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Thread: What's your favorite messaging service?!

  1. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by Azar View Post
    I use Trillian, so it doesn't matter much to me. AIM's plugin seems to be the most reliable. MSN as a service is more feature-rich than AIM or Yahoo, but the actual messenger is plagued by so much random bull it's really horrible. But as a Microsoft program that's not especially surprising.
    Same here. I vote for Trillian.

  2. #47
    Recognized Member Xander's Avatar
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    MSN, always preferred it to any other, but recently I use macs so I had to download mac messenger and it has no inking and this makes me VERY

    So to improve, messenger with inks for the mac please, I'm missing so many pictures right now ;(

    I pretty much only use msn at work these days though.

  3. #48
    Will be banned again Roto13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Gmail is terrible because it's alternative to folders is frankly horrendous. Other than that, though, the entire system is a ripoff of Y!Mail.
    Because Yahoo email is somehow unique and creative in some way? Maybe it's changed, but when I tried it out years ago it was pretty much the same thing as Hotmail, except faster.
    You shouldn't have to patch a messenger service to make it work.

    MSN works fine without patching, but if you do patch it you can make it great. Tabbed chatting, custom statuses, skins, no ads, etc.. Honestly, I'm surprised with how reliable MSN is. It's like Microsoft actually somehow managed to make something that works.

    I still don't see what people are complaining about Y!M for, though. Horrible? Unreliable? How? It's more reliable for me than MSN is, that's for sure. And yes, I know how reliable MSN is because Danielle uses it. I'm assuming you're talking about connections, because I don't know any other thing that you can say is unreliable about a messenger service.
    Quote Originally Posted by Roto13 View Post
    I hate it because no matter what computer I'm using, no matter where I am, no matter what account I'm using, no matter what IM client I'm using, Yahoo CONSTANTLY fails to deliver messages, and doesn't tell me so until 5 minutes later, and usually only if I check the message window myself.

  4. #49
    Nerfed in Continuum Shift Recognized Member Zeromus_X's Avatar
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    I used to use MSN, but my friend started me on using AIM recently.

  5. #50
    Tidus Fantasy X Arc_Master_14's Avatar
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    Always been AIM i make accounts for other things but never have stayed on for more than a week or so. I even have an App on my Ds for AIM

  6. #51
    eff you mooglebunni608's Avatar
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    AIM. Well, technically I have iChat, but still, it works as AIM.


  7. #52


    MSN. Because all my friends have it, and it's what I've used since 2000.

  8. #53
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roto13 View Post
    Because Yahoo email is somehow unique and creative in some way? Maybe it's changed, but when I tried it out years ago it was pretty much the same thing as Hotmail, except faster.
    You know Gmail's look? That's Y!Mail's look. Y!Mail changed to it about... six months before Gmail came out. I couldn't believe how insanely similar they were. I thought there would be a lawsuit out or something. And no - Hotmail is a load of crap and I never could stand it. I can't remember Y!Mail being like that, but then, I can't remember what Y!Mail looked like seven years ago either.
    MSN works fine without patching, but if you do patch it you can make it great. Tabbed chatting, custom statuses, skins, no ads, etc.. Honestly, I'm surprised with how reliable MSN is. It's like Microsoft actually somehow managed to make something that works.
    Tabbed chatting is something I personally dislike so I don't know if you can do that with Y!M. Custom statuses, skins? Both default options on Y!M. No ads? Admittedly, there is one ad at the bottom of Y!M but I never notice it. It's very non-intrusive, sort of like having an ad at the bottom of a webpage that you just disregard. There's probably a patch to get rid of that too but it's not worth the bother to me.

    I still don't see what people are complaining about Y!M for, though. Horrible? Unreliable? How? It's more reliable for me than MSN is, that's for sure. And yes, I know how reliable MSN is because Danielle uses it. I'm assuming you're talking about connections, because I don't know any other thing that you can say is unreliable about a messenger service.
    Quote Originally Posted by Roto13 View Post
    I hate it because no matter what computer I'm using, no matter where I am, no matter what account I'm using, no matter what IM client I'm using, Yahoo CONSTANTLY fails to deliver messages, and doesn't tell me so until 5 minutes later, and usually only if I check the message window myself.
    Funny, that's the exact reason I dislike MSN. xDDD I've not had that happen with Y!M for donkey years. All my messages get through, although Jess and I had some trouble with her MSN and my Y!M talking to each other for a short while when they first started allowing the systems to talk to one another. No problems since then, though, so I figure they've fixed it.
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  9. #54
    EoFF's Laundry Goddess ~*~Celes~*~'s Avatar
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    msn and skype ftw =D

  10. #55
    -=Hentai School Girl=- Fuzakeru's Avatar
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    I prefer AIM since that's the client everyone on Bleachforums uses and it makes it easier to hosts chats there. I kinda like the newer version of AIM myself since I'm usually juggling eight IMs and a chatroom and the single screen for them all keeps everything organized for me.

    I signed on to MSN the other day and saw a bunch of people of EoFF on but I'm too shy to IM anyone from here anymore it seems. D:
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  11. #56
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    I use MSN Web Messenger because it's nice and simple.

  12. #57
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    I read this as "What's your favourite massaging service?!", and I got all excited about massages. I am now disappointed.

    But, I use MSN mostly - I have Y!M, AIM and Skype. DOn't really use them though.

  13. #58
    humanity is devoured by snacks's Avatar
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    Loyal aim user for years and years.

    I have msn, but I mostly like aims away service. (The box~)

    But I use older aim, I have no time for bloatware. Especially when I already have an OS as bloatware ;D
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  14. #59
    VICIOUS GEEK SOOT~ヽ(`Д´)ノ scrumpleberry's Avatar
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    1. Handwriting.

    2. All my buddies use it.

  15. #60


    My favorite is talking to people face to face.

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