• Online store closes virtual doors for good

    Last month we brought you news of the Square Enix hacking that took their Official Online Goods Store offline. Though there was apparently no financial threat to customers with credit card details not being stored online, other information such as names and mailing addresses might have been compromised.

    A month after the breach was discovered, Square Enix has announced the permanent retirement of the site.

    Square Enix will be consolidating the defunct store's products into the official Square Enix e-store.

    The products previously vendored through the Official Online Goods Store - which was primarily focused on collectibles and character goods - aren't gone forever though. Square Enix will shift it all over to their official e-store, which has previously been only for games and music.

    Consolidating their products into a single online store after a successful breach seems like a risky idea to me though. What do you guys think?

    [Source: Kotaku]
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Online store closes virtual doors for good started by Jiro View original post
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. Futan's Avatar
      Futan -
      From a business perspective, it was moronic to have 2 e-stores to begin with.

      From a customer perspective, I don't know what to think. Maybe this other one is actually secure? Then again, I have little faith in SE's programmers. Either way, hopefully they solved whatever security lapse there was...
    1. Roogle's Avatar
      Roogle -
      I agree. I am not sure why they wanted to have two e-commerce sites in the first place.

      It makes more sense to me for a business to sell all of its good through one store. I honestly didn't even know that Square Enix sold its collectibles directly; I thought they were sent out to Japanese retailers only.
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