• Three new soundtracks annnounced, and...

    - The expansion pack to Final Fantasy XI will feature even more content than previously reported. A new coastal village will be accessible only to those who use the expansion pack, and with over 200 monsters and items to be added to the game, the expansion pack promises gamers it will not disappoint. Additionally, Square has announced that the PC version of the game will recieve the update on a normal CD-ROM, while the Playstation 2 version of the game will recieve a DVD-ROM for the update.

    - Square and DigiCube have announced three Final Fantasy soundtracks which will be released in February: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Original Soundtrack, Final Fantasy Battle Arrange ~The Black Mages~, and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Radio Edition, Volume 1.

    - Final Fantasy XI is looking for a foreign gamemaster. If you are between the ages of 25 to 28 and can speak English on both a fluent and business level, submit an application to Square's headquarters in Tokyo. All others need not apply. Applicants must also answer six questions concerning their interest in the job.

    [Sources:] Gameforms, RPGFan.
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