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  1. "My god, Scalia did something right!!!!!"

    One thing that really annoys me is when completely oblivious people make adamant, absolute claims that are entirely bogus. Regarding the Supreme Court, this comes often from liberal, very partisan, wannabe commentators who only whine about the conservative corporate shills (because NONE of the Democratic elite does what any large corporation wants).

    For instance, today the Supreme Court struck down a California law which prohibited the distribution of violent video games to minors, ...
    Tags: rant, scotus Add / Edit Tags
    News & Politics
  2. Lol teenagers

    Since the summer started I have an inability to go to bed at a "normal" time and insist on staying up till 1 or 2 just because I can.
    I wake up around 11 am, feeling refreshed. And I find it much easier to fall asleep during the day than at night. When the sun's out, I sleep like a light. When the moon's out...not so much.
    I also looooove to nap during the day. Seriously. Even only a few hours after I awake am I asleep again.
    It's currently 1:18 AM and I don't feel ...
  3. God, Miss America, and evolution

    After I posted my last entry, in which I discussed a story about a lot of people pissed off that NBC edited out "under god" in the televised Pledge of Allegiance, I discovered that NBC also pissed off a US Senator. And the Senator sent an angry letter to NBC, demanding a "full written account of its decision-making process in this matter, including an explanation of why these specific words were omitted, and what actions NBC intends to take to prevent such inappropriate edits from ...
    Tags: evolution, god, pledge Add / Edit Tags
    News & Politics
  4. My blog... because

    I had a not very good night last night.

    I have been having killer headaches for the past few days and I dunno why. I took a nap after my tutoring and my boyfriend woke me up when he came home and I was tired and cranky and in pain. He said since I was feeling poopy anyways he was gonna go out with some friends and he would be back at 9. I was not happy cuz we have both been very busy and havn't been spending time together and I was visibly upset. Then he left anyways. So I was angry ...
  5. Viera Fan Club

    There is now a viera fan club. Who wants to be the leader?

    I call getting to be the popular viera.

    I suck at keeping blogs.
    I can keep them for a few months, forget about them/lose interest and then come back months later. Oh, me.
    So anyway. Hello to anyone who might actually be reading this. xD I guess I'll go into more of my personal life here in this little blog, and if there's anything you wanna know about me, feel free to ask.
    Here's the basics about me, for trouts and giggles.

    Name: Stephanie
    Age: 16
    Location: New Jersey
    Relationship ...
  7. Your Majesty

    Thursday is currently my favorite day of the week. Why? Because I enjoy the sounds of servants bustling around me. My lawn gets mowed, my cypress trees clipped, my hedges trimmed (not sexually), and the pool boy comes to be sure, as the days grow warmer, that I have clean water to lounge in during my leisure time. Also, the guy who fixed the garage door was kind of cute.

    Also, BJ has Fridays off all summer, so on Thursdays we can stay up late together. Throughout the year, Thursday ...
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    Personal Life
  8. Here is the second thing that made me happy today.

  9. I was reading Post Secret

    by , 06-23-2011 at 12:39 AM (Parkers Poop Paradise)
    i was inspired into some toilet vandalism by postsecret and i dunno which of the results disturbs me more:

  10. Now instead of doctor, little kids can play TSA agent

    I have not been around much lately due to work and, well, life. But I still try to browse the web at some point each day to see what stupid, ridiculous, and nonsensical things are going on. I sometimes even manage to stumble across the occasional good thing.

    So earlier this year, Georgia passed a law, the purpose of which was to drive illegal immigrants out of the state and thereby creating more job opportunities for honest Americans. And it succeeded; illegal immigrants left Georgia ...

    Updated 06-23-2011 at 05:18 AM by Raistlin

    News & Politics