• Final Fantasy X-2, and what to expect...

    Square Enix has set definite release dates for the long-awaited sequel to Final Fantasy X, and has also announced a new International version of the game which will be for sale only in Asia.

    Final Fantasy X-2 is slated for release in North America in early December of this year, and a PAL release is expected to follow soon afterwards in the first quarter of next year. These release dates have been officially announced by Square Enix itself, as to clear confusion from conflicting retail shops which slated the game for different dates, some expecting the game as early as September or November.

    An International version of the game has also been announced. The game will be released in Japan and Asian countries only, and will be akin to the North American version of the game, similar to Final Fantasy X: International. This International package, however, has quite a few extras that would make it worthwhile to the import gamer. Firstly, a special new game disk will be included with the package. Titled "Last Mission", it describes the seemingly last adventure of Rikku, Yuna, and Paine as they explore the ruins of a new tower which has been discovered. It will feature a special mode of play, and, while details are scarce, it is said that players will only be able to control one of the girls, and may team up with the other two if certain conditions are met.

    Final Fantasy X-2: International + Last Mission is set for a release date sometime this winter in Japan, with a price yet to be released. The Last Mission special disk will not be included in the North American or PAL releases.

    [Source:] GameSpot.
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