you to get the fucking ring.

12-14-2013, 03:21 PM
Good luck to all the nominees! We're all pretty great!

Madame Adequate
12-14-2013, 03:22 PM
What a seriously beautiful and touching speech.

I like touching females.

Queen Award, First of Her Name
12-14-2013, 03:22 PM
Best Male Speech!

The award for Best Male member was once considered the second most important Ciddie, just behind Best Member, but considering the work of Award Pimp from the Summer Ciddies of 2013, that Ciddie is no more voted upon but mixed in with the votes for Best Member, so in terms, depending on who won Best Member, if it was a male winner, the runner up male wins Best Male. If a female wins Best Member, the male with the next most votes wins Best Male. Taking that into consideration, why is there only four males up for Best Member? WHY JUST FOUR OUT OF TEN? WHY ISN'T THIS EQUAL TO THE NUMBER OF FEMALES UP FOR BEST MEMBER? Four males to six females is unjustice for the male specimen of EoFF! But I digress, for the four men up for Best Member are also fine representation to win the Best Male Ciddie if they were to come up second (or third...) for Best Member. IF they can't be the Best Member, might as well be the Best Male to make up for their loss, right? They're up against six females for cying out loud, and that's a crying shame! Injustice I say! If it were up to me, it should have been an equal number of males and females so both have an equal chance to land the top prize. Now that's equality at its finest. Award Princess obviously favors the female gender, it seems. But what do I know? These are supposed to be the best, most greatest Ciddies ever!

It is our duty to find out which of the four men would become the Best Male of the Ciddies. Will it be Del Murder, who had a fine year overall. Though sure he was married to the love of his life last year, but this year seems to be great for him. He comprised a great parody out of the Fox about what the Admins do (yet we still don't know what they really do), and he learned that he will become a father of twins!

Or will it be Loony BoB? He's a great guy, and this year seems to be the year of the BoB for EoFF. Throughout the year, he's been pretty outstanding, and just over the last couple months he had the wedding of EoFF, marrying smittenkitten, and becoming a popular meme in the process! Not only that, but he also freakin' bought EoFF, thus becoming the owner! Our souls now belong to him, and if that's any indicator, he should be Best Member! If not Best Member, he could be Best Male!

There's also Pantz! He's mostly behind the scenes in EoFF doings, but he's very geniunely a nice guy and well-liked among his peers. He has as much a good shot as the other three, right? I guess we'll find out whether the Swede with the most has what it takes to be Best Male.

Lastly, we have Sephex. He is what most of us would consider the long-shot. He's not a joke vote, but the truest of all dark horses for Best Male. The Underdog, the David to the Goliaths that are the other three. The only non-staff member upon the four men up for Best Male. If he doesn't win, may god have mercy upon us all as he'll very likely unleash the beast within that he calls THE DRAGON KING! We certainly can't let that happen, right? Then we should let him win this award, at least.

Well, that's it for the Best Male! Let's see what the female "half" has to say for Best Female.

Loony BoB
12-14-2013, 03:22 PM

If you're not listening to this song, you're doing it wrong, folks.To me, that song will always be associated with your wedding and me telling you to get the smurfing ring.
and me telling poor Loony JosH to get the fucking ring. ^_^;

Madame Adequate
12-14-2013, 03:23 PM
I also like touching males.

12-14-2013, 03:23 PM
Eyes on Forgetting Males

oh how the times have changed

fuck you feminism

12-14-2013, 03:24 PM
Eyes on Forgetting Males

oh how the times have changed

fuck you feminismMore like Cid's Dames amirite.

Queen Award, First of Her Name
12-14-2013, 03:25 PM
Best Member Speech!

As I sit here and listen to the original theme song for Pokemon, I wonder what it means to the best member of EoFF. I've been playing the song on repeat for at least 30 minutes now, not allowing myself to listen to anything else until I come to an answer. Quite frankly, this song has gotten annoying and has become more distracting than anything else. All I can think is that I want to be the very best, like no one ever was. But I can't be the best. I wasn't nominated. Much like Ash Ketchum was never the best and probably never will be the best either.

But just who is the best here at EoFF? I really don't know. All I know is that isn't it a little suspicious that Loony BoB bought EoFF so close to the Ciddies? You can buy EoFF, but you can't buy our hearts BoB. For shame, Loony BoB! For shame. The trickery doesn't stop there, though. I know for a fact that Pike's cute little Charmander sig has slowly been hypnotizing the masses in an attempt to have us all vote for her for every award this year. I know I can't look away as Charmander continues to chase its tail. Forever spinning. I must vote for Pike. Pike is the best member. All hail Pike.

Sorry folks. I don't know what just happened there. The point is, the best member of these forums is clearly Kester223 (http://home.eyesonff.com/wonder-square/152890-hey.html#post3333264). He may only have one post. He may be a malfunctioning bot. But he was earnest, honest, and very thankful of his one experience on these forums. Let us all strive to be more like Kester in these coming years.

Since he is not in the running for best member, all I can say is Sephex should win best member. Sephex should win every award.

Queen Award, First of Her Name
12-14-2013, 03:25 PM
Shall we do this?

12-14-2013, 03:26 PM
get on with it :argh:

12-14-2013, 03:27 PM
Scotty knows where it's at. Sephex for Best. What a great speech dude.

Loony BoB
12-14-2013, 03:27 PM
Let's Get Dangerous!

12-14-2013, 03:27 PM
Shall we do this?

Take your time, I could keep this going for another couple hours.

Madame Adequate
12-14-2013, 03:27 PM
I especially like touching members.

12-14-2013, 03:28 PM

12-14-2013, 03:28 PM
Yes, your majesty.A princess is actually Your Highness and not Your Majesty, which would be used for the ruling monarch. YOU UNCULTURED SAVAGE! :argh:

Sephex: I Believe.

Queen Award, First of Her Name
12-14-2013, 03:29 PM

Pantz ----- 0
Shauna ----- 1
Del Murder ---- 2
Pike ----- 3
Jinx ----- 5
Locky ----- 5
Shorty ----- 6

12-14-2013, 03:29 PM
I didn't win anything this year, but I got 11 votes, which means 11 people wanted me to win. Thanks guys. To everyone who voted for me, you have my axe.

12-14-2013, 03:29 PM
I especially like touching members.

so my other plans for getting some sexy times fell through when Locky was hotter and won all them awards

and you uh

you sound like you're keen



wanna fuck

12-14-2013, 03:30 PM
Sephex is basically MLK Jr

12-14-2013, 03:30 PM
I live in America where we're free from tyranny. GUNS BOOZE BALD EAGLES AND HOT DOGS BBThree of those things, fair enough, but booze? Cute. You go have fun with your legal drinking age of 21 :greenie:

Also sorry I just saw Snobs on the forum index and wanted to be a snob to someone :shobon:

Queen Award, First of Her Name
12-14-2013, 03:30 PM


Calliope ----- 7

12-14-2013, 03:30 PM
Sephex can believe it's not butter

12-14-2013, 03:31 PM


I voted for him, kids. I had his back. Let's do this.

12-14-2013, 03:31 PM
Sephex was the one who convinced the previous owners to sell EoFF to Loony BoB

He was also the inspiration for Cid to start the website

Madame Adequate
12-14-2013, 03:31 PM
I especially like touching members.

so my other plans for getting some sexy times fell through when Locky was hotter and won all them awards

and you uh

you sound like you're keen



wanna fuck

sure i could do worse

Loony BoB
12-14-2013, 03:32 PM
Congrats to Nicky! :<3:

All the people who haven't won could have easily won as far as I'm concerned.

Queen Award, First of Her Name
12-14-2013, 03:32 PM


Sephex ----- 4

12-14-2013, 03:32 PM
Sephex has not reigned on staff but he has been behind every positive addition to Eyes on Final Fantasy for the past two decades -- yes, even longer than the site has existed.

12-14-2013, 03:32 PM
SEPHEX: YES WE CAN win best male

Queen Award, First of Her Name
12-14-2013, 03:32 PM


Loony BoB -------- 8

12-14-2013, 03:33 PM



12-14-2013, 03:33 PM


Sephex ----- 4

good bye EoFF you have failed me for the last time

12-14-2013, 03:33 PM

I mean congrats BoB :shobon:

Madame Adequate
12-14-2013, 03:33 PM

12-14-2013, 03:33 PM
And all he had to do was get married, buy the place and post an inordinate amount of bad puns.

12-14-2013, 03:33 PM
Congrats guys! Deserving winners all round!

Loony BoB
12-14-2013, 03:36 PM
Honestly didn't expect this at all (in fact, expected to crash and burn) and I just want to say thank you to everyone who voted for me any of the Best Member finalists because honestly they all did enough to deserve a Best Member Ciddie. I don't think I'd be around EoFF much at all if it weren't for people like them.

Queen Award, First of Her Name
12-14-2013, 03:36 PM
Thank you guys so much for being so awesome this Ciddies! I hope to 'wrap this up' tomorrow, because I am so tired! 6 hours sleep over 2 days man! You guys ran me wild!

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, because I had a blast! Even if I was almost sleeping by the end of it so rushed.

Thanks again for making this Ciddies successful for me, I know we had a lot of difficulty with some things, but I'm so proud of how it has turned out. I will pick my titles tomorrow, as I reaaaaallllyyyy need to sleep, and if anyone could put the winners list in the original post, that would be epic!

I love you all! Congrats to all the winners!!

12-14-2013, 03:38 PM
I don't think bob won. This is a ploy so we let down our guard only to find that the actual winner is torij.

12-14-2013, 03:38 PM
Well done Award Princess, the event you created was loved and enjoyed by everyone and has to go down as a success. Thank you for dedicating so much time and effort!

Loony BoB
12-14-2013, 03:39 PM
Thank you guys so much for being so awesome this Ciddies! I hope to 'wrap this up' tomorrow, because I am so tired! 6 hours sleep over 2 days man! You guys ran me wild!

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, because I had a blast! Even if I was almost sleeping by the end of it so rushed.

Thanks again for making this Ciddies successful for me, I know we had a lot of difficulty with some things, but I'm so proud of how it has turned out. I will pick my titles tomorrow, as I reaaaaallllyyyy need to sleep, and if anyone could put the winners list in the original post, that would be epic!

I love you all! Congrats to all the winners!!
It was fantastic, you've done the Award Crew proud! :<3: Get some much earned sleep and we'll see you tomorrow.

Although I'll mention that it's very possible we'll be moving server tomorrow so you may all suffer some pretty notable downtime. Hopefully not too much, though!

12-14-2013, 03:39 PM
As always, thanks to Award Princess for doing this, despite all the hiccups along the way. You did a great job!

Thanks also to the speech writers, as always, for all your great words. Also to the guys in #eoff and the lot of you keeping the thread active - makes it well worth a read with all the silly things.

Uh, yeah. Yay Ciddies!

Night Fury
12-14-2013, 03:41 PM
Thanks everyone for the votes! I'm so honoured to be here, and be a part of this little daft website in a dark corner of the internet where after this weekend I can honestly call so many of you close friends.

I'm amazed to have you guys around for advice, support, and to vote for me in silly awards like this to give me a pick'me'up if I ever need it! You guys are brilliant. If you won a Ciddie - epic. If you didn't - who cares! You all bring spice to this site and that's what we need more than ever! So carry on being spicy and let's all be a burrito.

The Man
12-14-2013, 03:43 PM
Congrats to all the winners. :monster:

12-14-2013, 03:45 PM
Man, this is seriously turning into a Kumbaya circle!Oh yeah that's right, I didn't even get nominated for Best Member, fuck you EoFF! Y'all gonna get profile raped like y'all aint nevah even been profile raped before!

(Better? :3:)

Madame Adequate
12-14-2013, 03:51 PM

12-14-2013, 03:53 PM
Please profile rape me first it's been a while since I've had a good one

12-14-2013, 03:53 PM
Hi guys. I'm on lunch now, what did I miss?

12-14-2013, 03:54 PM
P much everything

12-14-2013, 03:59 PM
I never got to use the gifmashup that Pike made. WOE. IS. ME!

Also congrats to all the winners!


Sod it: http://gifsound.com/?gif=http%3A%2F%2F31.media.tumblr.com%2F1f5438e4145d4ef27dfcadedac06b9fb%2Ftumblr_msig1xqwb51szim6vo 1_250.gif&sound=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DBzNzgsAE4F0&start=20

12-14-2013, 04:08 PM
What do I get for being a beast at predictions?!?!

12-14-2013, 04:10 PM
A cookie.

Loony BoB
12-14-2013, 04:12 PM
Dr Unne won Most Knowledgeable Member in these Ciddies. This award has only ever been up for grabs once before - in June 2000, before I had even registered, back when the Ciddies were still "The EoFF Awards". It was won at that point by... Dr Unne.

12-14-2013, 04:14 PM
Dr Unne won Most Knowledgeable Member in these Ciddies. This award has only ever been up for grabs once before - in June 2000, before I had even registered, back when the Ciddies were still "The EoFF Awards". It was won at that point by... Dr Unne.

BoB's campaign for Most Knowledgeable Member June 2014 has begun.

12-14-2013, 04:24 PM
Congrats to all the winners!

12-14-2013, 04:28 PM
Also I just saw I won the Best Editor and Site Staff Highwind again. I just want to say thanks to everyone who voted, I haven't expected to win either of these either time. It surprised the heck out of me in June when I got both of them as I only thought I had a shot at Best Sig/Av then. I thought I had a shot at Editor at least this time around but wasn't optimistic as all the Editors are amazing in their own way. Then after getting 0 votes for most helpful I was like, that's it, no chance. But you've all surprised me again, it means a lot. Really! I'm generally happy enough if people actually comment on my articles so this is just a huge bonus.

And to the staff, thanks for voting for me again. BoB knows all too well that I constantly worry and fret that I'm pissing people off or overstepping the line where I get involved in so much stuff.

Thanks, really. :shobon:

Gosh now I really do sound full of it...

I will make a post later, when I get back from work, featuring Quinn Fabray gifs summing this up - in honor of how I first met the woman who surpassed me as best female; Calliope.

12-14-2013, 04:35 PM

-hugs everyone-


Del Murder
12-14-2013, 05:07 PM
Dr Unne won best admin after two weeks of work? That doesn't say a lot about the rest of us. :p

Agent Proto
12-14-2013, 05:12 PM
Did I win anything?

Oh, yeah. I think I did. Best Veteran!

Also, rep this post if you liked my Speech for Best Male. :monster:

12-14-2013, 05:30 PM
i won.. nothing :'(

remind me of these ciddies next time :P im gonne make som efford!!

12-14-2013, 05:35 PM
Being nominated is a big thing too Shaibana! It means that at least two people think you're deserving of that award over the many other members. Just keep up your good efforts around the forum and you might have your chance to win next time. ;)

Madame Adequate
12-14-2013, 05:39 PM
You won a pink title! :D

12-14-2013, 05:40 PM
Best CK and The Highwind! I had never hoped to win The Highwind but I am so touched, everyone, thank you. :3

The speeches are one of the best parts of the Ciddies to me. People volunteer to spend their time creatively thinking about hilarious, wonderful things to say about the people of our forum for awards and they add their personal flair to their messages like Jiro in his naked videos and Psychotic and DK in their Steve soundbits, and I'd like to say that I particularly enjoyed shion's speeches this round. I truly appreciate everyone who contributes their time time to help make the Ciddies what they are.

To The Usual Spamspects - you guys make this event hilarious. Please never stop.

And Award Princess! I can't imagine how difficult it is to run this event. You've done a fantastic job and I am so pleased with how this event has transpired. Well done!

12-14-2013, 06:07 PM
Dr Unne won best admin after two weeks of work? That doesn't say a lot about the rest of us. :p

Says everything we need to know really. :p

And congrats Sharty!

And sincere congrats to Aul for being Aul.

12-14-2013, 06:09 PM
So my congrats weren't sincere, eh? :colbert:

12-14-2013, 06:10 PM
Dr Unne won best admin after two weeks of work? That doesn't say a lot about the rest of us. :p

Nothing a good 'Be A Man' parody with Dr Unne and the rest of the admins can't fix.

12-14-2013, 06:11 PM
Best Male? Seriously? Thanks! Thanks for all the nominations and votes as well, and anyone who participated in this. Also, thanks to Award Princess for doing this.

Sorry I couldn't be present for the last leg of the Ciddies, but I passed OUT since I didn't get too much sleep thanks to work.

But hey, I honestly didn't expect to win anything at all. I feel all special and stuff now!


Loony BoB
12-14-2013, 06:26 PM
Just finished updating the "Hall of Fame" spreadsheet. For the most Ciddies wins ever, there are a lot of movers...

Del Murder has moved ahead of Kawaii Ryuukishi, taking #4 spot. They've won the same amount of Ciddies, but unlike Kishi, Murd one all of his outright (Kishi has two EoFF awards he was tied on back when ties were allowed).

Rantzien has moved ahead of Cid into the #10 spot through the same outright wins > ties basis.

Jiro's 21st and 22nd wins have launched him over Agent Proto, Britt and Bunny - he's now #13 up from #16. Agent Proto moved ahead of Britt with his win, moving from #16 to #15.

Pike (previously #28) and Wolf Kanno (previously #24) are now tied with Baloki and Levian for #22 thanks to their wins.

Locky (previously #51) is now up to #30 thanks to a solid six wins this Ciddies, and Jessweeee? has reached #31 with her FFXIII-4 dreams. Other movers include Shorty, o_O, The Man, Calliope, Cuchulainn, Iceglow, Pete for President, Jinx and Happy Noodle Boy. Newcomers include Spooniest (six wins rocket him right into #61), Aulayna, noxious.sunshine, Spuuky, SuperMillionaire and ToriJ.

1. Loony BoB - 68 wins
2. Psychotic - 48 wins
3. Dr Unne - 48 wins (inc. 3 ties)
4. Del Murder - 37 wins
5. Kawaii Ryűkishi - 37 wins (inc. 2 ties)
6. ShlupQuack - 36 wins
7. Citizen Bleys - 35 wins (inc. 6 ties)
8. Christmas - 32 wins
9. Del Snizz - 27 wins (inc. 9 ties)
10. Rantzien - 26 wins
11. Cid - 26 wins (inc. 6 ties)
12. Rye - 24 wins
13. Jiro - 21 wins
13. Wyllius - 21 wins
15. Agent Proto - 20 wins
15. Bunny - 20 wins
17. Britt - 20 wins (inc. 7 ties)
18. RSL - 19 wins (inc. 2 ties)
19. Raistlin - 18 wins
20. fire_of_avalon - 17 wins
20. Leeza - 17 wins
22. Baloki - 16 wins
22. Levian - 16 wins
22. Pike - 16 wins
22. Wolf Kanno - 16 wins
26. Erdrick Holmes - 15 wins
26. I'm my own MILF - 15 wins
26. rubah - 15 wins
29. HOOTERS - 14 wins
30. Locky - 13 wins
31. Jessweeee♪ - 12 wins
32. Big Ogre Umaro - 12 wins (inc. 6 ties)
33. black orb - 11 wins
33. Flying Mullet - 11 wins
33. G13 - 11 wins
33. Jojee - 11 wins
33. Pureghetto - 11 wins
33. Shorty - 11 wins
33. smittenkitten - 11 wins
33. The Captain - 11 wins
41. Asorie - 11 wins (inc. 5 ties)
42. Mikztsu - 10 wins
42. o_O - 10 wins
42. The Man - 10 wins
45. edczxcvbnm - 10 wins (inc. 1 ties)
46. Demon Dude - 9 wins
46. Old Manus - 9 wins
48. Award Guy - 8 wins
48. Calliope - 8 wins
48. cl_out - 8 wins
48. Cuchulainn - 8 wins
48. Hypoallergenic Cactuar - 8 wins
53. Sir Krelian - 8 wins (inc. 3 ties)
54. Aerith's Knight - 7 wins
54. DK - 7 wins
54. Freya - 7 wins
54. Iceglow - 7 wins
54. Roto13 - 7 wins
54. Spaceman Spiff - 7 wins
54. Xander - 7 wins
61. Big D - 6 wins
61. Chaos - 6 wins
61. Clo - 6 wins
61. Cz - 6 wins
61. Doofhull - 6 wins
61. eestlinc - 6 wins
61. Evastio - 6 wins
61. Miriel - 6 wins
61. Quin - 6 wins
61. Sita Atis - 6 wins
61. Spooniest - 6 wins
61. theundeadhero - 6 wins
73. Linus - 6 wins (inc. 1 ties)
74. Drex - 6 wins (inc. 2 ties)
74. Scottie - 6 wins (inc. 2 ties)
74. Sir Tyler of Narshe - 6 wins (inc. 2 ties)
77. Acmlm - 6 wins (inc. 3 ties)
78. angel - 5 wins
78. Ashi - 5 wins
78. Azar - 5 wins
78. Behold the Void - 5 wins
78. NorthernChaosGod - 5 wins
78. Pete for President - 5 wins
78. shion - 5 wins
78. Shoeberto - 5 wins
78. Spatvark - 5 wins
78. Jinx - 5 wins
88. Agrias - 4 wins
88. blackmage_nuke - 4 wins
88. Happy Noodle Boy - 4 wins
88. Jess - 4 wins
88. JKTrix - 4 wins
88. Lindy - 4 wins
88. m4tt - 4 wins
88. Meat Puppet - 4 wins
88. Melissaur - 4 wins
88. Momiji - 4 wins
88. Ouch! - 4 wins
88. Primus Inter Pares - 4 wins
88. qwertysaur - 4 wins
88. Samuraid - 4 wins
88. Shauna - 4 wins
88. Tavrobel - 4 wins
88. Zeldy - 4 wins
105. Chewbacca - 4 wins (inc. 3 ties)
105. Princess Usa - 4 wins (inc. 3 ties)
107. Ansem - 3 wins
107. Aulayna - 3 wins
107. Avarice-ness - 3 wins
107. Blue Harvest - 3 wins
107. Breine - 3 wins
107. Captain Maxx Power - 3 wins
107. Chaos Prophecy.Crash.. - 3 wins
107. Future Esthar - 3 wins
107. Iri Valentine - 3 wins
107. Jowy - 3 wins
107. Miriamel - 3 wins
107. Misfit - 3 wins
107. Necronopticous - 3 wins
107. noxious.sunshine - 3 wins
107. Spuuky - 3 wins
107. SuperMillionaire - 3 wins
107. The Ceej - 3 wins
107. themagicroundabout - 3 wins
107. ToriJ - 3 wins
107. Trumpet Thief - 3 wins
107. TyphoonThaReapa - 3 wins
107. Yamaneko - 3 wins
107. Yar - 3 wins
107. Yeargdribble - 3 wins
131. bossker - 3 wins (inc. 1 ties)
132. IGN64skanker - 3 wins (inc. 3 ties)

Spooniest & Locky both got six wins, only achieved 18 times before - 15 if you don't count ties.

Finally, Pete for President got his 5th Best Artist Ciddiee in a row (14th time that has happened on any award) and Pantz, credit to the man for this, won Most Helpful Member for the 7th time in a row. This has happened three times before, but all of those runs were ended, so Pantz may be the first ever to reach eight in a row if he gets it next time...

12-14-2013, 06:44 PM
So my congrats weren't sincere, eh? :colbert:

It could go either way. I was left to watch Man of Steel alone because someone isn't very observant. :colbert:

12-14-2013, 06:51 PM
*Hasn't won a single Ciddie since June 2003*

Calliope ----- 7


Wow guys, thank you so much! I can tell you firsthand how much it can sting to be overlooked when you're trying to contribute to a community and make yourself known - so this really means a lot to me. I'm pretty happy with getting just one vote less than the guy who bought EoFF and married Mrs. EoFF this year, too! This certainly makes up for half an hour ago when I was throwing a tantrum about losing Best Veteran to Proto xD

I would pay good money to see an ongoing Pauw x Steve podcast series, and the speeches were all really great - especially those by Jiro and shion. In lieu of my own victory speech, I'm finally going to make this public - here's my Best Man speech that was screened at Daniel and Danielle's wedding! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH6ByZh4RL4) If I haven't made you watch it yet...you should.

EDIT: *fistbump Sephex* yeah bro we hung in there represent

Del Murder
12-14-2013, 06:56 PM
Dr Unne won best admin after two weeks of work? That doesn't say a lot about the rest of us. :p

Nothing a good 'Be A Man' parody with Dr Unne and the rest of the admins can't fix.
Close enough? (http://home.eyesonff.com/general-chat/52165-everyone-knows-its-dr-unnes-birthday-what-you-dont-know-2.html#post898068)

12-14-2013, 06:58 PM
I would like to take a moment to thank Jiro for helping me with my Speech. I had him just pretend he was on a dating site for me, and all those quotes I have from him were his actual responses. XD

I was kind of sad though, I had to rush through the later half of that speech, as I knew I didn't have the time to make it a bit better. :(

Edit: Also, greatest moment of the Ciddies? The lone voice of Sanity that was Ghostesses saying we should keep our shirts on.

I don't know if that has ever happened in the history of this site. XD

12-14-2013, 08:03 PM
Congrats to all of the winners :jess:

Also, I sent in best custom rank :nonono: Sorry it didn't get to you guys.

Great speeches everyone :D

12-14-2013, 08:21 PM
Still at work (shh, dont tell anyone. If anyone asks, I'm in the bathroom, not on my phone). I wanted to skim through and see the rest of the awards though! Congrats to all the winners! Thanks award princess for everything! Thanks shion for doing speeches!

Hopefully my speech was acceptable to you all. I still haven't had a chance to read it again to see if it was as amusing as I thought when I wrote it.

12-14-2013, 08:23 PM
Hey...what was the outcome of those riddles Award Princess posted?

Dr Unne
12-14-2013, 08:26 PM
Congrats to all the winners.

12-14-2013, 08:36 PM
*Hasn't won a single Ciddie since June 2003*

Calliope ----- 7


Wow guys, thank you so much! I can tell you firsthand how much it can sting to be overlooked when you're trying to contribute to a community and make yourself known - so this really means a lot to me. I'm pretty happy with getting just one vote less than the guy who bought EoFF and married Mrs. EoFF this year, too! This certainly makes up for half an hour ago when I was throwing a tantrum about losing Best Veteran to Proto xD

I would pay good money to see an ongoing Pauw x Steve podcast series, and the speeches were all really great - especially those by Jiro and shion. In lieu of my own victory speech, I'm finally going to make this public - here's my Best Man speech that was screened at Daniel and Danielle's wedding! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH6ByZh4RL4) If I haven't made you watch it yet...you should.

EDIT: *fistbump Sephex* yeah bro we hung in there represent

*fist bump*

Del Murder
12-14-2013, 08:40 PM
Del Murder ---- 2
Thanks, Miriel and Quina. :love:

12-14-2013, 08:43 PM
Congrats to everyone who won. This was fun, and thanks for those who voted for me for the Final Fantasy Forums poster. The speeches were awesome too and possibly the best thing about this, besides for Jiro's happy (drunken) posts throughout the night of course.

Dr Unne
12-14-2013, 09:09 PM
In all seriousness, I think people vote for whatever is freshest in their memory. For all the joking about the staff not doing anything, they actually do a lot. I'm not the one who's kept EoFF alive for the past decade. The forums are alive. The frontsite is better than it's ever been. Everyone currently and formerly on staff should get a cookie.

12-14-2013, 09:12 PM
This is how I picture Dr Unne in my head.


Pete for President
12-14-2013, 09:35 PM
Big thanks to everyone who voted in the best artist department, I feel honoured taking it again! More art in 2014 :greenie:

Finally, Pete for President got his 5th Best Artist Ciddiee in a row (14th time that has happened on any award)


Congrats to all the winners and thanks to all the speechwriters, Award Princess and everybody else who helped. I had a lot of fun following the show!

12-14-2013, 10:03 PM
Thanks for all the votes, guys! Hoping to set a record next Ciddies with my Most Helpful streak :D However, my proudest moment this Ciddies was getting second place at 8 votes for Sexiest Member. I've been nominated a few times but ended up in the lower layer for votes, so I'm definitely happy with a second place. 8)

Congrats to everyone else who won something, or got nominated! Don't despair if you didn't; I can think of a good number of people who didn't get nominated for anything but who are still a great presence to have around. Keep doing what you're doing!

12-14-2013, 10:50 PM
Congrats everyone! :D

12-14-2013, 11:05 PM
Couldnt read all the posts yet but I already thank you all for the votes I got and the wonderful speeches :3
I've been called pretty lady! Yay!

And of course thanks to the Award Princess for organising and including us Fat Chocos nevertheless

Agent Proto
12-14-2013, 11:08 PM
Now that the Ciddies are over! Let's get on with the Karaoke Contest!!!!! :argh:

Agent Proto
12-14-2013, 11:13 PM
I'm simply reminding her. :) Besides, it's very likely I'll be getting the boot soon.

12-14-2013, 11:47 PM
At first when the Ciddies were announced I dreamed a dream and was like:


Then once the nominations started pouring in I was bit like at my own chances and also that a couple of people hadn't made it through and was all:


But also saw the diversity in the nominations this time around and how great it was to see so many people get recognised:


The first couple of awards came through, and despite poker facing it I was really a bit:


But people liked my Snow's Big Comeback speech so I did a little jig:


Then I got less votes than RSL for most helpful and was like, whelp, that's it - maybe next time:


But then some of the awesome newbies won some awards and I was like, yay you go guys!:


And then some awesome veterans won some awards too and I was, as we say in the east end, well chuffed mate:


Of course Loony BoB won stuff, surprising absolutely no-one:


Then I saw people had voted me best editor again, and also had to read Locky's speech for the Highwind award from work, and this was pretty much my failed attempt at poker facing so no-one knew I was on EoFF at work:


The we have to congratulate our Best Female, Calliope:


This is how I imagine things would've gone down if we had an actual ceremony we all met up for, and Sephex won Best Male:


BoB won best member:


So to everyone who nominated, everyone who was nominated and ultimately everyone who took part. Cheers! Till next time:


Last but not least though, we need to thank one half of the winning couple, for all her efforts in making these Ciddies happen. So, I give you, the Pretty Princess that is Award Princess caught at the Ciddies after party:







12-15-2013, 12:02 AM

RSL ---- 1
Darahan ---- 2
Jowy ---- 2
Agent Proto --- 3
o_O ----- 3
Bert ---- 5
Pantz ----- 5

Jiro ----- 8
fire_of_avalon ----- 11 takes this one, folks.

wait what!? I got 5 votes!? thanks guys <3 xD

12-15-2013, 12:19 AM

Okay, I'm finally home from work and ready for the Ciddies. When do they start? :cry: Yes I am ripping off Pike here.

12-15-2013, 12:25 AM
The practice was last night. The real thing is tomorrow night though.

Night Fury
12-15-2013, 12:29 AM
Sorry shion! I did see the custom ranl speech like an hour later and felt like a butt. I'll get it up today!!

12-15-2013, 03:22 AM
Big thanks to everyone who voted in the best artist department, I feel honoured taking it again! More art in 2014 :greenie:

It blows my mind I was even up for that one given you are a person who exists and makes pertty pictures. I guess a small fraction of people like seeing me paint models more than I thought, but it still feels weird being up for that award with you at all. I'm nowhere near your fantastically awesome level with painting on any canvas.

12-15-2013, 03:34 AM
Sorry shion! I did see the custom ranl speech like an hour later and felt like a butt. I'll get it up today!!

Don't worry about it! Your was better anyways :D

Mine was about kool-aid or some nonsense I don't know.

Got to read over this a bit more, congrats everyone.

Thanks for running the Ciddies, Locky. You did a good job and we all appreciate it!

12-15-2013, 06:24 PM
I am waiting for the first post to be updated with all the results so I don't have to skim through this entire Tidus thread.

12-15-2013, 06:25 PM
Just do like I do every year and pretend RSL sweeped.

12-15-2013, 06:33 PM
RSL will always sweep in my heart.

12-16-2013, 03:04 AM
I am waiting for the first post to be updated with all the results so I don't have to skim through this entire Tidus thread.

Tidus barely even showed up this time. I try to keep some variation in things, and I never reuse an image unless it has particular poignancy.

12-16-2013, 10:22 AM
If turning the Ciddies into a Tidus thread is wrong then I don't want to be right.

12-16-2013, 04:39 PM
Is it too late to nominate?

12-16-2013, 08:15 PM
If turning the Ciddies into a Tidus thread is wrong then I don't want to be right.

It's not like you're use to being right anyway! :monster:

12-16-2013, 09:19 PM
If turning the Ciddies into a Tidus thread is wrong then I don't want to be right.


12-17-2013, 09:08 PM
Where's the list of winners and stats and crap?

12-17-2013, 09:09 PM
Are we voting for speeches this year, or just conceding to Pauw x Steve? You can't just distract us with new Christmas events!

Rocket Edge
12-17-2013, 09:11 PM
I found out about this too late. But congrats to all the winners! :D

12-19-2013, 05:57 AM
I am waiting for the first post to be updated with all the results so I don't have to skim through this entire Tidus thread.

Tidus barely even showed up this time. I try to keep some variation in things, and I never reuse an image unless it has particular poignancy.

Don't worry about it. You're sexy.

12-19-2013, 06:08 AM

So I just read all 956 posts. I might have missed a few things in the last week.

Thanks for voting for my doppelganger though, because I have no idea who this LocoColt24 character is. D:

Oh, and congrats to all the wieners.

12-19-2013, 10:29 AM

12-19-2013, 10:35 AM
I'm still waiting for these bonus titles to be handed out :shifty:

12-19-2013, 11:28 AM
Are we voting for speeches this year, or just conceding to Pauw x Steve? You can't just distract us with new Christmas events!

I'm happy to concede to those speeches.

Quindiana Jones
12-19-2013, 02:51 PM
I'm... reasonably late to the party, but I would still like to mention some things.

I am not a dingbat and I never lie.
Neo's Epic was glorious.
I would absolutely make love to your toast before serving it to you.
And I formally request that posting naked pictures of Jiro not be a bannable offense.