You'll be able to do this once you can get the silver chocobo out of the big projection of Cocoon in Academia 4XX. This requires Advanced Mog Throw.
Items Needed:
- 34x Potent Orb Buccaboo, Buccaboo Ace (30%)
- 46x Potent Essence Hedge Frog (15%), Mud Frog (15%), Swampmonk (20%), Caterchipillar (5%)
- 23x Potent Crystals Microchu (30%)
Monsters Needed:
- Silver Chocobo
- Pulse Gladiator (Archylte Steppe - Cloudy)
- Cactuar (Archylte Steppe - Sunny, rare)
- Microchu (Western Archylte Steppe - Rainy, Sunny)
Get your Silver Chocobo to max level.
- Infuse the Silver Chocobo with the Pulse Gladiator at level one. This will give it the Second Wind ability.
- Infuse the Silver Chocobo with the Cactuar at level one. This will give you the Sprinter ability.
- Level up the Microchu up to 24 using whatever items you want.
- Infuse the Silver Chocobo with the Microchu at level 24. This will give your chocobo the Marathoner and Health Nut abilities.
Once your chocobo has been all kinds of infused and has reached max level, your strategy is to use the "Stay at the back" mode in each race. Do not use Boost until Blue Streak activates.
Got any other tips for the chocobo races? Share them!
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