Ever wanted to watch EoFF members have the absolute trout beaten out of them? That's not even a question. Of course you have. Well, I've always been one to give the people what they want!

An average day in the staff forum, as a four way cage brawl between admins ends up turning bloody when meat cleavers come into play!

Shorty piledrives foa in the female CK showdown inside of a barbed wire ring, while a blast from the past looks on...

The battle for Cutest Couple turns nasty as Locky and Phil deliver a double slam to poor old Denmark. Sam doesn't care, though. She wants you to know how hot she is!

A familiar face greets this epic 10 way brawl for supremacy! I put so many EoFFers in, the game can't even monitor the health bars!

How this sucker will work:
  • I'm going to set up some fights and allow for a lot of audience participation. There will be storylines culminating in showdowns at Pay-Per-Views (such as the Ciddies or the Elections). The more you participate in the thread and get into it, the more I'll feature you!
  • There is also a career mode and parallel to the main EoFF action, we will make our own wrestler and rise him through the ranks to become the true EoFF champion!
  • The game is Wrestling Mpire 2008. No, I know the graphics aren't great - it's a free game, what do you want! The women in particular look horrid. Either way, as the screenshots above show, there is a hell of a lot of stuff you can do with it.
  • Oh, I'll probably release my mod for it so you can all play at beating up EoFFers too.
  • I will do my best to forget about this thread in a week or two.