im so tired of (dutch) radio!! they talk way to much about the most stupid stuff. when im in the shower im lucky to hear 1 song. 1 song, 5 minute talking, 3 minute commercials. 2 songs, 6 minutes talking.. come on!! and yesterday, while in the shower was just the highest point op stupidnes. after listening 1 song: i couldnt really hear it well, but they recorded something that somebody said about '50 shades of grey' and they repeated that annoying line 15 times, and ...
This came up in the EC. Fishing for interest in a Mini-Mafia game (played on your reg EoFF accounts) using a teaching setup, (heavily) style with a few modifications to suit EoFF. The idea is for people who are new to Mafia to get a basic idea about how the game is played before DK hosts the next big game, so that you don't wind up floundering about like...well, me in Anniversary Mafia. Ideally, I'll want at least one, but no more than 3 experienced Mafia ...
So today on Final Fantasy VII (switched to a new blog because the last was getting full): I went to the town of Junon. At first what I saw was a poor town, with no Inn and not much in the way of shopping and a lot of old people. I went to the ocean area and saved a little girl from some sea serpent thing that insisted on putting my characters in bubbles. I couldn't figure out how to stop the bubbling so I let them die and then revived them and then.... they were once again put into ... Why are you doing this to me!? Oh my god this is smurfing evil. I am in an eternal depression I will never get out of.
[COLOR=#a9a9a9][FONT=Times]Hi, I'm toying with the idea of starting a new line of adult literature involving people who are incredibly aroused by automobilia and mechanical things. Here's the first chapter in a book of short stories I'm working on. Chapter 1 - Menage À Trucks The mechanic eyed the Ford F100 thoughtfully. She was an old gal. The years had given their fair share of dents, scuffs, and stained chrome from many hard miles. The mechanic found it sexy, ...
I have decided to blog my progress as I play the game of Final Fantasy VII, hoping this might help motivate me to play it to the end. Here is my progress. Today, Cloud caused Berret to fist shake, as well as myself, with his overdoing of the "I don't care angle." He did throw in some moments of compassion (mostly because of choices that I made) which was enough to prevent me from shooting him in the face with Berrets gun arm. After the first fight, ...
everytime a dutch person shows up in a movie, he doesnt speak dutch,... but german get your freaking facts right!!! how hard is it to get a dutch translation? and do not even dare to come up with excuses like: 'its the same'... thats like saying tomatoes and pears are the same!! c'mon hollywood... u got money enough!! get a translater
In alphabetical order. Argo A powerfully acted and intense historical thriller, Argo tells its tale with a sincerity lacking in many films of the genre. The Avengers Quick, funny, and action-packed, The Avengers is a self-aware anbd knowingly popcorn flick, propelled by its excellent special effects and charismatic leads. Brave A fresh, emotionally rich, and wonder-filled take on the fairy tale genre, Pixar takes an unfamiliar and classic ...
I haven't really been around the EoFF forums a lot these days but I would just love to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope to have a little more time for EoFF in 2013
So I went to my local bar, and these two guys walk in. I pack up my cue and let them play doubles with two of my friends. I then put my cue back in the corner of the bar and go have a drink at the bar. The whole time I thought that "maybe you should move your things.". But I said nah man I must be paranoid. To no surprise the losers stole my jacket, and whatever I had lying around in it. Moral of the story: Stop trusting other people/Be more careful of yourself ...