At PAX EAST we had official confirmation from Square Enix about Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix to be released for the NA regions which includes the final mix of Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories as well as a video compilation of 358/2 Days. If you're a fan of the series but missed out on some of the games in between the main entries of 1 and 2 because of them being on handhelds you didn't own, than 1.5 is perfect for you!
At PAX East itself, the English trailer was released. Check it out for all the nostalgia feels.
Are you excited? I sure am! This game was one of the most important games to me as I was growing up so I'm very excited if it'll hit a whole new generation. Just seeing Sora team up with Beast again in beautiful HD graphics makes my heart jump a bit. (We all know that the Beast was the only character you actually replaced either Donald or Goofy with.) More so than just the Final Fantasy Characters making an appearance but all the characters from Disney's hit movies rolled into one game made the KH series one of my favorites by far.
KH 1.5 HD Remix is slated to be released later this Fall of 2013 on the Playstation 3 accompanied with Playstation trophies and all. Check with the Square Enix NA and Kingdom Hearts twitter feeds as well as our own to get the news as it's released.
So, are you enticed yet?
You can't use the excuse that you missed out on the hand held games anymore because SE took care of that problem with 1.5 and the later to be released 2.5
Hate to be a pessimist but this is just more time-wasting and money-milking. I mean we've already played the game right? How about get going on an actual new entry in this series or FF for instance. I could care less about remakes. It's just not that important to me how the graphics on an already good game could be improved by the most minute detail. Apparently it is for others though.
Hate to be a pessimist but this is just more time-wasting and money-milking. I mean we've already played the game right? How about get going on an actual new entry in this series or FF for instance. I could care less about remakes. It's just not that important to me how the graphics on an already good game could be improved by the most minute detail. Apparently it is for others though.
EDIT: Oh ya, so no. I am not enticed.
It's the Final Mix version that wasn't released out of Japan though! :O
Well part of the reason is Days was, well, it had troutty graphics, majority of cut scenes had no voices, etc, etc. It's also limiting the amount of consoles you need to play all the KH games. I mean, I don't have a DS or a 3DS and it pisses me off so bad because I just adore the KH series. I did get an emulator to cry over Days, but 3D is still a mystery to me.
I would have the same opinion as Omni-Odin for both this and FFX/X-2 HD, except the fact that I've never played the Final Mix/International versions before. So, I'm not really excited for the HD at all, because I could care less about how it looks. I'm excited for new content I've not yet had the chance to experience.
I'm that way with the psp games. I want to play them but I dont have the system. So them putting these all together actually makes me want to by the remixes. I love this series but was limited by consoles. I dont think that's so bad when releasing remakes.
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