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Thread: Post your EoFF History

  1. #31
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiro Jaggins View Post
    Now I'm just here to reach the No. 1 Poster's spot. Once I've hit the peak I can retire knowing I tried to breathe life into a place that I always felt somewhat excluded by.
    I don't ever want Jiro to reach that #1 spot because I never want him to leave.

  2. #32
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    On it.

  3. #33
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    No, seriously, Pike. Don't worry.

  4. #34
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    I can do this!

  5. #35
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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  6. #36
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    ...ugh, I am close, yet?

  7. #37
    4 Recognized Member Faris's Avatar
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    Maybe if I had a decent memory I could share an interesting story.

    What I somehow remember is that I lurked for 2-3 months before I joined so that I could post in the FFVIII trivia in 2004. Was really active until 2008-2009 when I started juggling a job and school. I recently came back so that I could talk to a certain few since I don't care for IMs anymore and because I missed this place.

    Edit: looking through my old posts I can see that from 2009-2011 I was only posting during school breaks (I took full time courses during the summer) and honestly all I'm thinking is "I posted then? That can't be right :freak:"
    Last edited by Faris; 10-26-2012 at 11:00 AM.

    4444444444 4 4 444 44 4

  8. #38
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    April 2005, eh? I am not sure why I initially joined - I was probably linked here from my previous haunt, GameFAQs, when I was having trouble with FF9 or something. Who knows! All that matters that I came here, right? I tend to sign up for forums and then never really post, so I must have thought you guys were pretty swell. Some forums I guess can feel fairly clinical and unfriendly, but never EoFF, you've got a welcoming sort of feel to the place - I guess that convinced me to stay.

    I'm sure my initial posts were typical of a 14 year old, my screen name was for sure - yuna_elena for those of you who forgot - but whatever, I had a bunch of fun. I'm pretty sure that a huge part of my love of this place entirely came from the chatroom. I don't know if I visited the chat immediately, or whether it took me a while to eventually sign on, but it definitely shaped my EoFF experience as a whole. Fairly sure being quite well known amongst the chatters is what got me a win for Best Newbie at those first Ciddies. I was actually so happy when I won, you wouldn't believe. xD The Ciddies late in the year I even got a handful of votes for best member - god knows why, I don't remember contributing that much to the forum. I guess that's why I only got a few, eh?

    But yeah. Spiffing Cheese, Faris, Resha, Lenna and I were quite the crew, my first group of friends at EoFF. I never felt like I was truly part of the clique though, I was often not privy to all the stupid gossip and stuff which at the time bothered me, but now I'm like "Ugh, thank god". At some point along the way I also befriended Zeldy, Little Miss Awesome and smittenkitten - SK and Squinn ending up being the first EoFFers I met at a small interesting Glasgow meet. Met other EoFFers along the way also - BoB, Kyono, Levian.

    I joined a bunch of spinoff forums along the way - I was definitely a member of Aiyon, for some reason. I signed up on tGA and then maybe posted once because I was terrified. God Hates Fraggles was a fun one, played some Gunbound with the guys over there. There are probably others, but I don't remember - need to be more memorable, guys!

    My first year was definitely the highest point of my EoFF life - lots of fun on chat, Yahoo! Messenger Voice Chats every day, the random Habbo Hotel raids (I still never got banned, dammit! )... I felt like part of the community. However, I removed myself from the internet for a month or so to study for exams in April 2006, and when I came back I couldn't reintegrate myself into the community for some reason. Friendships drifted and fell apart... I just lost my sense of belonging. That probably explains how I started to drift from EoFF itself.

    Met Raebus late 2006. I still posted around the forum and was on the chatroom, but I don't believe I was ever nearly as active as I was in 2005. Dwindling activity until some point in 2008 when I just stopped. University distracted me with its fun, friends and drink. Most internet things I did beforehand just fell off my radar, which did lead to Raebus and I breaking up as I was just no longer in a place where a LDR could be sustained. Late 2008 was when I just stopped internetting on any huge level.

    Over my university career I did often try to get back to EoFF, but it just couldn't hold my interest. I am pretty sure at some points I jumped onto the chatroom - at least once when I was drunk, this I know - but I never hung around long enough to have any desire to fully return to EoFF. Actually, I think there may have been a period between 2009-2010 (maybe) when I started posting a little bit again, but it was maybe a month or so. Looking through my posts, there was 2-3 months I posted in 2009 (covering my exam period, imagine that) and a month or so in 2011 (also covering my exam period, it's almost like I was bored or something xD). Regardless I was gone again pretty quick.

    So here we are, 4 years later. Being unemployed means that I spend a lot of time at home not doing much. Mr Shauna and my flatmate had their internet haunts (reddit and 4chan respectively) and I needed to find one for myself. Of course, the place I immediately go for somewhere to hang out with cool people on the internet? EoFF. You guys have always stuck with me as being awesome, and that will probably never change. :3 It's sort of like being a newbie again though, coming back, everything is just a little bit different. But, I am meeting new people, reconnecting with old friends, and everything is great.

    I never really gave anything back to the community in my time here, hoping I can maybe change this at some point. It is a goal I have now for my time at EoFF.

    Just hope that when my next step happens in the real world, I don't drop off the face of the internet again. xD And this was probably overly sentimental at points, but uh, I'm a sentimental gal, what can I say. Also I waffle. Waffle waffle waffle. xD Also this is far too long and I am embarrassed to press post reply but dammit I spent an hour writing this.
    Last edited by Shauna; 10-26-2012 at 11:36 AM.

  9. #39
    Nobody's Hero Cuchulainn's Avatar
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    three pages of self indulgence. yay.

  10. #40
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuchulainn View Post
    three pages of self indulgence. yay.
    You're not as different from the rest of us as you would like to believe Sir Gareth. Even if it is only the opportunity to insult those far nerdier than you, something brings you back. It's good to have you here. Thank you for that one MSN conversation we had by the way. It helped me make a lot of changes.

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  11. #41


    I would come and go for months each time. Tried being honest, tried being a liar, tried being lolRandom, tried trolling. Now I am a sick mesh of many gimmicks but I am mostly sincere and nice to talk to I hope. I have mostly grown up anyways.

  12. #42
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Default These dates are probably mismatched with the facts

    2005: My friend was all, "hey join this Final Fantasy site since you like Final Fantasy." I was like "k." I participated mostly in Final Fantasy forums. General forum scared me and still does. The year of The Turks. Operation: Kill Philip Begel went in to effect and since in effect. Will end in 2030.

    2006: User notes seemed cool so I did that. Attack of the Pom Pom year. I discovered BoB collects hair and probably several other human body parts. About three members stalked me because I wouldn't show my face and then Psychotic's cray cray ass looked up my high school. Also attack of the lovehurts year.

    2007: Some random lesbian from EoFF hit on me. I consider this an accomplishment. (No it wasn't Anaisia). DeathKnight harassed me.

    2008: Recorded a duet with Psychotic. We sung Time Warp. I give us an A+. #eoff drama happened or summtin'.

    2009: Was this the first time I played Mafia? I can't even remember and too lazy to check. Anyway, this was attack of the Resha year.

    2010: I think I participated in a CK comp and won or something. Or was this last year? Cba to store this information in my brain. ATTACK OF THE KANNO.

    2011: A slow year. I was starting thesis, so I really don't remember what else was going on here.

    2012: Doing stuff. Finally going to get the EoFF YouTube channel going this year. ^_^!!!

    The most important years were 2006, when DynastKid recorded I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston ;___; pretty emotional. And 2008-ish, when LunarWeaver recorded some weird ass rant in front of his mom's closet. I miss them both dearly. There's not enough gay here anymore.

    EDIT: Oh crap, I forgot a whole bunch of other things, but many of the funniest crap happened in user notes , pm's, or #tot (but I can't even go in to most of those). I forgot to give a shout out to Mama Temp, who became my mother in 2006. She birthed me out of her internet womb.

    One year, I freestyled with Shoberto. We had possibly the most amazing freestyle nerd battle ever. It lasted for about ten user notes.

    Throughout the years, Rantzien, Psychotic, DK, Shoeberto/Hsu, I Took the Red Pill, Rye, Resha, Shlup, Boko, Quin, Fuijiko, Tavrobel, Deathknight, DynastKid, Venom, gunblademaster, and Justy have all made me realize what a freak of nature I am. I appreciate them all in "special" ways.

  13. #43
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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  14. #44
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    Anaisia was a lesbian? Well, I'll be. No wonder she kept refusing my naked pics.

    It's nice that so many people have enlightened you so, and I am proud to call myself one of them.

  15. #45
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiro Jaggins View Post
    Now I'm just here to reach the No. 1 Poster's spot. Once I've hit the peak I can retire knowing I tried to breathe life into a place that I always felt somewhat excluded by.
    Don't you dare ever leave me you beautiful Aussie bastard.

    If you do, I will find you and dispense swift justice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    tl;dr Freya Name Drops a lot of people.

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