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Thread: Post your EoFF History

  1. #16


    i wanted to play ff1 again so i visited brian carper's cool website now known as " - it's broken!". i had played ff1 in my younger days but you can only get so far when you rent it for a weekend and you're 6 years old or less. no patience for the amount of grinding required. but i digress.

    so after actually acquiring a copy of the game for the NES and fanboying over unne's amazing website for days? weeks? idk. I found a link on his page to some forum he was an administrator on and decided to join it for whatever reason. I posted a few times in the FF1 forum but everyone knows how inactive that place is because who wants to play a 25 year old game? the new ones are in THREEEEEEE DEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    my original joining was in late 2000, as Astos. and then one day the forums got moved to a new server or something happened and i thought my account had been deleted but i'm pretty sure I just had to log in. so I created a new account and was confused as to why I couldn't create an account as Astos again. this adds to my "i just had to log in" theory. so on March 28 2001 I registered the account Fiend. it was around this point in time that I had started to expand my Final Fantasy playing experiences beyond the first one (actually, in my desperation to play FF1 again as a 12 year old, I rented FFII (FFIV) and played that for a bit; again, not getting very far because only one weekend, and me being bad at video games as a child) and I had discovered that elemental fiends existed in more than just the original Final Fantasy, thus this was the inspiration for the new name.

    so with my new name and a little more life experience in my bones, I continued to only post in the FF forums. But i reached beyond the FF1 forum, and I also discovered emulators around this point in time (this is an important fact that will affect the rest of my life beyond this point. I kid you not.). the details from here on are a little fuzzy, because I think I also stepped away from EoFF the first time a little after this. not going to look at the beginning of my post history for specific details, but I'm pretty sure I missed 2002 in EoFF history. but one day in late 2002 or early 2003, i think, for whatever reason I decided to make a triumphant return.

    and did I ever return!

    I don't remember what it was that brought me back to this place, but that's also not really the important part of the next 2 years. the most important foundations of my internet upbringing were two offshoot forums of our dear old Eyes On Final Fantasy, known as Aiyon and Random Foolishness.

    Aiyon was the first. created by our overlord Newbie Daniel Towns, I think it was a place for some RPing world or something? I honestly can't remember the intent of the content, because that wasn't the point. this was the first forum where I was an early adopter, and began to insert myself into the community almost immediately. Aiyon was had to be there, you had to EXPERIENCE it. it was just awesome :wasim:

    Random Foolishness was created by Moomba Misstress, I believe? It was nowhere near the size of EoFF, not even as big or as active as Aiyon. What was important about this one were the friendships I forged there. notable names here are Psychotic, Misfit, and Rye. yeah, THEM. my activity here coincided with an increase of activity at EoFF, and also the start of my LiveJournal days.

    LJ was the thing that everyone did and those of you who were around then know exactly what it was like, because it was like that. I played it just like everyone else; occasional life posts, occasional memes, constant spam on other people's entries.

    and then like 2004-2009 was pretty stagnant in terms of growth. my internet life was EoFF and LJ for the most part, and I was happy like that. it worked for me. and then in 2009 or 2010 i was a big jerkface idiot and left for whatever reason. And then i completely lost contact with all my friends because i was a jerk. and then like a month or two ago i drunkenly contacted our lovely Shorty and she told me to come back and post in a thread. and so I did that, and then I decided to keep posting more. and now I'm back, in classic style, sort of.

    so there, that's probably my longest ever post on this forum, and I left out six years of detail.

  2. #17
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    I came while it was warm.

    Also, I never forgot you, Chris! You were occasionally a bit of a nob to everybody back in the day. xD

  3. #18


    I made an account before (Raging King) but can't activate, got an e-mail about the poster contest and decided to make a different account and actually post a bit.

    I wanted my other account's name but this one's okay.

  4. #19
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    The staff can merge your accounts and change your name, if you let them know. Which you just did.

  5. #20
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    I came. I saw. I conquered.

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Quinter Wonderland View Post
    The staff can merge your accounts and change your name, if you let them know. Which you just did.

    Oh, okay, thanks.

    I probably accidently deleted the post to activate my other account.

  7. #22
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Belto Maxon.

    And how well I have been accepted since I started to frequent the forum since early January.

  8. #23


    I needed help beating FATE in Chrono Cross. I went by a different username back then, I think it was atmskater13 or something like that, and I think I had joined in November 2004; that sounds about right, anyways (yes, that means this is a second account, though atmskater13 had almost no posts. ban me, sluts.)

    From then on things were uneventful until Levian contacted me out of the blue thru PM to help him try to prank Kyono (now DK). IT was something about convincing him a hot girl wanted to jump his bones. Being the massive failure that I was, I accidentally sent the PM with all the details to Kyono instead of Levian. Then the three of us became good friends, and thus began the era of excessive usernoting for me.

    Kyono, Levian, LunarWeaver, Denmark, Cz, Rocket Edge, Shiny, Hearts, kikimm, Psychotic, and plenty more gave me what I still consider my most enjoyable times here, those being just smurfing around in usernotes.

    Other fun things, not in chronological order 'cause I can't remember, include:

    Chin Patrol
    The Party
    Mafia in its earlier stages
    Playing Gunbound
    Trying and failing at making my own signatures
    Fool's Gold

    And yeah, I don't really feel like elaborating or typing more, so

  9. #24
    dizzy up the girl Recognized Member Rye's Avatar
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    I joined in 2002, when I was 12 years old, because I was confused during one of the first boss fights in Final Fantasy X. From there was a tumultuous journey into the bowels of BAoTW and Random Foolishness, as I made friends from all over the world and whined my angsty teenager years away on LJ. I played a lot of TOT on #eoff and Joel Holmes him on me a few times, when he wasn't talking about Chun Li's thighs.

    Over the years, I did loads of things, shared loads of photos and graphic design with all sorts of wonderful people, and I even played Habbo Hotel and Acrowars and had many a late night MSN convo. Sometimes I even teabagged Psychotic on Halo.

    I had a lot of laugh loads and I met Huxley, whom I dated for a while and moved in with for a while. I became a moderator and got to see secret photographs that Loony BoB collected of Raistlin's buttcheeks in tights. And then I left because life drop kicked me with business.

    I've come back since I'm more settled into my post-college lifestyle of working. And because I miss... you all.

  10. #25
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    I found EoFF while searching for chocobos. I didn't join then, but it stuck in my head and I lurked for a while. Then I wanted some FMVs or something, so I registered in August 2004 as Sir Cloud. There's a nice story to that.

    Freya and My Little Pokey are responsible for everything I've achieved here. I was also supported by the likes of The Summoner of Leviathan, Bunny, G13 and NorthernChaosGod. These were the first people to take notice of me and try to befriend me, despite my repeated attempts to get involved in EoFF and meet people. I still have the Private Message from Loony BoB that said I wasn't well known enough to take part in the first Gang War.

    Lots of things happened, but none of it matters much. I met a lot of people and tried to be the best member I could. I wanted to improve EoFF and give everyone a taste of what the oldbies called the Golden Age. I did what I could.

    Now I'm just here to reach the No. 1 Poster's spot. Once I've hit the peak I can retire knowing I tried to breathe life into a place that I always felt somewhat excluded by.

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  11. #26
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tigmafuzz's Avatar
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    2005: Joined for an unknown reason

    Present: I continue to hate you all.

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  12. #27
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I joined in 2004. I lurked a lot before that when I needed FFIX stuff. I joined in 04 and sparsely posted. It wasn't until 2005 that I really got involved with EoFF. I would post from school etc etc.

    I made a bunch of friends here. My first real friend I had was Jojee. We even went and had us a Neskaya for cute graphics. That place was thriving until we just kinda dropped it.

    Honestly I'm behind a lot of stuff. Do you remember massive MSN convos back in like 07-08? Yeahhhhhhh. You're welcome! I usually was the one involved in those things. I, at one time, somehow acquired like 200 eoffers on there. I don't know who all they were, at the time I did I think.

    I've "pruned" several staffers. Strangelyhahaha enough it took me till this year to be made an Editor. I will claim pontus as part of it RANTZ YOU'RE CLAIMED. I have this weird, I make friends and then they get staffed, thing. Pontus was the first. Really I had nothing to do with Rantz being ck'd but I'm still claiming him anyway. Then Jiro and GXIII. Oh and i'm totally claiming GoBo too. He didn't make it until I started talking to him again. Well I mean we've always kinda talked but this was more than waking up to the drunken voicemails he used to leave me. Oh I guess I can claim Millie too. OH AND SHORTY TOO. I started talkign to shorty a lot and she was staffed. So really, other than dating milf, befriend me and you'll get staffed.... sometimes.

    I liked to plant ideas in Jiro and G13's heads a lot too haha. Poor boys were being used a lot for things like forum events and ideas haha. They knew it though

    I had my share of good friends made here, Justy and The Summoner of Leviathan being the two that I've really kept up with the longest. Well except Psychotic. I remember messaging him in 2004 about stupid trout cause I thought he was cool. He always corrected my grammar, though. Bunny is a great friend too. 'Cept when he punched me and didn't want to hang out with me. Demondude is actually a good friend too. Dak and gobo are my "guys" right now.

    In fact... I have a lot of friends. Too many maybe! eek!

    Lately now I seem to be closer with more people than before. Before I just wanted to know everyone and to be known cause I was young and stupid. Now I know more people on a more personal level than before. I have the luck of occasionally playing games with Psy, DK, Hux, and Iceglow. If you guys want to have some silly shenanigan fun, it'd be with those guys. Or you can play minecraft with Psy. He makes a mean cake! Or talking to the newbies TB and Millie! I collect newbies too. I usually find one and try to befriend them so they'll stick around it works mostly and look now you have a new editor and a new boobitor! Of course i'm not the reason they actually stick around but i'd like to believe I am! Let me think i'm awesome mmkay?

    I've always tried to get involved in the events, mafia really was a big one. I got WAY too into that in highschool when the thing was first starting. It paid off though! I was made an Editor this year ^_^ I love writing and I love journalism so it works out great. Plus I get to work with the other editors and contributors to make this place grow and I couldn't ask for more on that. I love EoFF so it's great that I can help it out now.

    Now though, i've been really busy with that whole real life thing and haven't been doing as much with the frontsite but don't you fret, i'll get back into the swing of it soon!

    tl;dr Freya Name Drops a lot of people.

    EDIT: Other important EoFFers in my life. To just name drop more people

    Denmark when I was a teenager he put up with me and my nonsense.
    krissy for being he first legit canadian I met irls
    Raistlin for listening to me crying about boys in the am hours on the phone when I was in college.
    NCG for letting me spam his fb with lady gaga videos
    Aracial for being a giant.
    Rengori for being super awesome and hanging out with me in denver.
    foa for being an awesome badass i've always looked up to :3

    That's all i can think of right now. Some of you have had a bigger influence on me than you know ^_^ Thank you for that.
    Last edited by Freya; 10-26-2012 at 07:19 AM.

  13. #28
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiro Jaggins View Post
    Now I'm just here to reach the No. 1 Poster's spot. Once I've hit the peak I can retire knowing I tried to breathe life into a place that I always felt somewhat excluded by.
    This just made me super sad. ;_;

  14. #29
    Formerly Important Lonely Paper Star's Avatar
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    Joined back in 2005. I think there was a specific reason, but I forgot why... so I'll just say it was because I'm a Final Fantasy fangirl. Usually a lurker at most forums, I only made a handful of posts, a couple during one summer and then another couple a whole year later in 2006. Then I stopped. I had gotten distracted by a lot of other things, like other forums (I was really into Gaia), school, and people.

    But then I got an email about the poster giveaway, even all these years later. I thought, why not?, so I came back. Doing [strike]the questline[/strike] tasks encouraged me to explore more around the forum. For the most part, the people here are fun, so much so that I'm still here even after the poster event is over.

    Starting on my left with one, your number comes up, you go.

  15. #30
    Queen of the BushHags Takara's Avatar
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    Once upon a time, I was the Queen of the BushHags.

    Among other things, I also created a nation or something, almost became a Cid's Knight, got a cameo in the BAotW rpg, tossed a few ideas at Necro on AIM while he was working on The Power of Cheese, drew stuff on MSPaint with Necro, and participated in a karaoke. Then I stopped visiting this place regularly for some unknown reason.

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