• Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #35

    Hi there. Welcome to a new edition of Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week! Already, we are on week 35 of our weekly showcases! That's quite a lot of artwork that we have gone through over the last couple of months, and hopefully we'll go through many more weeks in the coming future! How very exciting that must be. This week shall be no different from any other week we've done in the past, nor will it be any different from the weeks we're yet to have. So why not enjoy the artwork? If there's something you like in this week's showcase, be sure to visit the artist and send them a comment or compliment along the way? And now, let's see what we have here in store for you in this week's showcase.

    TheChinesePalmTree @ DA

    Lightning Speed

    And first off, we have this great speed art of Lightning. I really like the bold use of the pinkish hue used in this piece! Very stylish.

    Marikea @ DA

    Suteki Da Ne

    A lovely drawing of Tidus and Yuna. Such a cute pair they are.

    sarrus @ DA

    --FF Tribute -- Amarant Coral

    A rather cool artwork of Amarant from FFIX. This is one of the two Amarant artworks we have this week.

    c-r-o-f-t @ DA

    Quina Quen - Final Fantasy Tribute

    Another Final Fantasy Tribute? Oh, it's a tribute featuring everyone's favorite Qu chef, Quina!

    blacksun30 @ DA

    White Moogle

    This is a nicely done picture of a moogle from FF Tactics Advanced as a White Mage. Yes, I do think it's pretty cute.

    black orb

    Amano Amarant

    A third tribute fanart done for this week. This one was done by our very own black orb! He has done an excellent job with this picture, and I do like how he based his Amarant off of Amano's design.

    chinensisXIII @ DA

    Lucrecia Crescent [color]

    Finally, we end this showcase with this lovely portrait of Lucrecia!

    That's it for this week's showcase. Was there a fan art that you enjoyed? Come back next week for another showcase, and maybe we'll feature another piece from an EoFFer! Who knows?
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #35 started by Agent Proto View original post
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. Goldenboko's Avatar
      Goldenboko -
      Some great Amarant shows! Also dat Quina pic.
    1. LadyJuxtaposition's Avatar
      LadyJuxtaposition -
      Loved the Lucrecia pic! I thought the Quina pic was funny; licking a rock while imagining it as a frog/toad.
    1. black orb's Avatar
      black orb -
      >>> Looks like some pretty good artists have joined the EoFF DA group lately.
      In fact 3 of the pictures here are also part of that other big DA gaming group thats working on a FF tribute..

      I wonder which sort of magic Proto used to lure them in..
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