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  1. 10/10 Scores

    When I started doing reviews scoring things 10/10 was something I struggled with because I cannot for the life of me put my feelings to a number. Every time the doctor asks me how much does it hurt at a scale from 1 - 10 I have no idea what to say. I just can't translate a feeling to a number, there's no way I can do it.

    So I came up with a system I like to think is at least fair to the games I review. My 10/10 scoring is rated by cons. This means I default the game at 10 and subtract ...
    Video Games
  2. Top Ten Visits by Country

    I get all giddy at the thought that people from foreign countries actually visit my blog and read my reviews, assuming they actually take the time to read my reviews and don't just click on the page and then close the window.

    1.) United States (1561)
    2.) Germany (157)
    3.) Russia (145)
    4.) United Kingdom (65)
    5.) Canada (55)
    6.) France (54)
    7.) China (47)
    8.) Ukraine (42)
    9.) Malaysia (36)
    10.) Sweden (36)

    I figured the ...
  3. Top Ten Reviews with the most hits

    Technically page views, but hits just sound so much better don't you agree?

    1.) WWF War Zone (145)
    2.) Dark Souls (99)
    3.) Pokemon Red/Blue (76)
    4.) Darksiders (63)
    5.) Super Mario Bros/Sonic the Hedgehog (62)
    6.) Sailor Moon: Another Story (56)
    7.) Devil May Cry (49)
    8.) Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (48)
    9.) F.E.A.R (48)
    10.) Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (46)
    Video Games
  4. Game Collection expanded

    Well, I purchased Final Fantasy X, X-2, XII, Star Ocean: Second Evolution, and Prinny 2. The main focus is X and X-2. I'll be replaying them and recording stupid moments of both game. It'll be a tribute to how much I hate Tidus! No, its really just to see which one gives me a better experience. Wonder which will make me happier?