• Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Ultimate Hits and Digital Contents Edition to be Released

    Square Enix have revealed that they are releasing a DLC heavy edition of Final Fantasy XIII-2 in Japan on July 18th. The two editions - 'Digital Contents Edition' and 'Ultimate Hits' will feature an array of the downloadable content all bundled together.

    In the Digital Contents Edition you can expect to find some of the following Colosseum opponents: Jihl Nabaat, Omega, Ultros and Typhoon, Gilgamesh, and the loveable PuPu! You can also expect to receive a tonne of costumes for Serah and Noel including: Beachwear, White Mage, Black Mage, Battle Attire, and even Mog is getting a 'Wondrous Wardrobe Costume Pack'!

    It isn't all about the Colosseum or outfits either, there are weapons and episodes available too. The Ultimate Hits contains significantly less DLC than the Digital Contents Edition.

    So again, I ask myself why Square Enix will do all of this for Japan, and not say a word about any more releases across the pond. Depending on the success, we could well see this bundle being released overseas - but do we really want it is another thing? I know that a major criticism of Final Fantasy XIII-2 was due to the price of the DLC.

    What are your thoughts on this? Are you happy to pay for DLC when you've already spent money on a game? Let me know in the comments!

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Ultimate Hits and Digital Contents Edition to be Released started by Locky View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. Jinx's Avatar
      Jinx -
      Wouldn't this just be re-downloading everything that was downloadable the first time around?
    1. Night Fury's Avatar
      Night Fury -
      Pretty much. But it's all bundled together for convenience
    1. Formalhaut's Avatar
      Formalhaut -
      It's fine if you're new to FFXIII-2, but I for one don't need it, I've already got a platinum trophy and XIII-2 and, annoyingly, bought the best of the DLC.
    1. Scotty_ffgamer's Avatar
      Scotty_ffgamer -
      This would be somewhat good for me who still has yet to play XIII-2. I don't know how much I care about the DLC stuff though, so I'd probably still just go for the older release depending on price.
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