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Thread: EoFF High School

  1. #46
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Everyone saying I'd be the class clown and prankster... yeah, kinda, but add an element of pyromania into the mix. I once set the classroom clock on fire. I don't quite remember why but I'm sure I had a really good reason for it. The teachers never understood why there were burn marks on it.

  2. #47
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    I don't care how popular you were in real school or how popular you think you are now. If I see you as a popular member then you're a popular member in the school in my head damnit

  3. #48
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lockharted View Post
    I honestly think people don't give two smurfs that I'm here. Just saying.
    Firstly, you're way wrong on that count.

    Secondly, popular is probably a weird word in retrospect that gets used in high school despite it not really applying to the correct group of people. The kids labelled popular in high school are the good looking ones that hang out with each other. The only truly popular ones of those groups are the ones that hang around with everyone else, too. I can think of a few people in my high school that were considered popular but really only had a handful of friends, while others that weren't the first names on everyone's lists had friends in every clique. Strange which one of those groups gets labelled popular, really... and I'm not saying the "popular" people were bad people. They just weren't as popular as people made them out to be. I often feel sorry for them in retrospect.

    Anyway. That was a total random train of thought that went off into oblivion. xD

    I think it's a safe bet that you can use this as a barometer for which people would end up in which traditional high school clique.

    Psychotic: Popular (I shall use this word in the literal sense for this stuff), charismatic, witty, rule-the-world, thunderdomer, staff-type, forums highwind winner. With that in mind, he's gonna be a head boy that is widely loved for his jokey nature.

    Shorty: Popular, passionate, stylish mixed in with parts hard working, exciting, staff-type, fighty, tag-teamer with Tara. She is the head girl to Psy's head boy, and is known for fighting for things - generally alongside her pal Lockharted - that she believes in.

    Pike: Adorkable veteran, loved for things she says, expected to be an author, pro-gamer. She's the person everyone likes despite her being a nerd. This is mostly down to her way with words and her rockin' gaming talent, which is a highly sought after thing at EoFF High.

    shion: Popular, hard working, kind, adorkable, a bit arty and comes out with the odd epic one liner. This is the girl who is so freakin' nice that everyone loves her. Because she's so nice, people never expect the funny lines that pop out of her mouth and when they do, it gets people laughing all over school because of it.

    Bubba: Charismatic, carefree, underrated veteran who with MissH makes up the most popular couple in school. He's basically the much loved if not obviously popular lead singer in the school band, and is the kind of guy people can trust to have their back in times of need.

    Lockharted: Exciting, hard working, stylish, one half of the respected couple (the other half being Pheesh, drummer in Bubba's rock band), rumoured to be gettin' it on with Shorty as the two always have each other's backs. Respected in the student council and can be seen as both kind and popular. Seen as adorkable because she works on the school newsletter.

    Sephex: Popular, witty, wacky older student who occasionally people think will get expelled but also think will join the student council. The joker that pushes the line, it seems, but all the students love him for it. Thankfully not expelled yet as people think he'd go insane if he was kicked out of high school.

    Rantz: Popular all-round nice guy. All-round being the key word, he is seen as charismatic, witty, kind, hard working, helpful, chilled out, stylish, on the student council and occasionally spends time with the band. He's the guy that girls often put down under "Marry" for Marry/Kiss/Kill when playing Truth or Truth during slumber parties.

    Dat Matt: Popular, charismatic, carefree, witty, very chilled out, always seen with his girlfriend Shauna, highly regarded on the student council for his work on the school radio. At first glance people might think he's another class clown a la Psychotic (the safe joker) or Sephex (the line-pusher) but really Matt is just a generally funny guy who enjoys chatting with people on the radio with Shauna (the latter generally regarded as the better chatter). Best school radio in the world.

    o_O: Hard working, helpful, kind, staffer, chatter, tech highwind. Therefore most well known to those on the outside as the nerd who can hack and fix anything in the school system, but really once he starts chatting to you - and he does like to chat - you'll find he's actually a great guy.

    I could go on. Should I go on? Maybe not. xD
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  4. #49
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Shauna, long standing member, is a side note in her way less awesome boyfriend's blurb.


  5. #50
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Hey, I just picked random people at the top of the first couple of awards and then ended up just picking out random names that happened to be on my screen whenever I finished searching for a name. xD I could certainly keep going!

    EDIT: Sidenote, this is why I stop doing these things too long because I always worry about leaving so-and-so out. I only did like ten people this time and I still get it. Shauna.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  6. #51
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    I do want to apologize if this thread has made anyone feel uncomfortable or left out. When I made the thread I was focusing on the absurd idea of what would happen if EoFF in its current incarnation was suddenly transformed into a high school. I certainly didn't mean for people to dredge up bad memories of actual school. So, my apologies.

  7. #52
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Are you suggesting that Shauna and Matt improv'ed an improv club? That is the highest form of improv.

    Shauna and Matt have never really struck me as drama types, though.
    I am not good at remembering lines, so I have no Idea why people thing I would be good for Drama xD. I was the anime/video game guy that was a bit exccentric but then again we all were.

    If I had to use my University Experience for this, I was the guy that never showed up to classes, handed in work at the last second and managed to barely get a passing grade while everyone else Studies and gets better grades.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shauna View Post
    Shauna, long standing member, is a side note in her way less awesome boyfriend's blurb.

    This is an accruate representation of Shauna and I in real life. With me being the girl of course


  8. #53
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Hey, I just picked random people at the top of the first couple of awards and then ended up just picking out random names that happened to be on my screen whenever I finished searching for a name. xD I could certainly keep going!

    EDIT: Sidenote, this is why I stop doing these things too long because I always worry about leaving so-and-so out. I only did like ten people this time and I still get it. Shauna.
    I'm just messin'. x} At least you don't forget about me being a staffer!


  9. #54
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shauna View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Hey, I just picked random people at the top of the first couple of awards and then ended up just picking out random names that happened to be on my screen whenever I finished searching for a name. xD I could certainly keep going!

    EDIT: Sidenote, this is why I stop doing these things too long because I always worry about leaving so-and-so out. I only did like ten people this time and I still get it. Shauna.
    I'm just messin'. x} At least you don't forget about me being a staffer!

    I wasn't doing your full thi-- Wait, you're on staff?
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  10. #55
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    Poor Shauna.

  11. #56
    noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    When I switched to public high school, I did enjoy some moderate popularity. I had friends that were super preppy & girly & the whole stereotypical "popular" package, stoner gothy/punks, Mexicans, Asians, gangster black dudes... Yeah.

    I never did my homework though. Why I bothered lugging all of my books to classes is beyond me- other than my locker being so far out of my way I never had time to get all the way down there and back across the school. Anywho.

    I would most definitely be in the stoner group. I would cut class (or school altogether) at least twice a week to go party in a park with people.

  12. #57
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lockharted View Post
    I don't see the harm in telling everyone what kind of person we were in high school though?

    I stand by that I wouldn't be in the popular crowd at 'EoFF High'. Afterall, I honestly don't see myself as a popular member. Maybe once - like in 2013 at the height of my activity but now I honestly think people don't give two smurfs that I'm here. Just saying.
    I give a smurf.

    Deal with it

  13. #58
    Recognized Member Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
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    For what it's worth, I was looking at this as reverting to high school Scotty within the EoFF high school. I was just saying all that to set up the fact that I would be terrified of everyone here and probably not talk to anyone.

  14. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by Pike View Post
    Guys, showing up and saying "BUT I WAS [THIS] IN SCHOOL IN REAL LIFE" doesn't necessarily apply here. Because this is EoFF High where literally everyone is a turbonerd. In other words, everything would probably be loads different than how it actually was in school.

    In real life high school, I was completely ignored by everyone.

    In EoFF High, I'm not ignored. Just that weird kid.
    Well if you want to get technical, I'd be a teacher at EoFF High.

    A Music Teacher. Hell, I even had a Guitar Class in my senior year. The instructor was drunk all the time.

    You kids are gonna learn how to find the key of a song if it kills you! (smacks ruler on desk)

  15. #60
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    EoFF High will be built as a dodecahedron so that every one of you people has a corner to quietly sit in.

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