• Lara Croft Comes To Dark Horse Comics

    It's not been a secret that the new Tomb Raider game is an origin story. In fact, the whole premise and selling point of the game is that this is a young Lara, before she was a heroine. Now, to add flesh to her story Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics have joined forces with comic book company Dark Horse Comics to create an additional graphic novel.

    'Tomb Raider: The Beginning' has been written by Rhianna Pratchett, who is also the lead writer for the upcoming game. The comic reveals that Lara has been part of an Archeological TV show prior to her journey on the ship 'The Endurance' in search of a lost Japanese kingdom.

    This story will be the first of what is planned to be a six-part series. Fans will be pleased to hear that the first part is available for free when the game is pre-ordered with Best Buy.

    This will see the second time that Lara has been the feature of a comic series. In 1999 Top Crow Entertainment ran a successful comic book series about the heroine which ran for 6 years, and had 50 issues.

    The more which is released about this title, the more excited I am to see how rich and interactive this new Tomb Raider world will be, it's already shaping up to have an expansive storyline, and tonnes of video game action thrown in too. Will you be reading this comic?

    Tomb Raider is released on March 5th

    [Source: Lara Croft returns to comics in Dark Horse's Tomb Raider: The Beginning | Polygon ]
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Lara Croft Comes To Dark Horse started by Lockharted View original post
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. Formalhaut's Avatar
      Formalhaut -
      Ah, hopefully it will really flesh out her pre-heroine story quite well.
    1. Quindiana Jones's Avatar
      Quindiana Jones -
      Nice nips.
    1. NeoCracker's Avatar
      NeoCracker -
      I really enjoyed Dark Horse's comic for the introduction to Dark Siders, so maybe this will turn out well?
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