• Eyes on Final Fantasy FanArt

    Roogle and I have decided that now is a good enough time as any to parade the artistic talents of our many site-surfers and forum-posters. If you would like to submit some fanart to the site, please send your art in an email to webmaster@eyesonff.com - please ensure you follow the below guidelines for the files:

  • We strongly prefer JPG and GIF files, although PNG is okay. Don't send anything else, though.
  • If possible, send a 60x60 image of the art. If not, someone will make one.
  • At least one of your FanArt submissions should relate to one of the games created by Squaresoft or Square Enix.
  • If it's your first submission, include your name as you want it to be displayed, your email address and a website url (if applicable).

    The submissions will be moderated, so Mik, before you try: NO.
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