• Final Fantasy Dimensions on Sale in Play Store

    The Google Play Store is now offering Final Fantasy Dimensions at a discounted price of $9.99 instead of $19.99. This sale is for a limited time only though, so if you're looking for a bargain to kickstart your weekend, then look no further!

    Final Fantasy Dimensions is a game developed by Matrix Software and published by Square-Enix for mobiles. It features colourful 2D graphics and a job change system, and it's battle system is a slight variation on that of the active time battle system popularised by the Final Fantasy series.

    The story follows the Warriors of Light and the Warriors of Darkness on their quest to steal a crystal... The crystal ends up shattering and dividing the world into light and darkness... Sounds intriguing...

    The game has an average rating of 4.4 and is the perfect retro RPG for any Final Fantasy fanatic!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Final Fantasy Dimensions on Sale in Play Store started by Lockharted View original post
    Comments 7 Comments
    1. The Summoner of Leviathan's Avatar
      The Summoner of Leviathan -
      How is the game? Is it worth it?
    1. Cloudane's Avatar
      Cloudane -
      Looks interesting. Does it have a story to speak of? (Often the weak point of mobile games)
    1. Night Fury's Avatar
      Night Fury -
      I wrote a little bit about the story in the article

      Also, I'm not sure what the game is like as I've never played it, but it's had good reviews and ratings!
    1. DMKA's Avatar
      DMKA -
      I've been wanting to play it for awhile. I've read nothing but good things about it, aside of the price when it came out. But then, as this thread points out, that's not an issue now!
    1. Venom65437's Avatar
      Venom65437 -
      I have it, and it's a lot of fun. If you enjoy FFV, you will enjoy this.
    1. KH-Cloudy's Avatar
      KH-Cloudy -
      So far, I think it's worth it. It actually has BGM and sound! The sprites really bring me back and I think they're in HD too, wow! Thanks for posting about this deal!

      The movement is slick and I like it, you don't have to keep pressing or have the d-pad in a specific side of the screen.
    1. Cloudane's Avatar
      Cloudane -
      OH GOSH, Chrono Trigger is available too. Hnnnnnnggggggggg
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