• Gilgamesh & Pupu DLC

    Final Fantasy V was nice enough to lend their beloved Gilgamesh to the XIII-2 Coliseum. Not only that but Final Fantasy VIII lent their PuPu as well!

    Square stated,
    One of the complaints that people have sent our way concerning FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 and its DLC is that the battles aren't hard enough, that it's just too easy to defeat these challenges. Let me emphasize to you, that we've heard you, LOUD & CLEAR. Introducing new Coliseum opponents that are guaranteed to give you a run for your money.
    Guess that means these fellas will be a challenge. But what are they going to be like to fight?

    Gilgamesh will drop in on your characters and declare he's going to fight in a new way. A better way. They rebuilt him. Made him faster, stronger, better? Showing off some heavy caliber guns, rocket launchers, and automated weaponry, this Gilgamesh will rock you with his new robotic tech.

    He's coming in at 10,000,000 HP! If you get him low enough his sword will break and he'll do a powerful move that'll bring back another full 1,000,000 HP. It'll be a long fight but worth it when he can join your team as a Commander with a feral link of "Divider" which deals physical damage and is based on timing action from the player.

    And who else is joining?

    These guys aren't nearly as hard to beat as Gilgamesh but they will still give you a challenge. These little buggers will come out of their mothership and aggravate you to no end. But that's your target! Take out the ship and these guys will go full on rage mode and start raining meteor down on you. Then it's just a matter of whittling them down!

    Once defeated the little guys can join you and become great medics. They'll have the feral link of "Items Please!" which inflicts magic damage and increases the odds of obtaining items after battle.

    The Gilgamesh Coliseum battle can be purchased for 320 MSP or $3.99 on PSN, the PuPu Coliseum battle is priced at the discount rate of 160 MSP or $1.99 on PSN!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Gilgamesh & Pupu DLC started by Freya View original post
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