• EoFF: FFXIII and You

    Okay, the world of news has been slow recently, because we're all busy getting ready for Valentine's Day ( ...right).  So, we've decided that love is best generated with new, shiny presents the sizes of a large rock.  Not just a pebble, a rock.

    Most importantly, is the opening of our FFXIII section.  So far, it contains whatever scraps of information have been put out by SE in the recent months, but we'll keep running with it when we can.

    We aren't only concerned with the new and shiny. Sometimes, an old friend just needs a little lovin' and he'll be as good as new.  In particular, FF Tactics Advance has gotten the Botox treatment with not less than six new sections worth of information. As far as one could know, they haven't been there since sometime mid-January.  Unless I told you.  Which I did. All of the sections are the results of various (and generous) contributions, work, and effort, and parts of that person's soul.

    Additionally, several new reviews are up for certain games, but we're not going to tell you which ones! You'll just have to find out for yourself. Consider it a challenge (or a waste of time, whatever floats your boat).

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