• SE first to license Unreal Engine 4

    Epic Games have been hard at work creating its Unreal Engine 4 and Square Enix are the first ones to publicly license it. With the latest technology at its back, Square Enix will be able to realise all of its gaming goals. Or at least, that's what I'm hoping! Perhaps now with the Unreal Engine 4, SE might put Final Fantasy Versus XIII together and release it for us. I'm expecting sexy, sexy characters graphics like we saw in the Agni's Philosophy tech demo. Wait, that was from the Luminous Engine, not Unreal 4. Who owns the Luminous Engine again? ...Oh.

    The aforementioned sexiness.

    [Source: Joystiq]
    This article was originally published in forum thread: SE first to license Unreal Engine 4 started by Jiro Jaggins View original post
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. Mirage's Avatar
      Mirage -
      God damn, the amount of misinformation on that Joystiq place you sourced. It's making my head spin!
    1. Slothy's Avatar
      Slothy -
      Those Joystiq comments are painful to read. Now for a painful comment of my own:

      Quote Originally Posted by Square Enix View Post
      Executive A: "So we just spent millions making this next-gen Luminous Engine. What should we start working on now?"

      Executive B: "Well, I hear Epic has this next-gen Unreal Engine coming out. We should probably get some licenses for that."

      Executive A: "That's a great idea. All of this cutting edge next-gen technology is going to give us a big leg up on the competition when new consoles eventually hit the market."

      Executive B: "We won't get caught with our pants down this time around."

      Middle Manager: "Shouldn't we spend some money on actually getting games out the door?"

      Executives A & B:
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