• Of Moogles and Litigation

    It would appear that developer SE has gotten itself involved in another situation that requires legal action, only this time, as the plaintiff.  SE is suing a French company, SAKURA, on the claim that it was distributing "pirated" products for damages and liabilities.

    Additionally, formerly reported legal-issue-hidden-fees-quagmire-game, also known as FFXI, had a pre-sale on the 5th, over the PlayOnline Viewer for a mini-scenario add-on entitled A Moogle Kupo d’Etat™ – Evil in Small Doses.  Requires Rise of the Zilart expansion to access.  Priced at $9.99.  A penny saved is a penny earned, right?

    Finally, in case anyone lives in Japan and cares enough, FFIV: The After Years will be released on WiiWare on July 21, 2009 for 800 points.

    Source: Square Enix, Square Enix (again), Magic Box

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