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  1. Your favourite party.
  2. Who looks best in Trance?
  3. Favorite quotes!
  4. Just thinking
  5. The Ultimate Mystery
  6. Zidane the traitor (spoilers)
  7. FFIX: Roleplay Survivor Game!
  8. I got all the Chocograpghs in air garden,forest, and lagoon, but some are missing!
  9. Alexander's fate..
  10. Zorn and Thorn
  11. Referances to other FF's
  12. vivi problem
  13. Who wishes Beatrix played more of an intricant role in the game.
  14. is it the end?
  15. does anyone else think kuja weres a thong
  16. How far did you go in Hot and Cold?
  17. Nercon?
  18. who says FFIX isn't the best?
  19. chocographs
  20. An alternate battle with...er.... (SPOILERS)
  21. vivi poll
  22. Welp I did it! (Spoilers here, don't read if you don't want them)
  23. What do you call you FFIX charaters?
  24. Do you ever use the white mage status magic?
  25. The Festival of the Hunt
  29. The most popular Eidolon
  30. burmecia
  31. theivery
  32. stairs
  33. bestt ff9 gamer
  34. ultima knuckles
  35. Chocobo Treasure hunting
  36. "Senior site staff" and other people please read...
  37. Beauty Contest
  38. Funny a$ HELL
  39. Legendary synth???:magus:
  40. Moonstone Gem
  41. Where is paradise
  42. Ozma, the hardest boss ever. If you beat him, you can finish off every one.
  43. Best weapons
  44. How the hell do you beat Nectron
  45. Umm...so what did you think about Amarant???
  46. the man behind the mask
  47. Theater Ship Figure
  48. viltgance card
  49. ozma/necron
  50. who else?
  51. necron's pic
  52. Personal Challenge
  53. Garnet's real name...[minor spoilers]
  54. Bottles/Sword in Ispens castle
  55. Lai Strike
  56. Do you like Garnet with long hair or short hair?
  57. how mush time?
  58. Summoner humour
  59. Cinna's hammer
  60. Chocobo Hot and Cold game
  61. Vivi's name
  62. Least favorite character
  63. What exactly is good about the Mace of Zeus?
  64. Naming your characters.
  65. What if....
  66. The Best Charachter in IX
  67. Freya's Six Dragons....
  68. Quina's Gender...
  69. cliche storyline? what yu think?
  70. any unsolved mystery?
  71. >> Your fav ff9 Mogri..
  72. What was that screamin for? Spoilers
  73. Who's Singing (Maidan Sari May b Spoilers)
  74. Yummie-Yummies! (frogs, i mean..)
  75. Trivial questions (yeah..^^)
  76. why meteo never works?!?!
  77. downs on FFIX
  78. beach healing ability
  79. Zidane and Dagger *unmarked spoilers inside*
  80. Hard to Find Items
  81. Need Help
  82. Quina's top7 blue magics
  83. Best FF IX Music
  84. I need help!
  85. 100 People!!
  86. just a question...
  87. Chocobo Sky Lagoon
  88. FFIX Font!
  89. Getting the better Excalibur
  90. Statue in Lindblum Grand Castle
  91. different summon attacks
  92. where is Kain's Lance
  93. I can't steal the fairy flute from Hillgigars... pleas help
  94. Cid & Baku
  95. HELP!!
  96. FFIX OST downloads?
  97. Tetra Master-The game(of the game in the game)
  98. Why is this hated?
  99. True Love
  100. is garnet wearing orange or yellow? I can't tell....
  101. Hi everybody
  102. Funniest Moment?
  103. FFIX on pc??
  104. Esto Gaza
  105. Magical Fingertip
  106. "I want to be your Canary"`
  107. moonstone
  108. Another FF Referense Spotted!
  109. Where is Garnet called by her real name?
  110. That whole thing with Vivi's name
  111. That's IT!! I am Sick of this!! (Vivi spoilers)
  112. Ultimate Attacks per character
  113. List of times people start out tranced because they are TEH ANGERY
  114. why is this so much like ff5?
  115. Necron or Kuja?
  116. Tiamat
  117. Oeilvert
  118. What is that Kuja's wearing?
  119. "Zi-da-nay" or "Zi-day-n"
  120. Secret items....probably spoilers throughout
  121. Kuja??
  122. Why FFIX is the Worst FF EVER!
  123. FF9 Spoof
  124. Did anyone else think Hades was a total pushover?
  125. Masamune...
  126. I may have found a second refrence! (I'm not sure because it's subtle)
  127. Song played during last battle
  128. Best approach for Ozma
  129. What do you think?
  130. Steiner Seiken?
  131. What do you think about Eiko?
  132. Solamente pra saber truta
  133. Tetra Master Deck
  134. Pumice
  135. Chocograph Pieces
  136. Namingway help
  137. What is the Best Eidolon on FF IX ??
  138. Alright, so do you like it or not?
  139. What to synth with my hammer...
  140. Rare Items *spoilers*
  141. Non-playable characters.
  142. Good/bad ending
  143. Moogle suit
  144. Just a few questions
  145. Familiars
  146. FFIX Familiars
  147. Only if you like the game...
  148. Amarant's Class
  149. Thievery
  150. Why DO you love it?
  151. stupidest victory jig/dance/whatever?
  152. Ozma Strategies (Massive spoilers)
  153. Odin's Sword (spoilers maybe)
  154. FFIX: the better hero
  155. Strange Front Site
  156. walkthrough?!?!?!
  157. The end
  158. eidolons question *spoilers*
  159. Quina: Better than you think
  160. stupid question
  161. Abysmally low steal rate and other things that are not my bag
  162. Look Behind You Steiner!
  163. Looking for FFIX download
  164. Gaia and Terra [spoilers]
  165. Final FMV??
  166. Any stories?
  167. Chocobo side quest need help
  168. Orchastra of the Forest (Spoilers)
  169. Garnets Hair
  170. This has probably been asked alot, but.....
  171. Hey,cant you fill me in?(maybe spoilers)
  172. Levelling Up
  173. Dragon Abilities
  174. Garnet's Curaga spell
  175. FFIX: The first MPRPG??????
  176. New member (long)lol
  177. Kuja...
  178. what is the point of making a save the queen? (possible spoilers)
  179. I bought FF9....but...
  181. Playonline Keywords
  182. Dagger? (spoilers)
  183. The Moogle's "Kupo!" Sound
  184. Atomos - Do you really use him?
  185. Most annoying boss
  186. New Game
  187. Dosent this suck
  188. Kuja (SPOILER)
  189. Theatre Ship
  190. Favourite City
  191. Rewiew
  192. Card Game - not sure if this is a spolier...
  193. The Art of Final Fantasy IX- Anyone Have This Book?
  194. Strange monster.
  195. Fun things you can name Garnet
  196. FF 9 emulator friendly?
  197. The only FF9 question that matters
  198. most resemble?
  199. do u find garnet sexy?
  200. If FFIX were a reality show who would you boot first?
  201. Necron
  202. boy or girl
  203. deadpepers
  204. Octagon Rod
  205. A little problem with this game...
  206. what would you do?
  207. Music Question
  208. Meaning of The Crystal **maybe spoilers**
  209. Why did it happen to Vivi? (spoiler warning)
  210. How long was it? *ending spoilers*
  211. What is Vivi?
  212. What is Gaia really?
  213. grand lethal
  214. Questions for Kuja-fans
  215. Steiner... almighty god or pathetic POS???
  216. rating VIVI from ff9 from 1-10
  217. Vivi- The Best Final Fantasy character ever?
  218. Heavy Metal Contest
  219. Tetra Master
  220. Return to the old style
  221. FF9 Quote Quiz
  222. [Talking about everything in FFIX except Kuja]
  223. What was your party on the FInal Boss?
  224. "Protecting my Devotion"
  225. Eidelons, to use or not to use that is the question!
  226. Gimme my Pumice!
  227. Kuja is best
  228. vivi weapon help
  229. Concerning Quina's Gender...
  230. WHERE?
  231. extra scenes???
  232. no encounter?
  233. ok i need help
  234. hunt festival
  235. Buying a FFIX case w/ instruction Booklet(No game Included)
  236. Have you ever tried to get Excalibur II?
  237. vivi the main man
  238. How to fix a game.
  239. Legendary Sythisist
  240. Amano Pic Familiars
  241. lifa or Iifa
  242. If you could rename NPC's...
  243. Why Thunder Slash never works for me?
  244. Just a quick refresh
  245. FF9 What characters could we change!
  246. FF9 Errors In The Game?
  247. Opening sequence font
  248. ancient aroma?
  249. How? *spoilers*
  250. MOOGLES !