Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a direct sequel to XIII, once again staring Lightning. The game itself focuses on fragment collection and solving time rifts that present themselves throughout your journey. Downloadable content is also available for this game which will give you more weapons and boss battles. When you start the game you'll be introduced to the situation of Cocoon, Serah and time travel. Noel appears later (early on) in the story to inform you that the future of Cocoon is under threat along with the entire human race. Serah journeys with Noel, a Time Traveller, to save her older sister Lightning. Lightning is now guarding a Goddess of all creation and it is your job to protect her. But, it will come to realisation that there is a tear in the fabric of reality and paradoxes have spread throughout time; now you must travel to different dimensions and time to fix the portals, close the gates and save time itself.
It's time...
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Well, this should be interesting. I only ever checked out the demo a long time ago, and I barely remember it outside of something involving fighting Titan.
Last Post By: Loony BoB 12-17-2023, 06:42 PM
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