• Final Fantasy Characters Get a New Job... as Fashion Models

    Video game characters would probably be one of the last things you'd expect to see when you open a fashion magazine, but this month's Arena Homme+ will feature just that. Part of SquareEnix's 25 Years of Final Fantasy celebration, the 12-page spread will feature characters from the games wearing items from Prada's Spring 2012 Menswear collection.

    Yoshinori Kitase, producer of Final Fantasy XIII-2 (and several other Final Fantasy games) said in an interview, “The Final Fantasy series is known for its creativity and innovation, so working with Prada, a renowned fashion house with such beautiful clothing, was a very exciting opportunity. The images we have been able to create together are vibrant and unique."

    The issue featuring the CGI images, created at SquareEnix’s Visual Works studio in Japan, will hit shelves April 12th.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Final Fantasy XIII-2 characters wear Prada started by SuperMillionaire View original post
    Comments 15 Comments
    1. Del Murder's Avatar
      Del Murder -
      This is awful.
    1. Jinx's Avatar
      Jinx -
      Hope is so sexy now.
    1. Loony BoB's Avatar
      Loony BoB -
      Sahz looks alright. The rest of them look like they have dress sense worse than mine, and I assure you, that's saying something.
    1. Freya's Avatar
      Freya -
      Yeah I agree. They look bad besides Sazh. He looks stunning in a suit. The rest look, silly. 'Specially Lightning.
    1. Mirage's Avatar
      Mirage -
      I really like lightning's clothes in that picture. I'm totally serious, too.
    1. Depression Moon's Avatar
      Depression Moon -
      The hell?

      Also I'd rock that suit, just give me a different pair of shoes.
    1. Carl the Llama's Avatar
      Carl the Llama -
      When they say fashion I just assume its the designers way of poking fun at the idiots who buy this crap, absolutely awful with the exception of Sazh.
    1. Marshall Banana's Avatar
      Marshall Banana -
    1. Laddy's Avatar
      Laddy -
      Sazh works. Everyone else looks silly. Lightning looks like an elderly metrosexual working at a sushi bar.
    1. Mirage's Avatar
      Mirage -
      Maybe that's why I liked her.
    1. Roto13's Avatar
      Roto13 -
      Men's fashion is so boring.
    1. Shlup's Avatar
      Shlup -
      You people just don't understand high fashion. (Neither do I.)
    1. Xuna's Avatar
      Xuna -
      It looks like almost everyone agrees with me that that clothing doesn't suit lightning except Sazh's suit. It suite him quite well.
      The rest looks kind of silly. Maybe just my opinion though. ^^
    1. Mirage's Avatar
      Mirage -
      Clothing doesn't suit lightning except sazh's suit? What does that even mean? That sazh's suit would suit lightning?
    1. Rabbits on the Run's Avatar
      Rabbits on the Run -
      They look creepy.

      Why not just use real models? Why use CG? It's weird, I don't feel safe.

      And it looks like they just pasted the character's head over a models body anyway tbh.
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