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Thread: Crap in games that people bitch about that doesn't bother you.

  1. #16
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    Oh, and a story one: wholesome good characters. I know some people find characters who are just simplistically 'good' and kind-hearted to be too simple, and would like characters with more shades of grey, but I'm happy enough if my character is just a good person. I'm fine playing as a pure Paragon Shepard or doing all the 'right' choices.
    Agree wit dis also

  2. #17
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    The term melodrama is misused anyway. Melodrama is just fine as an art form and, indeed, most JRPGs are so over-the-top that melodrama is an appropriate term.

    Why I don't care if Virgil in Xenosaga monologues on top of his robot while the aliens politely wait for him to stop. Heavy-handed? You betcha but the story is written that way so I don't care.
    Hamming it up once in a while is not a problem for me, I take issue when they do it every time they show up. Yeah game, I get it, your characters have issues, can we focus on solving them instead of just talking about them?

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpkin View Post
    -Cute animu characters
    -More story than gameplay
    -Not difficult and challenging
    +1 as this is now 100% of my gaming life

  4. #19
    Do Myself a Mischief Vermachtnis's Avatar
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    I like silent protagonists. I like silent teams like in Etrian Odyssey where I can make it up. But even with an mute, they're usually surrounded by a good cast. But I like making up personalities.

    Grinding, I love grinding. Its nice and relaxing and its fun to try out new stuff. I can spend hours just grinding.

    Also going to throw my hat into the linearity is okay ring. I never understood the hate. The plot is only going to advance in one location anyway.

    Kind of related to the good character above, which I agree with, fun characters. I love energetic and hyper characters. That's like half my party right there. The nice one and the hyper one.

  5. #20
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Oh right I guess it's not particularly surprising but... I don't mind a lack of gameplay in the slightest. I engage with whatever kind of narrative the creators are interested in weaving, regardless of how much player agency it involves.

  6. #21
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    I actually don't mind grinding too much.

    If done well Grinding can be actually fun, though if done poorly it can be tedious (Mass Effect 2 I am looking at you with that smurfing scanner) as all hell. If the grinding isn't too tedious, I don't mind grinding it out, I find it quite therapeutic to do actually.

  7. #22
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    For me graphics are not that big of a deal. I grew up with bad graphics and as long as I knew what the thing was I was ok with them. Never understood how a bad Sprite could keep you from a game that has great gameplay, easy controls, and a great story.

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by FFNut View Post
    For me graphics are not that big of a deal. I grew up with bad graphics and as long as I knew what the thing was I was ok with them. Never understood how a bad Sprite could keep you from a game that has great gameplay, easy controls, and a great story.
    So much this
    Not that I like ugly games. But I have absolutely no problem with dated games. If the game industry would stop trying to be bleeding edge photo-realistic all the time, then either their budget could go farther for story-telling or gameplay mechanics, or they could stop threatening to raise the price over $60USD and spend more wisely as a publisher

    Use an old engine where all the quirks are a known quantity, and people already know how to bend the engine over backwards to get the most out of it. I never understood why people took issue with Bethesda updating Gamebryo and using it for Fallout 4. It's the engine they know the best, and it's the engine the modders know the best

    But the real reason I came into this thread was to mention "controversy", since I have a thread about controversies, I don't want to sully it with what just happened in media. Like Far Cry 5 was announced, and it's the first Far Cry game I'm interested in, you get to fight a psychotic version of the KKK or something. Yet there's people mad that you're fighting Americans. Fighting religious people. Fighting gun lovers. I don't know how they think the sociopathic antagonists are meant to represent them, when they could more easily relate to the protagonists who were revealed, who either are, or could be also gun loving patriot christian Americans

    I don't like controversy for the sake of controversy, or violence for the sake of violence. But I am perfectly fine with creating a mature plot that pushes the boundaries in a believable and compelling way. But apparently a lot of people who enjoy games are not interested in a new, unique, and interesting plot for an open world FPS game

    But I guess as an RPG fan I've had plenty of experience fighting against religious zealots. And it doesn't bother me at all that it takes place in my home country. We do have a bunch of crazies. So it makes it more interesting to me as a "it could happen" scenario

  9. #24
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by FFNut View Post
    For me graphics are not that big of a deal. I grew up with bad graphics and as long as I knew what the thing was I was ok with them. Never understood how a bad Sprite could keep you from a game that has great gameplay, easy controls, and a great story.
    So much this
    Not that I like ugly games. But I have absolutely no problem with dated games. If the game industry would stop trying to be bleeding edge photo-realistic all the time, then either their budget could go farther for story-telling or gameplay mechanics, or they could stop threatening to raise the price over $60USD and spend more wisely as a publisher

    Use an old engine where all the quirks are a known quantity, and people already know how to bend the engine over backwards to get the most out of it. I never understood why people took issue with Bethesda updating Gamebryo and using it for Fallout 4. It's the engine they know the best, and it's the engine the modders know the best

    But the real reason I came into this thread was to mention "controversy", since I have a thread about controversies, I don't want to sully it with what just happened in media. Like Far Cry 5 was announced, and it's the first Far Cry game I'm interested in, you get to fight a psychotic version of the KKK or something. Yet there's people mad that you're fighting Americans. Fighting religious people. Fighting gun lovers. I don't know how they think the sociopathic antagonists are meant to represent them, when they could more easily relate to the protagonists who were revealed, who either are, or could be also gun loving patriot christian Americans

    I don't like controversy for the sake of controversy, or violence for the sake of violence. But I am perfectly fine with creating a mature plot that pushes the boundaries in a believable and compelling way. But apparently a lot of people who enjoy games are not interested in a new, unique, and interesting plot for an open world FPS game

    But I guess as an RPG fan I've had plenty of experience fighting against religious zealots. And it doesn't bother me at all that it takes place in my home country. We do have a bunch of crazies. So it makes it more interesting to me as a "it could happen" scenario
    I think the latest Ctrl+Alt+Del summed this one up perfectly:

    I'm sick of it. I'm not the only one. "Let's go kill those stupid xenophobic religious Republicans". I guess it's a good thing that people will have some way to get the violence out of their system without assaulting people on college campuses this time. But that doesn't mean I have to act supportive of this idea.
    Last edited by Skyblade; 06-05-2017 at 09:40 AM.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  10. #25


    It's kind of scary that people are relating to the bad guys. The bad guys are American, and are likely religious. They are also a cult. They are also sociopathic. Let's not forget that the good guys fighting the resistance against them, and likely the main character are also American. The good guys are also religious, and could also be "republican". Why is nobody relating to the preacher? Or the guy building a plane in his garage? Or the bar owner? Those are the people we're supposed to relate to. If the KKK went psychotic, got armed, and took over my town, I wouldn't feel like I'm "killing my own kind" if I took them out. And I wouldn't turn up my nose if someone of a differing political ideal joined in the fight. I wouldn't see the KKK on any religious or political spectrum. And it's very easy to imagine happening, considering a town militia took over a town hall for the better part of a month with no urgent help from federal government to get them out. We basically just waited out the situation. If those were more of a religious cult, rather than misguided "stupid xenophobic religious republicans", then it could have easily been what Far Cry is aiming for

    Though I do like that they pretty much have to change all of their lazier mechanics and try to make a real game out of all the extra stuff for once. Climbing 800 towers never sounded all that interesting to me. And killing people I identify as my brethren in America also doesn't interest me. But I don't identify the antagonists in this game as my brethren. I also don't identify the KKK as my brethren if it must be stated

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    It's kind of scary that people are relating to the bad guys. The bad guys are American, and are likely religious. They are also a cult. They are also sociopathic. Let's not forget that the good guys fighting the resistance against them, and likely the main character are also American. The good guys are also religious, and could also be "republican". Why is nobody relating to the preacher? Or the guy building a plane in his garage? Or the bar owner? Those are the people we're supposed to relate to. If the KKK went psychotic, got armed, and took over my town, I wouldn't feel like I'm "killing my own kind" if I took them out. And I wouldn't turn up my nose if someone of a differing political ideal joined in the fight. I wouldn't see the KKK on any religious or political spectrum. And it's very easy to imagine happening, considering a town militia took over a town hall for the better part of a month with no urgent help from federal government to get them out. We basically just waited out the situation. If those were more of a religious cult, rather than misguided "stupid xenophobic religious republicans", then it could have easily been what Far Cry is aiming for

    Though I do like that they pretty much have to change all of their lazier mechanics and try to make a real game out of all the extra stuff for once. Climbing 800 towers never sounded all that interesting to me. And killing people I identify as my brethren in America also doesn't interest me. But I don't identify the antagonists in this game as my brethren. I also don't identify the KKK as my brethren if it must be stated
    You misunderstand. It's not people that we're relating to. It's people that we're BEING related to. It's not "we view ourselves this way", it's "this is what the people making this game think of us". And we know this because it's the exact same lie that's been shoved down our throats since Trump first started his campaign (although, really, that's just a more blatant version of the lie that liberals have been screaming at those who disagree with them for the past thirty years). Heck, they might as well call the enemy faction "the deplorables".
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  12. #27
    Untalented Game Designer FFNut's Avatar
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    I see Farcry 5 as a flop of a game. Must say I enjoyed Primal, but if they don't change the bad guys in it it will flop. I know a lot of people who felt very attacked by the way they decided to make the bad guys. It's like the Cathy Griffin holding up the Trumps head all bloody. It just wasn't a good idea. Though many in media speak out against Trump and his followers there is a large population of people who do support him still and it does alienate those people. Oddly enough Farcry's fan base really is a large chunk of the people who did vote Trump and continue to support him. Not saying all, but there is a large group. I can see why they are upset.

  13. #28
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Not to be a dick or anything, but personally, I don't have any problem with the Templars being portrayed as antagonists, even if they're a representation of Catholics in geberal, despite being Catholic, simply because I know I'm not a part of an extremist branch. People who believe the Catholic Church to be evil might get validated by it, but people who don't probably won't think much of it except "yup, they did some bad stuff". So you can be a Trump supporter, or someone with traditional American Christian values, but this isn't a representation of you but the KKK, if I'm following Vyk? I know nothing about this game aside from what you're saying, but it does feel like the internet just needs to relax a bit.

  14. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    You misunderstand. It's not people that we're relating to. It's people that we're BEING related to. It's not "we view ourselves this way", it's "this is what the people making this game think of us". And we know this because it's the exact same lie that's been shoved down our throats since Trump first started his campaign (although, really, that's just a more blatant version of the lie that liberals have been screaming at those who disagree with them for the past thirty years). Heck, they might as well call the enemy faction "the deplorables".
    This makes much more sense, but it didn't occur to me because I seriously don't get that vibe. And if we talk about religious spectrums, I'm a progressive, which is more closely related to liberal/democrat. And I seriously don't feel like this is a game going after conservatives. Like I said, the three companions they've shown in trailers are very likely conservative patriotic religious gun lovers, and they're the good guys. But I'm admittedly only exposed to a portion of the gaming and political media so I'm not just going to brush it off and say it doesn't happen, I just don't see it happening

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Not to be a dick or anything, but personally, I don't have any problem with the Templars being portrayed as antagonists, even if they're a representation of Catholics in geberal, despite being Catholic, simply because I know I'm not a part of an extremist branch. People who believe the Catholic Church to be evil might get validated by it, but people who don't probably won't think much of it except "yup, they did some bad stuff". So you can be a Trump supporter, or someone with traditional American Christian values, but this isn't a representation of you but the KKK, if I'm following Vyk? I know nothing about this game aside from what you're saying, but it does feel like the internet just needs to relax a bit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    You misunderstand. It's not people that we're relating to. It's people that we're BEING related to. It's not "we view ourselves this way", it's "this is what the people making this game think of us". And we know this because it's the exact same lie that's been shoved down our throats since Trump first started his campaign (although, really, that's just a more blatant version of the lie that liberals have been screaming at those who disagree with them for the past thirty years). Heck, they might as well call the enemy faction "the deplorables".
    This makes much more sense, but it didn't occur to me because I seriously don't get that vibe. And if we talk about religious spectrums, I'm a progressive, which is more closely related to liberal/democrat. And I seriously don't feel like this is a game going after conservatives. Like I said, the three companions they've shown in trailers are very likely conservative patriotic religious gun lovers, and they're the good guys. But I'm admittedly only exposed to a portion of the gaming and political media so I'm not just going to brush it off and say it doesn't happen, I just don't see it happening
    You don't feel like it because you haven't been called these names by every news outlet, celebrity, political opponent, and forum user for the past year.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

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