• Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #36

    Hi there folks! It's that time of week where we have a showcase of amazing Final Fantasy fanart to share with you. We're well into the spring season (or fall) and already these showcases have become something quite a bit of you can't wait to see. Let's hope that this week wouldn't disappoint, so let's take a peek at what's to offer. Remember to visit the source and send the artists compliments or comments!

    librachik @ DA


    Ah, everyone's favorite villain here at EoFF. He did win Best Villain, right? Or maybe it was Funniest Character? Has to be one of them, I can't seem to remember off the bat, but I'll have to check soon. Here, enjoy a portrait of our favorite seafood, folks!

    LuisaChu @ DA

    Freya Cresent quick sketch

    A rather quick sketch of Freya, and it appears she's without her hat, so her hair is flowing free. Looks rather nice.

    dunadona @ DA

    Princess Garnet til Alexandros

    Well this is something you don't see very often. Well, actually, maybe you do see this often but you could say this is a first for EoFF's FanArt Showcase. Here's a side-by-side pic of Garnet. You could see the original sketch on the left, with the finished coloring job on the right. Either one, Garnet does look quite cute!

    AquaWaters @ DA

    Final Fantasy IV

    Good ol' Cecil! His paladin form with with former self of a Dark Knight as a shadow lurking behind. Some deep stuff in this artwork.

    Pymeg @ DA

    Rydia - Final Fantasy IV

    And finally, we close this week's showcase with this beautiful art of Rydia. The hair does really stand out in this one, along with her eyes. It's very lovely!

    And that's it for this week's showcase. Fairly small with only five fanarts to show, but there's a lot more to see in our very own DA Group. Come on by whenever you have the chance!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #36 started by Agent Proto View original post
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. Aulayna's Avatar
      Aulayna -
      Awesome Freya.
    1. Jinx's Avatar
      Jinx -
      The Freya one is awesome.

      I really love the Cecil, though. I think it captures his personality and his change so well.
    1. LadyJuxtaposition's Avatar
      LadyJuxtaposition -
      Cecil! Don't let the dark side take you again!! Lol
      Really loved the Garnet pic, especially with two different figures mirroring each other.
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